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Created January 25, 2016 02:48
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# read config values from vault and export into the shell
http_response=$(curl --fail --silent --connect-timeout 3 -H "X-Vault-Token: ${VAULT_TOKEN}" -X GET http://vault:8200/v1/secret/${PF_ENV}/${PF_APP} -o $vault_secrets_filename --write-out '%{http_code}')
if [[ "$http_response" = "200" ]]; then
eval $(cat $vault_secrets_filename | jq -r '.data | to_entries[] | (.key | ascii_upcase | gsub("/";"_")) as $key | (.value) as $val | "export \($key)=${\($key):=\($val)}"')
elif [[ "$http_response" = "404" ]]; then
echo "Warning: No secrets found in vault."
echo "Fatal: Error connecting to vault! Check $vault_secrets_filename for more details."
exit 1
rm -f $vault_secrets_filename
# read config values from consul and export into the shell
http_response=$(curl --fail --silent --connect-timeout 3 -X GET http://consul:8500/v1/kv/config/${PF_ENV}/${PF_APP}?recurse=1 -o $consul_config_filename --write-out '%{http_code}')
if [[ "$http_response" = "200" ]]; then
eval $(cat $consul_config_filename | jq -r '.[] | (.Key | gsub("config/'"${PF_ENV}/${PF_APP}"'/";"") | ascii_upcase | gsub("/";"_")) as $key | (.Value | @base64d) as $val | "export \($key)=${\($key):=\($val)}"')
elif [[ "$http_response" = "404" ]]; then
echo "Warning: No configuration found in consul."
echo "Fatal: Error connecting to consul! Check $consul_config_filename for more details."
exit 1
rm -f $consul_config_filename
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