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Created May 26, 2012 00:14
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Save lad1337/2791364 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
applescript that will add mp3s to itunes with some extras
# this script will go thru all sub folders (recursively) and look for mp3s it will add these mp3s to iTunes
# after all mp3s where added iTunes "Match" will be updated (optional)
# all mps3 will be deleted (optional)
# for every added files a growl message is send (optional)
# please see propertys bellow for settings. 0 = Off / No. 1 = ON / Yes
# USAGE: set this script as a folder action for a folder you want to watch or use it from the command line with: osascript add_mp3s_to_itunes.scpt <folder_to_process>
# for use with sabnzbd create a "" python script and place it next to this file. the contense is as follows (without the leading "(*" and trailing "*)"):
import sys, os
from subprocess import call
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "No folder supplied - is this being called from SABnzbd?"
scriptFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "add_mp3s_to_itunes.scpt")
call(['osascript', scriptFile, sys.argv[1]])
# NOTE: this script will log stuff in "~/Library/Logs/AppleScript-events.log"
# NOTE: the update_match currently only works with system language "en" or "de", because i dont know the menu names for other languages but they can be added
property update_match : 0 -- should i tell to itunes update match ? this might bring itunes into front (GUI scripting)
property delete_mp3s : 1 -- should the added mp3s be deleted ?
property send_growl_notifications : 1 -- should growl notifications be send for each file ?
property boxcar_user_email : "" -- fill in your email adress you used for boxcar to send boxcar notification on finish. leave blank for none
property DELAY_TIME_SECONDS : 3 -- How long to wait between checking file size.
property myFiletypes : {".mp3"}
property enable_dialog : 0 -- should there be a question dialog at all? dont know why you would wan that but its kinda a leftover from the development
property dialog_timeout : 30 -- set the amount of time before dialogs auto-answer. it will say "no" after the amount of time
property test_folder : "HDD:lad1337:Desktop:add_mp3_test:" -- process this folder if no argument is given great for testing from within the script editor
property more_debug : 0 -- log more information
------------------- no need to edit the folowing stuff
property out_buffer : "" -- this does not concern you !! (its an output buffer with all log messages that is returned at the end for terminal usage)
property number_of_mp3s : 0 -- counting the mp3s added to iTunes per run
property scriptGrowlName : "Add mp3s to iTunes script" -- the name that will appear in the growl application list
-- logging function from
on log_event(themessage)
set theLine to (do shell script ¬
"date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" as string) ¬
& " " & themessage
-- the line break in next lines "" is not a misstake. its the newline for the output buffer
set out_buffer to out_buffer & theLine & "
set theLine to the quoted form of theLine -- make stuff console save
do shell script "echo " & theLine & " >> ~/Library/Logs/AppleScript-events.log"
end log_event
-- growl stuff from
-- growl init
on init_growl()
tell application "System Events"
set growlIsRunning to (count of (every process whose bundle identifier is "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp")) > 0
end tell
if growlIsRunning then
tell application id "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp"
-- Make a list of all the notification types
-- that this script will ever send:
set the allNotificationsList to {"Adding a file"}
-- Make a list of the notifications
-- that will be enabled by default.
set the enabledNotificationsList to {"Adding a file"}
-- Register our script with growl.
-- for this script's notifications.
register as application ¬
scriptGrowlName all notifications allNotificationsList ¬
default notifications enabledNotificationsList icon of application "Script Editor"
end tell
end if
end init_growl
-- growl send message function
on send_growl_msg(themessage)
if send_growl_notifications is 1 then
tell application "System Events"
set growlIsRunning to (count of (every process whose bundle identifier is "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp")) > 0
end tell
if growlIsRunning then
tell application id "com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp"
-- Send a Notification...
notify with name ¬
"Adding a file" title ¬
"Adding a file to iTunes" description ¬
themessage application name scriptGrowlName
end tell
end if
end if
end send_growl_msg
-- end growl helper functions
-- send boxcar notification
on send_boxcar_msg(msg)
set the msg to replace_chars(msg, " ", "+")
log_event("sending boxcar notification: " & msg)
set boxcarStatus to do shell script ("curl -S -d 'email=" & boxcar_user_email & "' -d '&notification[from_screen_name]=" & scriptGrowlName & "' -d '&notification[message]=" & msg & "' -D- -o/dev/null | grep '^Status' | sed 's/Status:[ ]*//g'")
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("boxcarStatus: " & boxcarStatus)
end if
set boxcarStatus to boxcarStatus as integer
return boxcarStatus
on error errorStr
log_event("send notification failed: " & errorStr)
end try
return 0
end send_boxcar_msg
-- get the system language from
on get_sys_language()
set SystemLanguage to do shell script "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLanguages | grep -v '^(' | head -n1 | sed 's/[ ,]*//g'"
return SystemLanguage
end get_sys_language
on replace_chars(this_text, search_string, replacement_string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string
set the item_list to every text item of this_text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string
set this_text to the item_list as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return this_text
end replace_chars
-- recursive process folder
-- based on
on process_folder(folderNameToProcess)
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("now looking into folder " & folderNameToProcess)
end if
tell application "Finder"
set theItems to every file of folder folderNameToProcess
repeat with theFile in theItems
my process_file(theFile)
end repeat
set theFolders to name of folders of folder folderNameToProcess
repeat with theFolder in theFolders
copy theFolder as string to TheFolderName
set nextFolder to folderNameToProcess & ":" & TheFolderName
my process_folder(nextFolder)
on error errStr
my log_event("process_folder error")
my log_event("error: " & errStr)
end try
end repeat
end tell
end process_folder
-- looking at a file
-- basic idea from
-- and
on process_file(myfile)
set f to (myfile as alias) -- i dont know what this does / why its needed
set the file_path to the quoted form of the POSIX path of f
-- the POSIX path because logging "f" does not work / crashes when the files has a ->'
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("looking at file " & file_path)
end if
tell application "Finder" to set myItemExtension to "." & (name extension of f) as string
-- do we have a mp3 file ?
if myFiletypes contains myItemExtension then
-- it will check if the file that was added is still beeing copied by checking the size every <DELAY_TIME_SECONDS>
set oldSize to 0
set newSize to -1
-- When newSize equals oldSize, it means the copy is complete because the size hasn't changed.
repeat while newSize is not equal to oldSize
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("looking at file size")
end if
-- Get the file size.
set oldSize to size of (info for f)
-- Sample the size again after delay for comparison.
set newSize to size of (info for f)
end repeat
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("done looking at file size")
end if
if enable_dialog is 1 then
set alert_message to ("Add file to iTunes:" & file_path & return & return) as Unicode text
display dialog the alert_message buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 with icon 1 giving up after dialog_timeout
set the user_choice to the button returned of the result
set the user_choice to "Yes"
end if
if user_choice is "Yes" then
log_event("adding file to itunes: " & file_path)
tell application "iTunes"
add f
end tell
set number_of_mp3s to number_of_mp3s + 1
if delete_mp3s is 1 then
do shell script ("rm -f " & file_path)
end if
on error errStr
log_event("error adding file to itunes: " & file_path)
log_event("error: " & errStr)
end try
end if
if more_debug is 1 then
log_event("not an mp3")
end if
end if
end process_file
-- main stuff
on main(root)
log_event("running " & scriptGrowlName)
set number_of_mp3s to 0
-- growl stuff
-- this will look at all files and folder recursively
if update_match is 1 then
log_event("telling itunes to update match")
-- en and default menu item names
set match_menu_item to "Update iTunes Match"
set store_menu_item to "Store"
-- get system language
set cur_lang to get_sys_language()
-- feel free to add more languages
if cur_lang is "de" then
set match_menu_item to "iTunes Match aktualisieren"
set store_menu_item to "Store"
end if
tell application "iTunes" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "iTunes"
click menu item match_menu_item of menu 1 of menu bar item store_menu_item of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Events"
set visible of process "iTunes" to false
end tell
end try
end if
-- boxcar stuff
if boxcar_user_email is not "" then
tell application "Finder"
set folder_name to name of folder root
end tell
set boxcar_msg to "Added " & number_of_mp3s & " songs to iTunes from " & folder_name
set boxcar_status to send_boxcar_msg(boxcar_msg)
if boxcar_status is 401 then
log_event("subscribing to boxcar 'Monitoring' service")
do shell script ("curl -d 'email=" & boxcar_user_email & "'")
delay 3
if send_boxcar_msg(boxcar_msg) is not 200 then
log_event("sending boxcar notification failed. check email and the 'Monitoring' service in boxcar")
end if
end if
end if
log_event(scriptGrowlName & " done")
end main
-- the run method. it is called when run with osascript or from the script editor
on run argv
set out_buffer to ""
if (count of argv) > 0 then
set pathToProcess to item 1 of argv
log_event("called with argument: " & pathToProcess)
set pathToProcess to POSIX file pathToProcess as string
-- test function
end if
return out_buffer
end run
-- folder action "hook"
-- this can also be used as folder action … it will always look at everything in that foler
on adding folder items to thisFolder after receiving theItems
set out_buffer to ""
end adding folder items to
import sys, os
from subprocess import call
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print "No folder supplied - is this being called from SABnzbd?"
scriptFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "add_mp3s_to_itunes.scpt")
call(['osascript', scriptFile, sys.argv[1]])
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