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Created October 2, 2016 21:02
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require "./point"
require "./vector"
require "./aabb"
require "./ray"
require "./color"
require "./normal"
require "./materials/*"
require "./hitable"
struct ExtendedRay
getter origin : Point
getter direction : Vector
getter s_yx : Float64, s_xy : Float64, s_zy : Float64, s_yz : Float64, s_xz : Float64, s_zx : Float64
getter c_yx : Float64, c_xy : Float64, c_zy : Float64, c_yz : Float64, c_xz : Float64, c_zx : Float64
getter x_type : Symbol
getter y_type : Symbol
getter z_type : Symbol
def classifyComponent(c : Float64)
if c.abs < 0.0001 # TODO: add global epsilon constant
c > 0.0 ? :p : :m
def initialize(ray : Ray)
@origin = ray.origin
@direction = ray.direction
@x_type = classifyComponent(@direction.x)
@y_type = classifyComponent(@direction.y)
@z_type = classifyComponent(@direction.z)
inv_x = 1.0 / @direction.x
inv_y = 1.0 / @direction.y
inv_z = 1.0 / @direction.z
# Slopes
@s_yx = @direction.x * inv_y
@s_xy = @direction.y * inv_x
@s_zy = @direction.y * inv_z
@s_yz = @direction.z * inv_y
@s_xz = @direction.z * inv_x
@s_zx = @direction.x * inv_z
# Precomputation
@c_xy = @origin.y - @s_xy * @origin.x
@c_yx = @origin.x - @s_yx * @origin.y
@c_zy = @origin.y - @s_zy * @origin.z
@c_yz = @origin.z - @s_yz * @origin.y
@c_xz = @origin.z - @s_xz * @origin.x
@c_zx = @origin.x - @s_zx * @origin.z
# TODO: why do we even need this?
def point_at_parameter(t)
@origin + (@direction * t)
def hits_aabb?(box : AABB)
{% for x_type in %w(M O P) %}
{% if x_type == "M" %} if @x_type == :m
{% elsif x_type == "O" %} elsif @x_type == :o
{% else %} else {% end %}
{% for y_type in %w(M O P) %}
{% if y_type == "M" %} if @y_type == :m
{% elsif y_type == "O" %} elsif @y_type == :o
{% else %} else {% end %}
{% for z_type in %w(M O P) %}
{% if z_type == "M" %} if @z_type == :m
{% elsif z_type == "O" %} elsif @z_type == :o
{% else %} else {% end %}
{% if x_type == "M" %}
@origin.x < box.min.x ||
{% elsif x_type == "O" %}
@origin.x < box.min.x || @origin.x > box.max.x ||
{% else %}
@origin.x > box.max.x ||
{% end %}
{% if y_type == "M" %}
@origin.y < box.min.y ||
{% elsif y_type == "O" %}
@origin.y < box.min.y || @origin.y > box.max.y ||
{% else %}
@origin.y > box.max.y ||
{% end %}
{% if z_type == "M" %}
@origin.z < box.min.z ||
{% elsif z_type == "O" %}
@origin.z < box.min.z || @origin.z > box.max.z ||
{% else %}
@origin.z > box.max.z ||
{% end %}
{% if x_type != "O" && y_type != "O" %}
@s_yx * \
{% if y_type == "P" %} box.max.y {% else %} box.min.y {% end %} - \
{% if x_type == "M" %} box.max.x {% else %} box.min.x {% end %} \
+ @c_yx \
{% if x_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
@s_xy * \
{% if x_type == "P" %} box.max.x {% else %} box.min.x {% end %} - \
{% if y_type == "M" %} box.max.y {% else %} box.min.y {% end %} \
+ @c_xy \
{% if y_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
{% end %}
{% if y_type != "O" && z_type != "O" %}
@s_zy * \
{% if z_type == "P" %} box.max.z {% else %} box.min.z {% end %} - \
{% if y_type == "M" %} box.max.y {% else %} box.min.y {% end %} \
+ @c_zy \
{% if y_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
@s_yz * \
{% if y_type == "P" %} box.max.y {% else %} box.min.y {% end %} - \
{% if z_type == "M" %} box.max.z {% else %} box.min.z {% end %} \
+ @c_yz \
{% if z_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
{% end %}
{% if z_type != "O" && x_type != "O" %}
@s_zx * \
{% if z_type == "P" %} box.max.z {% else %} box.min.z {% end %} - \
{% if x_type == "M" %} box.max.x {% else %} box.min.x {% end %} \
+ @c_zx \
{% if x_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
@s_xz * \
{% if x_type == "P" %} box.max.x {% else %} box.min.x {% end %} - \
{% if z_type == "M" %} box.max.z {% else %} box.min.z {% end %} \
+ @c_xz \
{% if z_type == "P" %} < {% else %} > {% end %} 0 ||
{% end %}
false # This is necessary so that inside the macros we can add || all the time
{% if z_type == "P" %} {{ "end".id }} {% end %}
{% end %}
{% if y_type == "P" %} {{ "end".id }} {% end %}
{% end %}
{% if x_type == "P" %} {{ "end".id }} {% end %}
{% end %}
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