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Last active February 28, 2022 09:23
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Find block that one account has code
''' Python script to find the earliest block that an account has code.
python3 [node_url] [address]
import sys
from typing import Union
from thor_requests.connect import Connect
def account_has_code(connector: Connect, account_address: str, block_number: int) -> bool:
''' Fill your judgment function here, return True/False '''
account = connector.get_account(account_address, str(block_number))
return account['hasCode']
def get_best_block_number(connector: Connect) -> int:
''' Fill in your logic of : get "best" block, return the number of the block'''
block = connector.get_block("best", True)
return int(block["number"])
def binary_search(connector: Connect, account_address: str, start_n: int, end_n: int) -> Union[int, None]:
''' Find the first block number, that this account DOES NOT "hasCode"
This ensures we find it within log2(N) times, where N = end_n - start_n
N = 1 million, find it in 19.9 times
print(f'Search blocks: {start_n} till {end_n}')
pivot = int((start_n + end_n) / 2)
if pivot == start_n or pivot == end_n:
return pivot
if account_has_code(connector, account_address, pivot):
return binary_search(connector, account_address, start_n, pivot)
return binary_search(connector, account_address, pivot, end_n)
def earliest_block_that_account_does_not_have_code(connector: Connect, account_address: str):
''' Wrapper function to cover some edge cases '''
# Set up boundary
latest_block_n = get_best_block_number(connector)
first_block_n = 1
# Anti stupid
if not account_has_code(connector, account_address, latest_block_n):
raise Exception(f"Wow, this account {account_address} doesn't have code at all till now!")
# Anti stupid
if account_has_code(connector, account_address, first_block_n):
raise Exception(f"Wow, this account already has code before #{first_block_n} block, try go more way back!!")
# Now we sure to find the n in the between start and end
return binary_search(connector, account_address, first_block_n, latest_block_n)
if __name__ == "__main__":
node_url = sys.argv[1]
address = sys.argv[2]
connector = Connect(node_url)
result = earliest_block_that_account_does_not_have_code(connector, address)
print(result + 1) # This is the time when the account first "HAS" code
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