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Created April 5, 2021 23:21
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use std::{
fmt::{self, Debug},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
mod token_cell {
use super::*;
pub unsafe trait Token: Send + Sync {}
macro_rules! token {
() => {{
use token_cell::Token;
fn mint_token() -> impl Token {
struct ThrowawayType;
unsafe impl Token for ThrowawayType {}
unsafe impl<T, Tok> Send for TokenCell<T, Tok> where T: Send, Tok: Token {}
unsafe impl<T, Tok> Sync for TokenCell<T, Tok> where T: Send + Sync, Tok: Token {}
pub struct TokenCell<T, Tok> {
_marker: PhantomData<Tok>,
value: UnsafeCell<T>,
impl<T, Tok> TokenCell<T, Tok> {
pub const fn new(value: T) -> Self {
TokenCell {
_marker: PhantomData,
value: UnsafeCell::new(value),
impl<T, Tok: Token> TokenCell<T, Tok> {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> T {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &T {
pub fn from_mut(t: &mut T) -> &mut Self {
unsafe {
// Safety: `T` and `TokenCell<T, _>` have an identical representation.
pub fn borrow<'a>(&'a self, _token: &'a Tok) -> &'a T {
unsafe {
pub fn borrow_mut<'a>(&'a self, _token: &'a mut Tok) -> &'a mut T {
unsafe {
&mut *self.value.get()
} // mod anon_cell
mod static_rc {
use super::*;
/// Parameters:
/// - T: the value owned, shared.
/// - C / N: the ratio of shares owned by the current instance.
pub struct StaticRc<T: ?Sized, const C: usize, const N: usize> {
pointer: NonNull<T>,
impl<T, const N: usize> StaticRc<T, N, N> {
pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
let pointer = NonNull::from(Box::leak(Box::new(value)));
Self { pointer }
pub fn into_inner(this: Self) -> T {
// Safety:
// - C == N, hence complete ownership.
let b = unsafe { Box::from_raw(this.pointer.as_ptr()) };
impl<T: ?Sized, const C: usize, const N: usize> StaticRc<T, C, N> {
/// Returns the (non-null) pointer.
pub fn as_ptr(this: &Self) -> NonNull<T> { this.pointer }
/// Adjusts the ratio of shares to a different base; the ratio is preserved.
pub fn adjust<const D: usize, const O: usize>(this: Self) -> StaticRc<T, D, O> {
// C / N == D / O
// <=> C * O == D * N.
assert_eq!(C.checked_mul(O).unwrap(), D.checked_mul(N).unwrap(),
"{} / {} != {} / {}", C, N, D, O);
let pointer = this.pointer;
StaticRc { pointer }
/// Splits the count C into A and Tok, where A + Tok = C.
pub fn split<const A: usize, const B: usize>(this: Self) -> (StaticRc<T, A, N>, StaticRc<T, B, N>) {
assert_eq!(C, A + B, "{} != {} + {}", C, A, B);
let pointer = this.pointer;
(StaticRc { pointer }, StaticRc { pointer })
/// Joins the counts together, where A + C = TOTAL.
/// Panics if the pointer between the two handles differ.
pub fn join<const TOTAL: usize, const A: usize>(this: Self, other: StaticRc<T, A, N>) -> StaticRc<T, TOTAL, N> {
assert_eq!(C + A, TOTAL, "{} + {} != {}", C, A, TOTAL);
debug_assert!(TOTAL <= N, "{} > {}", TOTAL, N);
assert_eq!(this.pointer, other.pointer);
let pointer = this.pointer;
StaticRc { pointer }
impl<T: ?Sized, const C: usize, const N: usize> Drop for StaticRc<T, C, N> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
assert_eq!(C, N, "attempted to drop a `StaticRc` without full ownership");
// Safety:
// - C == N, hence complete ownership.
// - `self.pointer` was allocated by Box.
unsafe { Box::from_raw(self.pointer.as_ptr()) };
impl<T: ?Sized + Debug, const C: usize, const N: usize> Debug for StaticRc<T, C, N> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
let value: &T = &*self;
write!(f, "StaticRc<_, {}, {}>{{{:?}}}", C, N, value)
impl<T: ?Sized, const C: usize, const N: usize> Deref for StaticRc<T, C, N> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T { unsafe { self.pointer.as_ref() } }
impl<T: ?Sized, const N: usize> DerefMut for StaticRc<T, N, N> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T { unsafe { self.pointer.as_mut() } }
} // mod static_rc
mod linked_list {
use super::token_cell::{TokenCell, Token};
use super::static_rc::StaticRc;
type TokenNode<T, Tok> = TokenCell<Node<T, Tok>, Tok>;
type HalfNodePtr<T, Tok> = StaticRc<TokenNode<T, Tok>, 1, 2>;
type FullNodePtr<T, Tok> = StaticRc<TokenNode<T, Tok>, 2, 2>;
struct Node<T, Tok> {
data: T,
prev: Option<HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>>,
next: Option<HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>>,
pub struct List<T, Tok> {
token: Tok,
head_tail: Option<(HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>, HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>)>,
impl<T, Tok: Token> List<T, Tok> {
pub fn new(token: Tok) -> Self {
Self { token, head_tail: None, }
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.head_tail.is_none() }
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
while let Some(_) = self.pop_back() {}
pub fn front(&self) -> Option<&T> {
self.head_tail.as_ref().map(|(head, _)| {
pub fn front_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
// Work-around lack of field-borrow in closures.
let token = &mut self.token;
self.head_tail.as_mut().map(move |(head, _)| {
&mut head.borrow_mut(token).data
pub fn back(&self) -> Option<&T> {
self.head_tail.as_ref().map(|(_, tail)| {
pub fn back_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut T> {
// Work-around lack of field-borrow in closures.
let token = &mut self.token;
self.head_tail.as_mut().map(move |(_, tail)| {
&mut tail.borrow_mut(token).data
pub fn push_front(&mut self, data: T) {
let (one, two) = List::new_halves(data);
let head_tail = if let Some((head, tail)) = self.head_tail.take() {
head.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).prev = Some(one);
two.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).next = Some(head);
(two, tail)
} else {
(one, two)
self.head_tail = Some(head_tail);
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let (head, tail) = self.head_tail.take()?;
if StaticRc::as_ptr(&head) == StaticRc::as_ptr(&tail) {
return Some(Self::into_inner(head, tail));
let next = head.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).next.take()
.expect("Non-tail should have a next node");
let other_head = next.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).prev.take()
.expect("Non-head should have a previous node");
self.head_tail = Some((next, tail));
Some(Self::into_inner(head, other_head))
pub fn push_back(&mut self, data: T) {
let (one, two) = List::new_halves(data);
let head_tail = if let Some((head, tail)) = self.head_tail.take() {
tail.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).next = Some(one);
two.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).prev = Some(tail);
(head, two)
} else {
(one, two)
self.head_tail = Some(head_tail);
pub fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
let (head, tail) = self.head_tail.take()?;
if StaticRc::as_ptr(&head) == StaticRc::as_ptr(&tail) {
return Some(Self::into_inner(head, tail));
let prev = tail.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).prev.take()
.expect("Non-head should have a previous node");
let other_tail = prev.borrow_mut(&mut self.token).next.take()
.expect("Non-tail should have a next node");
self.head_tail = Some((head, prev));
Some(Self::into_inner(tail, other_tail))
fn new_halves(data: T) -> (HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>, HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>) {
let node = Node { data, prev: None, next: None, };
let full = FullNodePtr::new(TokenNode::new(node));
StaticRc::split::<1, 1>(full)
fn into_inner(left: HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>, right: HalfNodePtr<T, Tok>) -> T {
let full = HalfNodePtr::join::<2, 1>(left, right);
let token_cell = FullNodePtr::into_inner(full);
let node = TokenNode::into_inner(token_cell);
// If the node still has a prev and next, they are leaked.
} // mod linked_list
use linked_list::List;
fn main() {
let token = token!();
let mut list = List::new(token);
list.push_back("Hello, World again!".to_string());
list.push_back("Hello, World!".to_string());
while let Some(element) = list.pop_back() {
println!("{:?}", element);
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