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Created October 6, 2023 13:31
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zio-http Benchmark Program
package example
import{HttpClient, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import zio.Console._
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.http.netty.NettyConfig
import zio.http.netty.client.NettyClientDriver
// import zio.profiling.sampling._
object Perf extends ZIOAppDefault {
val batchRepeatTimes = 10
case class TestData(
var sum: Long = 0,
var times: Int = 0,
var batchSum: Long = 0,
var batchTimes: Int = 0) {
def update(single: Long, batch: Long) {
sum += single
times += 1
batchSum += batch
batchTimes += batchRepeatTimes
def update(data: (Long, Long)) {
update(data._1, data._2)
override def toString = {
val singlePrint = if (times == 0) "N/A" else s"${sum / times} ms/req"
val batchPrint = if (batchTimes == 0) "N/A" else s"${batchSum / batchTimes} ms/req"
s"{single (${times} requests): ${singlePrint}}; batch (${batchTimes} requests): ${batchPrint}"
var noPoolData = TestData()
var javaData = TestData()
var defaultData = TestData()
val clientNoPoolLayer = {
val config = ZLayer.succeed(Client.Config.default.disabledConnectionPool)
val driver = (ZLayer.succeed(NettyConfig.defaultWithFastShutdown) >>>
val dnsResolver = DnsResolver.default
(config ++ driver ++ dnsResolver >>> Client.customized)
val url = "" // poor google :>
def reqZIO(clientLayer: ZLayer[Any, Throwable, Client]) : ZIO[Any, Throwable, (Long, Long)] = {
val requestZIO : ZIO[Client, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.scoped {
for {
resp <- Client.request(Request.get(url))
_ <- resp.body.asString
} yield ()
for {
beginMs <- Clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
out <- clientLayer { for {
// make single request and end clock
_ <- requestZIO
endMs <- Clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val single = endMs - beginMs
// batch request
batch <- requestZIO.repeatN(batchRepeatTimes)
} yield (single, batch)
} yield out
def reqJava() : ZIO[Any, Throwable, (Long, Long)] = {
def requestZIO(client: HttpClient) = for {
request <- ZIO.succeed(HttpRequest.newBuilder.uri(URI.create(url))
_ <- ZIO.attempt { client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString) }
} yield ()
for {
beginMs <- Clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
val javaClient = HttpClient.newHttpClient
_ <- requestZIO(javaClient)
endMs <- Clock.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
single <- ZIO.succeed(endMs - beginMs)
batch <- requestZIO(javaClient).repeatN(batchRepeatTimes)
} yield (single, batch)
var iteration = 0
def run = ZIO.scoped {
ZIO.iterate(0)(_ => true){iteration =>
for {
_ <- reqZIO(clientNoPoolLayer).map(noPoolData.update)
_ <-
_ <- reqZIO(Client.default).map(defaultData.update)
_ <- ZIO.when(iteration % 3 == 0){
printLine(s"--- Iteration: ${iteration} ---") *>
printLine(s"No connection pool: ${noPoolData}") *>
printLine(s"Java HttpClient: ${javaData}") *>
printLine(s"Default Client: ${defaultData}")
} yield (iteration+1)
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