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Created July 11, 2012 20:39
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Solution to first puzzle published in the Communications of the ACM May 2012 issue
(ns acmcom-mai-puzzle.alt
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :refer [subsets]]
[clojure.set :refer [subset?]]))
(def puzzle-pieces (set (map set (reverse (subsets [:h :v :d1 :d2])))))
(def default-path (range 0 16))
(def empty-table (vec (repeat 16 #{})))
(def v-constraint-idx (memoize (fn [i]
(range (rem i 4) 16 4 ))))
(def h-constraint-idx (memoize (fn [i] (let [start (- i (rem i 4))]
(range start (+ start 4) )))))
(def d1-constraint-idx (memoize (fn [i]
(some (fn [indices]
(when (.contains indices i) indices))
[ [0]
[1 4]
[2 5 8]
[3 6 9 12]
[7 10 13]
[11 14]
(def d2-constraint-idx (memoize (fn [i]
(some (fn [indices]
(when (.contains indices i) indices))
[2 7]
[1 6 11]
[0 5 10 15]
[4 9 14]
[8 13]
(def affected-positions {
:h h-constraint-idx
:v v-constraint-idx
:d1 d1-constraint-idx
:d2 d2-constraint-idx})
(defn can-place? [puzzle pos grid ]
(when (subset? (grid pos) puzzle)
(assoc grid pos puzzle)))
(defn add-constraint [pos grid constraint]
(reduce (fn [grid curr-pos]
(when grid
(if (<= curr-pos pos)
;; shouldn't introduce new constraint
(when ((grid curr-pos) constraint) grid)
;; simply add constraint to unoccupied fields
(update-in grid [curr-pos] #(conj % constraint)))))
((affected-positions constraint) pos)))
(defn place-puzzle [puzzle pos grid]
(when-let [new-grid (can-place? puzzle pos grid)]
[puzzle (reduce (partial add-constraint pos) new-grid (seq puzzle))]))
(defn select-candidates [puzzles grid grid-pos]
(->> puzzles
(map #(when-let [puzzle-grid-pair (place-puzzle % grid-pos grid)] puzzle-grid-pair))
(filter (fn [[puzzle new-grid]] (not (nil? new-grid))))))
(defn solve [rem-puzzles grid next-grid-pos]
(if (> next-grid-pos 15)
;; we've solved it
;; else solve it
(fn [ [candidate new-grid]]
(solve (disj rem-puzzles candidate)
(inc next-grid-pos)))
(select-candidates rem-puzzles grid next-grid-pos))))
(prn (solve puzzle-pieces empty-table 0))
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