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Created August 5, 2020 17:20
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{-# OPTIONS --cubical --safe --postfix-projections #-}
module Nominal where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
renaming (isOfHLevel to IsOfHLevel; isProp to IsProp)
hiding (_∘_)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Data.Nat hiding (_⊔_)
open import Function.Base
open import Level renaming (suc to sucℓ)
record HType (n : ℕ) a : Type (sucℓ a) where
constructor htype
[_] : Type a
hLevel : IsOfHLevel n [_]
open HType public
HProp = HType 1
HSet = HType 2
Rel : ∀ {a b} (A : Type a) (B : Type b) (r : Level) → Type (a ⊔ b ⊔ sucℓ r)
Rel A B r = A → B → HProp r
module _ {a b c r s} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} where
infix 6 _◆_ _◇_
-- Relation composition
record _◆_ (R : Rel A B r) (S : Rel B C s) (x : A) (z : C)
: Type (b ⊔ r ⊔ s) where
constructor _,_
{middle} : B
left : [ R x middle ]
right : [ S middle z ]
open _◆_ public
-- In general, the squashing is necessary, because there are many choices
-- for `middle`.
_◇_ : Rel A B r → Rel B C s → Rel A C (b ⊔ r ⊔ s)
(R ◇ S) x z = htype ∥ (R ◆ S) x z ∥ squash
◆-ext : {R : Rel A B r} {S : Rel B C s} {x : A} {z : C} →
{c d : (R ◆ S) x z} → c .middle ≡ d .middle → c ≡ d
◆-ext p i .middle = p i
◆-ext {R = R} {x = x} {c = c} {d} p i .left =
isProp→PathP (λ i → R x (p i) .hLevel) (c .left) (d .left) i
◆-ext {S = S} {z = z} {c = c} {d} p i .right =
isProp→PathP (λ i → S (p i) z .hLevel) (c .right) (d .right) i
Id : ∀ {a} (A : HSet a) → Rel [ A ] [ A ] a
Id A x y = htype (x ≡ y) (A .hLevel x y)
record RelIso {ℓ} (A B : HSet ℓ) : Type (sucℓ ℓ) where
to : Rel [ A ] [ B ] ℓ
from : Rel [ B ] [ A ] ℓ
to-from : to ◇ from ≡ Id A
from-to : from ◇ to ≡ Id B
infixl 5 _>>_
_>>_ : ∀ {a b c} {A : Type a} {B : Type b} {C : Type c} →
(A → B) → (B → C) → (A → C)
(f >> g) x = g (f x)
record SetIso {ℓ} (A B : HSet ℓ) : Type (sucℓ ℓ) where
to : [ A ] → [ B ]
from : [ B ] → [ A ]
to-from : to >> from ≡ id
from-to : from >> to ≡ id
module _ where
open RelIso
open SetIso
RelIso→SetIso : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : HSet ℓ} → RelIso A B → SetIso A B
RelIso→SetIso i .to x =
rec isProp id (subst (λ T → [ T x x ]) (sym (i .to-from)) refl) .middle
module To where
isProp : IsProp ((i .to ◆ i .from) x x)
isProp c d = ◆-ext
(subst (λ T → [ T (c .middle) (d .middle) ]) (i .from-to)
∣ c .right , d .left ∣)
RelIso→SetIso i .from y =
rec isProp id (subst (λ T → [ T y y ]) (sym (i .from-to)) refl) .middle
module From where
isProp : IsProp ((i .from ◆ i .to) y y)
isProp c d = ◆-ext
(subst (λ T → [ T (c .middle) (d .middle) ]) (i .to-from)
∣ c .right , d .left ∣)
RelIso→SetIso {A = A} i .to-from = funExt λ x → elim
{P = λ z → from-i (rec (To.isProp i x) id z .middle) ≡ x}
(λ _ → A .hLevel _ _)
(λ (_,_ {y} to-l to-r) → elim
{P = λ z → rec (From.isProp i y) id z .middle ≡ x}
(λ _ → A .hLevel _ _)
(λ (_,_ {z} from-l from-r) →
subst (λ T → [ T z x ]) (i .to-from) ∣ from-r , to-r ∣)
(subst (λ T → [ T y y ]) (sym (i .from-to)) refl))
(subst (λ T → [ T x x ]) (sym (i .to-from)) refl)
to-i = RelIso→SetIso i .to
from-i = RelIso→SetIso i .from
RelIso→SetIso {B = B} i .from-to = funExt λ x → elim
{P = λ z → to-i (rec (From.isProp i x) id z .middle) ≡ x}
(λ _ → B .hLevel _ _)
(λ (_,_ {y} from-l from-r) → elim
{P = λ z → rec (To.isProp i y) id z .middle ≡ x}
(λ _ → B .hLevel _ _)
(λ (_,_ {z} to-l to-r) →
subst (λ T → [ T z x ]) (i .from-to) ∣ to-r , from-r ∣)
(subst (λ T → [ T y y ]) (sym (i .to-from)) refl))
(subst (λ T → [ T x x ]) (sym (i .from-to)) refl)
to-i = RelIso→SetIso i .to
from-i = RelIso→SetIso i .from
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