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Created March 1, 2022 00:07
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Wineprefix tmpfs synchronization sample
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
cat <<-EOF
${0} "\${WINEPREFIX}" [ "\${game_name}" ]
exit 0
# tmpfs mount point, e.g. /mnt/fast
declare tmpfsDir=/mnt/fast
# lutris games folder, e.g. /mnt/space/lutris/games
declare lutrisGamesDir=/mnt/space/lutris/games
# maximum tmpfs size in Gibibytes (base 1024)
# tmpfs could also be mounted with a size option of this size
declare maxTmpfsSize=70
declare -p tmpfsDir lutrisGamesDir maxTmpfsSize
if ! echo "${1}" | grep -q "${tmpfsDir}"; then
exit 0
declare dest=$(find "${lutrisGamesDir}" -type d -name "${1##*/}")
declare gameName="${2}"
declare src="${1}"
declare -p src
if [[ -z "${gameName}" ]]; then
declare -p dest gameName
# Note: One rsync process is spawned for generator, sender and
# receiver, which results in copying to prefix subdirectory
# removing the prefix folder suffix because of that
rsync -au --no-i-r --info=progress2 "${src}" "${dest}" | \
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tr '\r' '\n' | \
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 awk -f ~/scripts/rsync.awk | \
zenity --progress --text="Copying ${gameName} from ram" \
--auto-kill --title="Copy from ram" --auto-close
# auto-kill is not reliable for the 3 processes
killall rsync
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
cat <<-EOF
${0} "\${WINEPREFIX}" [ "\${game_name}" ]
exit 0
# tmpfs mount point, e.g. /mnt/fast
declare tmpfsDir=/mnt/schnell
# lutris games folder, e.g. /mnt/space/lutris/games
declare lutrisGamesDir=/mnt/platz/lutris/games
# maximum tmpfs size in Gibibytes (base 1024)
# tmpfs could also be mounted with a size option of this size
declare maxTmpfsSize=70
declare -p tmpfsDir lutrisGamesDir maxTmpfsSize
if ! echo "${1}" | grep -q "${tmpfsDir}"; then
exit 0
declare src=$(find "${lutrisGamesDir}" -type d -name "${1##*/}")
declare dest="${1}"
declare gameName="${2}"
declare -p src
declare -i srcSize=$(du -s --block-size=1G "${src}" | grep -oe '^[[:digit:]]\+')
declare -i fsSize=$(du -s --block-size=1G "${tmpfsDir}" | grep -oe '^[[:digit:]]\+')
declare -p srcSize fsSize
if (( ${srcSize} + ${fsSize} > ${maxTmpfsSize} )) && [[ ! -d "${dest}" ]]; then
[[ -n "${tmpfsDir}" ]] && rm -rf "${tmpfsDir}"/*
if [[ -z "${gameName}" ]]; then
declare -p dest gameName
# Note: One rsync process is spawned for generator, sender and
# receiver, which results in copying to prefix subdirectory
# omitting the prefix folder suffix because of that
rsync -au --no-i-r --info=progress2 "${src}" "${tmpfsDir}" | \
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 tr '\r' '\n' | \
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 awk -f ~/scripts/rsync.awk | \
zenity --progress --text="Copying ${gameName} to ram" \
--auto-kill --title="Copy to ram" --auto-close
# auto-kill would kill just one rsync process
killall rsync
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