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ETD Framework setup support file (SQL)
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (`category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`, `imageurl`) VALUES
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('DEG_NAME', 'Master of Science', 'Master of Science', 'Master of Science', ''),
('DEG_NAME', 'Doctor of Education', 'Doctor of Education', 'Doctor of Education', ''),
('DEG_NAME', 'Doctor of Philosophy', 'Doctor of Philosophy', 'Doctor of Philosophy', ''),
('DEG_ROLES', 'GS', 'Guide / Supervisor', 'Guide / Supervisor', ''),
('DEG_ROLES', 'CG', 'Co-Guide / Co-Supervisor', 'Co-Guide / Co-Supervisor', ''),
('DEG_ROLES', 'CM', 'Committee Member', 'Committee Member', ''),
('DEG_TYPE', '0', 'Undergraduate (pre-masters)', 'Undergraduate (pre-masters)', ''),
('DEG_TYPE', '1', 'Masters (pre-doctoral)', 'Masters (pre-doctoral)', ''),
('DEG_TYPE', '2', 'Doctoral (includes post-doctoral)', 'Doctoral (includes post-doctoral)', '');
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