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Created February 20, 2013 15:15
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How to load triples into Stardog Convenience script for running SPARQL queries against Stardog
+You should almost always import data when you create a new database.
+I could load 40k triples/sec, 10M triples under 4 minutes
+Follow the quickstart guide at
+If you have triples in multiple files (.rdf,.n3,.nt, etc.) just use
+zip file1 file2 ....
+to compress it, it will speedup the load.
+then run
+./stardog-admin create -n myDB -t D -u admin -p admin \
+ --server snarl://localhost:5820/
PREFIXES="PREFIX dbpedia-owl: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX gr: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX pto: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xsd: <> "
if [ $# -lt 2 ];then
echo "Missing required parmater"
echo "Usage: qstardog DBNAME \"SPARQLQUERY\""
echo "Usage: qstardog foodb \"SELECT ?offer { ?offer a gr:Offering }\""
echo "Predefined prefixes:"
echo "$PREFIXES"
./stardog query -c "http://localhost:5822/$1;reasoning=RDFS" -q "$PREFIXES $2"
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