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Last active July 1, 2024 13:27
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module SafeModule =
let strToInt (str: string) : int option =
match System.Int32.TryParse str with
| true, i -> Some i
| _ -> None
type TestflowBuilder() =
member this.Bind(x: 'b option, f: 'b -> 'a option) : 'a option = Option.bind f x
member this.Return(x: 'a) : 'a option = Some x
let testflow = new TestflowBuilder()
let stringAddWorkflow x y z =
testflow {
let! a = strToInt x
let! b = strToInt y
let! c = strToInt z
return a + b + c
module UnsafeModule =
let strToInt (str: string) : int = int str
type TestflowBuilder() =
member this.Bind(x: 'b, f: 'b -> 'a) = f x
member this.Return(x: 'a) = x
let testflow = new TestflowBuilder()
let stringAddWorkflow x y z =
testflow {
let! a = strToInt x
let! b = strToInt y
let! c = strToInt z
return a + b + c
// Part 1
let safeGood: int option = SafeModule.stringAddWorkflow "12" "3" "2"
let safeBad: int option = SafeModule.stringAddWorkflow "12" "xyz" "2"
printfn "%A and %A" safeGood safeBad
let unsafeGood: int = UnsafeModule.stringAddWorkflow "12" "3" "2"
printfn "%A" unsafeGood
let unsafeBad: int = UnsafeModule.stringAddWorkflow "12" "xyz" "2"
printfn "%A" unsafeBad
with e ->
printfn "An exception was thrown: %A" e
// Part 2
let strAdd (str: string) (i: int) : int option =
SafeModule.testflow {
let! (x: int) = SafeModule.strToInt str
return x + i
let (>>=) (m: 'a option) (f: 'a -> 'b option) = SafeModule.testflow.Bind(m, f)
let good: int option = SafeModule.strToInt "1" >>= strAdd "2" >>= strAdd "3"
let bad: int option = SafeModule.strToInt "1" >>= strAdd "xyz" >>= strAdd "3"
printfn "Part 2: %A and %A" good bad
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