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Created August 21, 2015 19:24
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Save ladc/26e3c35d6839365e91cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-- This is the LuaJIT implementation of Smoothsort [1], a comparison-based
-- sorting algorithm with worst-case asymptotic O(n log n) behaviour, best-case
-- O(n) behaviour, and a smooth transition in between. Largely based on the C++
-- code by Keith Schwarz [2], translated to LuaJIT by Lesley De Cruz.
-- [1] Dijkstra, E. W. (1982). Smoothsort, an alternative for sorting in situ.
-- Science of Computer Programming, 1(3), 223-233.
-- [2] Schwarz, K. Smoothsort demystified.
local ffi = require("ffi")
local n_leonardo_numbers = 46
local heap_shape_t = ffi.typeof([[
struct {int32_t min_size; bool flags[?]; }
local abi32 = true
local leonardo_numbers, heap_shape
if ffi.abi("32bit") then
n_leonardo_numbers = 46
leonardo_numbers ="int32_t[?]", n_leonardo_numbers, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 41, 67, 109, 177, 287, 465, 753, 1219, 1973, 3193, 5167, 8361, 13529, 21891, 35421, 57313, 92735, 150049, 242785, 392835, 635621, 1028457, 1664079, 2692537, 4356617, 7049155, 11405773, 18454929, 29860703, 48315633, 78176337, 126491971, 204668309, 331160281, 535828591, 866988873, 1402817465, 2269806339, 3672623805)
heap_shape ="int32_t[?]",n_leonardo_numbers)
abi32 = false
n_leonardo_numbers = 92
leonardo_numbers ="int64_t[?]", n_leonardo_numbers, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 41, 67, 109, 177, 287, 465, 753, 1219, 1973, 3193, 5167, 8361, 13529, 21891, 35421, 57313, 92735, 150049, 242785, 392835, 635621, 1028457, 1664079, 2692537, 4356617, 7049155, 11405773, 18454929, 29860703, 48315633, 78176337, 126491971, 204668309, 331160281, 535828591, 866988873, 1402817465, 2269806339, 3672623805, 5942430145, 9615053951, 15557484097, 25172538049, 40730022147, 65902560197, 106632582345, 172535142543, 279167724889, 451702867433, 730870592323, 1182573459757, 1913444052081, 3096017511839, 5009461563921, 8105479075761, 13114940639683, 21220419715445, 34335360355129, 55555780070575, 89891140425705, 145446920496281, 235338060921987, 380784981418269, 616123042340257, 996908023758527, 1613031066098785, 2609939089857313, 4222970155956099, 6832909245813413, 11055879401769513, 17888788647582927, 28944668049352441, 46833456696935369, 75778124746287811, 122611581443223181, 198389706189510993, 321001287632734175, 519390993822245169, 840392281454979345, 1359783275277224515, 2200175556732203861, 3559958832009428377, 5760134388741632239, 9320093220751060617, 15080227609492692857)
heap_shape ="int64_t[?]",n_leonardo_numbers)
end --]]
-- NB don't use unsigned types (cfr.
local leonardo_numbers ="int32_t[?]", n_leonardo_numbers, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 41, 67, 109, 177, 287, 465, 753, 1219, 1973, 3193, 5167, 8361, 13529, 21891, 35421, 57313, 92735, 150049, 242785, 392835, 635621, 1028457, 1664079, 2692537, 4356617, 7049155, 11405773, 18454929, 29860703, 48315633, 78176337, 126491971, 204668309, 331160281, 535828591, 866988873, 1402817465, 2269806339, 3672623805)
local leonardo_number
local lcache = {[0]=1,1}
leonardo_number = function(i)
local lnum = lcache[i]
if not lnum then
lnum = leonardo_numbers[i-1] + leonardo_numbers[i-2] + 1
lcache[i] = lnum
return lnum
-- The second child is stored immediately to the left of the root.
-- The first child of an L(s)-sized tree is stored L(s-2) elements to the left
-- of the second child.
-- E.g. An L(4)-sized tree (Lt_4) has its second child at root-1 and its first
-- child L(4-2) = L(2) = 3 positions to the left of the second child.
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9=root
-- o
-- . - ' /
-- o o
-- .'/ .'/
-- o o o o
-- .'/
-- o o
local function child2(root)
return root-1
local function child1(root,size)
return child2(root) - leonardo_numbers[size-2]
local function larger_child(lheap,root,size,comp)
local first,second = child1(root,size), child2(root)
return comp(lheap[first],lheap[second]) and second or first
-- Rebalance a Leonardo tree by bubbling down ("sifting") an element inserted
-- at the root node: swap it with its largest child until its largest child no
-- longer exceeds the element.
local function rebalance_tree(lheap,root,size,comp)
while (size>1) do
local lc = larger_child(lheap,root,size,comp)
size = (lc==child2(root,size)) and size-2 or size-1
-- we've found a child which is not larger than the root.
if not comp(lheap[root], lheap[lc]) then return end
-- otherwise, bubble down by swapping with the largest child node.
root = lc
-- Readjust the heap of leonardo trees by pseudo-insertion-sorting the new
-- element: first insertion sort ("trinkle") the element to the left until
-- swapping is no longer allowed, then bubble down ("trinkle") the element.
-- Swapping the root of the smaller tree (i.e. the new element) with the one of
-- the preceding, larger tree is allowed ONLY if the root of the larger tree is
-- bigger than the new element AS WELL AS the children of the root of the
-- smaller tree; otherwise, serveral tree-rebalance operations would be
-- triggered. If we stop there, all we need to do is bubble down the new
-- element into the tree it's reached so far.
local function rectify_lheap(lheap,heap_shape,init,cur_tree_root,cur_tree_size,comp)
-- do this until we've reached the last tree:
local next_tree_root = cur_tree_root - leonardo_numbers[cur_tree_size] -- get next root
while next_tree_root > init-1 do -- >0 if 1-indexed; >=0 if 0-indexed
local tocompare = cur_tree_root -- the new element
-- not Lt_0 or Lt_1: compare with the largest child if it's larger than the new element
if cur_tree_size>1 then
local lc = larger_child(lheap,cur_tree_root,cur_tree_size,comp)
-- the root of the preceding tree should be compared to
-- max(the new element, its current largest child)
if comp(lheap[cur_tree_root],lheap[lc]) then
tocompare = lc
-- break if new element is larger than the next heap root OR its largest child.
if not comp(lheap[tocompare],lheap[next_tree_root]) then break end
-- otherwise, we can go ahead and swap
lheap[cur_tree_root],lheap[next_tree_root] = lheap[next_tree_root],lheap[cur_tree_root]
repeat cur_tree_size = cur_tree_size + 1
until heap_shape.flags[cur_tree_size]
cur_tree_root,next_tree_root = next_tree_root, next_tree_root - leonardo_numbers[cur_tree_size] -- get next root
local function push(lheap,heap_shape,init,last,len,comp)
-- Now we're going to push the (last+1)th item on the heap while we try to
-- satisfy the following two invariants:
-- 1. each tree satisfies the max-heap property (rebalance_tree)
-- 2. the root nodes of all of our trees are sorted (rectify_lheap; this
-- also takes care of 1.)
-- However, we're going to take care of 2. in a lazy way, which means that
-- we're going to check whether our tree has reached its final size before
-- actually doing a rectify_lheap on it (making it "trusty").
local rectify = false
--Case 1: If the last two heaps have sizes that differ by one, we
--add the new element by merging the last two heaps
if heap_shape.min_size>=0 and heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size+1] then
heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size] = false
heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size+1] = false
heap_shape.min_size = heap_shape.min_size + 2
-- If min_size>1, this heap is in its final position if there isn't enough
-- room for the next Leonardo number and one extra element.
rectify = (len-last-2+init) < leonardo_numbers[heap_shape.min_size]+1
--Case 2: Otherwise, if the last heap has Leonardo number 1, add
--a singleton heap of Leonardo number 0.
elseif heap_shape.min_size==1 then
heap_shape.min_size = 0
-- If this last tree has order 0, then it's in its final position only
-- if it's the very last element of the array.
rectify = last+2-init==len
--Case 0: If there are no elements in the heap, add a tree of order 1.
--In all other cases, also add a singleton heap of Leonardo number 1.
heap_shape.min_size = 1
-- If this last tree has order 1, then it's in its final position if
-- it's the last element, or it's the penultimate element and it's not
-- about to be merged. For simplicity
rectify = last+2-init==len or not heap_shape.flags[2]
heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size] = true
if rectify then
-- Remove the rightmost element from the Leonardo heap and readjust if
-- necessary.
local function pop(lheap,heap_shape,init,last,comp)
-- Case 1: The last heap is of order zero or one. In this case, removing it
-- doesn't expose any new trees and we can just drop it from the list of
-- trees, and find the next tree to set heap_shape.min_size.
if heap_shape.min_size<=1 then
heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size] = false
repeat heap_shape.min_size = heap_shape.min_size + 1
until heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size]
-- Case 2: The last heap is of order two or greater. In this case, we
-- exposed two new heaps, which may require rebalancing.
heap_shape.flags[heap_shape.min_size] = false
local c1,c2 = child1(last,heap_shape.min_size),child2(last)
heap_shape.min_size = heap_shape.min_size-2
local smoothsort
local lt = function(a,b) return a<b end
smoothsort = function(arr,len,comp)
len = len or #arr
comp = comp or lt
local init = 1
if len<=1 then return arr end
if arr[0] then init = 0 end
local heap_shape = heap_shape_t(n_leonardo_numbers,-1)
--Leonardo-heapify the array
for i=init,len+init-1 do
--Pop the max element from the Leonardo heap until it's empty
for i=len+init-1,init,-1 do
return arr
return smoothsort
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