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Last active February 13, 2024 21:57
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Parse List of Cereal Mascots to CSV
name manufacturer type calories protein fat sodium_mg fiber_content_g carbo_g sugars_g potass vitamins shelf weight cups rating X mascot has_mascot
1 100% Bran Nabisco C 70 4 1 130 10 5 6 280 25 3 1 0.33 68.402973 NA NA No
2 100% Natural Bran Quaker Oats C 120 3 5 15 2 8 8 135 0 3 1 1 33.983679 NA NA No
3 All-Bran Kelloggs C 70 4 1 260 9 7 5 320 25 3 1 0.33 59.425505 NA NA No
4 All-Bran with Extra Fiber Kelloggs C 50 4 0 140 14 8 0 330 25 3 1 0.5 93.704912 NA NA No
5 Almond Delight Ralston Purina C 110 2 2 200 1 14 8 -1 25 3 1 0.75 34.384843 NA NA No
6 Apple Cinnamon Cheerios General Mills C 110 2 2 180 1.5 10.5 10 70 25 1 1 0.75 29.509541 NA NA No
7 Apple Jacks Kelloggs C 110 2 0 125 1 11 14 30 25 2 1 1 33.174094 NA NA No
8 Basic 4 General Mills C 130 3 2 210 2 18 8 100 25 3 1.33 0.75 37.038562 NA NA No
9 Bran Chex Ralston Purina C 90 2 1 200 4 15 6 125 25 1 1 0.67 49.120253 NA NA No
10 Bran Flakes Post C 90 3 0 210 5 13 5 190 25 3 1 0.67 53.313813 NA NA No
11 Cap'n'Crunch Quaker Oats C 120 1 2 220 0 12 12 35 25 2 1 0.75 18.042851 40 Cap’n Crunch (Horatio Magellan Crunch) Yes
12 Cheerios General Mills C 110 6 2 290 2 17 1 105 25 1 1 1.25 50.764999 175 Pete the Cheerios Kid Yes
13 Cinnamon Toast Crunch General Mills C 120 1 3 210 0 13 9 45 25 2 1 0.75 19.823573 263 Wendell Yes
14 Clusters General Mills C 110 3 2 140 2 13 7 105 25 3 1 0.5 40.400208 NA NA No
15 Cocoa Puffs General Mills C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 55 25 2 1 1 22.736446 37 Buzz the Bee Yes
16 Cocoa Puffs General Mills C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 55 25 2 1 1 22.736446 53 Cocoa Puffs’ Sheik of Shake Yes
17 Cocoa Puffs General Mills C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 55 25 2 1 1 22.736446 220 Sonny the Cuckoo Bird Yes
18 Corn Chex Ralston Purina C 110 2 0 280 0 22 3 25 25 1 1 1 41.445019 NA NA No
19 Corn Flakes Kelloggs C 100 2 0 290 1 21 2 35 25 1 1 1 45.863324 64 Cornelius Rooster Yes
20 Corn Pops Kelloggs C 110 1 0 90 1 13 12 20 25 2 1 1 35.782791 61 Cornelius (Corny) the Corn Yes
21 Count Chocula General Mills C 110 1 1 180 0 12 13 65 25 2 1 1 22.396513 66 Count Chocula Yes
22 Cracklin' Oat Bran Kelloggs C 110 3 3 140 4 10 7 160 25 3 1 0.5 40.448772 NA NA No
23 Cream of Wheat (Quick) Nabisco H 100 3 0 80 1 21 0 -1 0 2 1 1 64.533816 NA NA No
24 Crispix Kelloggs C 110 2 0 220 1 21 3 30 25 3 1 1 46.895644 NA NA No
25 Crispy Wheat & Raisins General Mills C 100 2 1 140 2 11 10 120 25 3 1 0.75 36.176196 NA NA No
26 Double Chex Ralston Purina C 100 2 0 190 1 18 5 80 25 3 1 0.75 44.330856 NA NA No
27 Froot Loops Kelloggs C 110 2 1 125 1 11 13 30 25 2 1 1 32.207582 251 Toucan Sam Yes
28 Frosted Flakes Kelloggs C 110 1 0 200 1 14 11 25 25 1 1 0.75 31.435973 250 Tony the Tiger Yes
29 Frosted Mini-Wheats Kelloggs C 100 3 0 0 3 14 7 100 25 2 1 0.8 58.345141 160 Mr. Mini-Wheats Yes
30 Fruit & Fibre Dates; Walnuts; and Oats Post C 120 3 2 160 5 12 10 200 25 3 1.25 0.67 40.917047 NA NA No
31 Fruitful Bran Kelloggs C 120 3 0 240 5 14 12 190 25 3 1.33 0.67 41.015492 NA NA No
32 Fruity Pebbles Post C 110 1 1 135 0 13 12 25 25 2 1 0.75 28.025765 93 Fred Flintstone Yes
33 Golden Crisp Post C 100 2 0 45 0 11 15 40 25 1 1 0.88 35.252444 106 Golden Crisp Seal Yes
34 Golden Crisp Post C 100 2 0 45 0 11 15 40 25 1 1 0.88 35.252444 107 Golden Crisp’s Granny Goodwitch Yes
35 Golden Grahams General Mills C 110 1 1 280 0 15 9 45 25 2 1 0.75 23.804043 NA NA No
36 Grape Nuts Flakes Post C 100 3 1 140 3 15 5 85 25 3 1 0.88 52.076897 NA NA No
37 Grape-Nuts Post C 110 3 0 170 3 17 3 90 25 3 1 0.25 53.371007 NA NA No
38 Great Grains Pecan Post C 120 3 3 75 3 13 4 100 25 3 1 0.33 45.811716 NA NA No
39 Honey Graham Ohs Quaker Oats C 120 1 2 220 1 12 11 45 25 2 1 1 21.871292 NA NA No
40 Honey Nut Cheerios General Mills C 110 3 1 250 1.5 11.5 10 90 25 1 1 0.75 31.072217 13 Bee (BuzzBee) Yes
41 Honey-comb Post C 110 1 0 180 0 14 11 35 25 1 1 1.33 28.742414 NA NA No
42 Just Right Crunchy Nuggets Kelloggs C 110 2 1 170 1 17 6 60 100 3 1 1 36.523683 NA NA No
43 Just Right Fruit & Nut Kelloggs C 140 3 1 170 2 20 9 95 100 3 1.3 0.75 36.471512 NA NA No
44 Kix General Mills C 110 2 1 260 0 21 3 40 25 2 1 1.5 39.241114 NA NA No
45 Life Quaker Oats C 100 4 2 150 2 12 6 95 25 2 1 0.67 45.328074 NA NA No
46 Lucky Charms General Mills C 110 2 1 180 0 12 12 55 25 2 1 1 26.734515 145 Lucky the Leprechaun Yes
47 Maypo American Home H 100 4 1 0 0 16 3 95 25 2 1 1 54.850917 NA NA No
48 Muesli Raisins; Dates; & Almonds Ralston Purina C 150 4 3 95 3 16 11 170 25 3 1 1 37.136863 NA NA No
49 Muesli Raisins; Peaches; & Pecans Ralston Purina C 150 4 3 150 3 16 11 170 25 3 1 1 34.139765 NA NA No
50 Mueslix Crispy Blend Kelloggs C 160 3 2 150 3 17 13 160 25 3 1.5 0.67 30.313351 NA NA No
51 Multi-Grain Cheerios General Mills C 100 2 1 220 2 15 6 90 25 1 1 1 40.105965 NA NA No
52 Nut&Honey Crunch Kelloggs C 120 2 1 190 0 15 9 40 25 2 1 0.67 29.924285 NA NA No
53 Nutri-Grain Almond-Raisin Kelloggs C 140 3 2 220 3 21 7 130 25 3 1.33 0.67 40.69232 NA NA No
54 Nutri-grain Wheat Kelloggs C 90 3 0 170 3 18 2 90 25 3 1 1 59.642837 NA NA No
55 Oatmeal Raisin Crisp General Mills C 130 3 2 170 1.5 13.5 10 120 25 3 1.25 0.5 30.450843 NA NA No
56 Post Nat. Raisin Bran Post C 120 3 1 200 6 11 14 260 25 3 1.33 0.67 37.840594 NA NA No
57 Product 19 Kelloggs C 100 3 0 320 1 20 3 45 100 3 1 1 41.50354 NA NA No
58 Puffed Rice Quaker Oats C 50 1 0 0 0 13 0 15 0 3 0.5 1 60.756112 NA NA No
59 Puffed Wheat Quaker Oats C 50 2 0 0 1 10 0 50 0 3 0.5 1 63.005645 NA NA No
60 Quaker Oat Squares Quaker Oats C 100 4 1 135 2 14 6 110 25 3 1 0.5 49.511874 NA NA No
61 Quaker Oatmeal Quaker Oats H 100 5 2 0 2.7 -1 -1 110 0 1 1 0.67 50.828392 NA NA No
62 Raisin Bran Kelloggs C 120 3 1 210 5 14 12 240 25 2 1.33 0.75 39.259197 239 The Raisin Bran Sun Yes
63 Raisin Nut Bran General Mills C 100 3 2 140 2.5 10.5 8 140 25 3 1 0.5 39.7034 NA NA No
64 Raisin Squares Kelloggs C 90 2 0 0 2 15 6 110 25 3 1 0.5 55.333142 NA NA No
65 Rice Chex Ralston Purina C 110 1 0 240 0 23 2 30 25 1 1 1.13 41.998933 NA NA No
66 Rice Krispies Kelloggs C 110 2 0 290 0 22 3 35 25 1 1 1 40.560159 218 Snap, Crackle, and Pop Yes
67 Shredded Wheat Nabisco C 80 2 0 0 3 16 0 95 0 1 0.83 1 68.235885 NA NA No
68 Shredded Wheat 'n'Bran Nabisco C 90 3 0 0 4 19 0 140 0 1 1 0.67 74.472949 NA NA No
69 Shredded Wheat spoon size Nabisco C 90 3 0 0 3 20 0 120 0 1 1 0.67 72.801787 NA NA No
70 Smacks Kelloggs C 110 2 1 70 1 9 15 40 25 2 1 0.75 31.230054 76 Dig’em Frog Yes
71 Special K Kelloggs C 110 6 0 230 1 16 3 55 25 1 1 1 53.131324 NA NA No
72 Strawberry Fruit Wheats Nabisco C 90 2 0 15 3 15 5 90 25 2 1 1 59.363993 NA NA No
73 Total Corn Flakes General Mills C 110 2 1 200 0 21 3 35 100 3 1 1 38.839746 NA NA No
74 Total Raisin Bran General Mills C 140 3 1 190 4 15 14 230 100 3 1.5 1 28.592785 NA NA No
75 Total Whole Grain General Mills C 100 3 1 200 3 16 3 110 100 3 1 1 46.658844 NA NA No
76 Triples General Mills C 110 2 1 250 0 21 3 60 25 3 1 0.75 39.106174 NA NA No
77 Trix General Mills C 110 1 1 140 0 13 12 25 25 2 1 1 27.753301 253 Trix Rabbit Yes
78 Wheat Chex Ralston Purina C 100 3 1 230 3 17 3 115 25 1 1 0.67 49.787445 210 Rusty Yes
79 Wheaties General Mills C 100 3 1 200 3 17 3 110 25 1 1 1 51.592193 161 Mr. Muscle Yes
80 Wheaties Honey Gold General Mills C 110 2 1 200 1 16 8 60 25 1 1 0.75 36.187559 NA NA No
mascot name
1 Alf Alf’s Magic Cereal
2 Apple Raccoon Apple Jacks promotions
3 Apple Raisin Rice’s Chef Apple Raisin Rice
4 Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles Variations of Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles
5 Barney Rubble Cocoa Pebbles
6 Barney the Barn Owl Tooty Frooties (UK)
7 Baron Von Redberry Baron Von Redberry cereal
8 Bart, Homer, and other Simpsons Frosted KrustyO’s and other Simpsons-themed cereals
9 Batman and The Joker Batman Cereal
10 Bear (Bear Naked) Bear Naked Granola
11 Bear Country Bears Bear Country Cereal
12 Beary Bear Beary Bites Cereal
13 Bee (BuzzBee) Honey Nut Cheerios
14 Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Cereal
15 Benny the Ball Benny the Ball’s Frosted Rice
16 Berry the Bear Bear Brand cereal
17 Big G Representing General Mills cereals
18 Big Mix Chicken-Wolf-Moose Kellogg’s Big Mix
19 Big Mixx’s Friends Bigg Mixx Cereal promotions
20 Big Otis Otis O’s Cereal
21 Big Top Billy Big Top Cereal
22 Big Yella Kellogg’s Corn Pops
23 Bigg Mixx Bigg Mixx Cereal
24 Bingo the Gorilla Krazy Kritters cereal
25 Blueberry Muffin-Top Muffin & Muffin-Top Strawberry Blueberry Muffin-Top cereal
26 Body Buddies Body Buddies cereal
27 Boo Berry Boo Berry cereal
28 Breakfast Pals (Duck, Monkey, Frog) Breakfast Pals Cereal
29 Buc Wheats’ Cowboy Buc Wheats
30 Buc Wheats’ Prospector Buc Wheats cereal
31 Bucaroo Kid Wild West Cut-Outs
32 Buddha Bob Zen Flakes
33 Buddy Baker Cinnamon Mini-Buns
34 Bullwinkle J. Moose & Rocky Bullwinkle’s Cereal
35 Bunny Rabbit Bunny Bits
36 Buzz Blitzen Reindeer cereal
37 Buzz the Bee Cocoa Puffs
38 BuzzBee’s Friends Honey Nut Cheerios promotions
39 C3POs Robot C-3PO’s cereal
40 Cap’n Crunch (Horatio Magellan Crunch) Cap’n Crunch cereals
41 Cap’n Crunch’s Soggies The villains in Cap’n Crunch commercials
42 Captain Cupcake Hostess’s Cupcake cereal
43 Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch’s Dog (Sea Dog) Cap’n Crunch
44 Captain Pluck Corn Flakes promotions
45 Caveman Cocoa Cocoa Krispies promotions
46 Chip the Wolf Cookie Crisp
47 Chockle the Blob Chockle’s Cereal
48 Chocolate and Vanilla Moose Moose-a-licious cereal
49 Chocolate Malt Loaf Choco-Loaf Cereal
50 Cinnaburst Chef Cinnaburst Cereal
51 CinniMini Mini Cinnis cereal
52 Cocoa Puff’s Caveman Cocoa Puffs promotions
53 Cocoa Puffs’ Sheik of Shake Cocoa Puffs
54 Cocoa the Monkey Cocoa Krispies
55 Colonel Corny Corn Flakes promotions
56 Colonel Crunch Early mascot before Cap’n Crunch
57 Cookie Jarvis Cookie Crisp (before Chip the Wolf)
58 Cool Cat Cool Cat Cereal
59 Cool McCool McCool’s Cereal
60 Corn Burst Rooster Corn Burst
61 Cornelius (Corny) the Corn Corn Pops
62 Cornelius’ Family Corn Flakes (some regions)
63 Cornelius Jr. Popsicle’s Corn Pops (some regions)
64 Cornelius Rooster Corn Flakes
65 Cosmic Cosmic Crunch
66 Count Chocula Count Chocula cereal
67 Cowboy Crunchies’ Cowboy Cowboy Crunchies
68 Crazy Cow Crazy Cow cereal
69 Crispety & Crunchety Crow Cocoa Puffs (before Sonny)
70 Crispy Cocoa Krispies (in some regions)
71 Crispy Rice Krispies (before Snap, Crackle, and Pop)
72 Crispy Critters Lion Crispy Critters
73 Crispy’s Friends Rice Krispies promotions
74 Crunchy Stars Astronaut Crunchy Stars
75 Dan’l Boone Pioneer Oats
76 Dig’em Frog Honey Smacks
77 Dinersaurs’ Dinosaurs Dinersaurs Cereal
78 Dino Flintstones-related cereals
79 Dino-Buddies Dino-Buddies Cereal
80 Dizzy the Dragon Dizzy Grizzlies Cereal
81 Doctor Urkel-O’s Urkel-O’s Cereal
82 Donkey Kong & Mario Donkey Kong Cereal
83 Duke the Dog Duke’s Cereal
84 Dumb Dora Dumb Dora’s Cereal
85 E.T. E.T. Cereal
86 Elfin Baker Keebler’s Cereal
87 Fastball the Cheetah Cheetah Power cereal
88 Fingos’ Thumb Fingos cereal
89 Flutey the Flute Froot Loops commercials
90 Franken Berry Franken Berry cereal
91 Freakies Tree and various Freakies Freakies cereal
92 Fred and Barney Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles
93 Fred Flintstone Fruity Pebbles
94 Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble Fruity/Cocoa Pebbles
95 Frontier Kids Frontier Fritters
96 Frosty O’s Kid Frosty O’s Cereal
97 Frosty the Snowman Christmas-themed cereals
98 Fruit Brute the Werewolf Fruit Brute cereal
99 Fruit Islands’ Chief Aloha Fruit Islands Cereal
100 Fruitella the Fox Fruity Yummy Mummy promotions
101 Fruity Monster (Fruit Brute) Fruit Brute cereal
102 G.I. Joe’s Cobra G.I. Joe Action Stars Cereal
103 Geoffrey the Giraffe Toys “R” Us promotional cereal
104 Ghostbusters’ Slimer Ghostbusters Cereal
105 Gloworm Gloworm Grahams
106 Golden Crisp Seal Golden Crisp
107 Golden Crisp’s Granny Goodwitch Golden Crisp
108 Goofy Goofy Grape cereal
109 Gremlins’ Gizmo Gremlins Cereal
110 Grins, Smiles, Giggles & Laughs The cereal of the same name
111 Hammy the Hamster Hammy’s Cereal
112 Hanna-Barbera Characters Various cereals
113 Happy the Clown Happy’s Cereal
114 Harry Hippo Happy Flakes
115 Hocus & Pocus Magic Puffs Cereal
116 Honey Bunny Honey Bunny Cereal
117 Honey Tree Bear Honey Tree Cereal
118 Horrified Hare Horrified Hare Cereal
119 Hot Stuff the Little Devil Hot Stuff cereal
120 Hugo the Hippo Punch Crunch
121 Hulk Hulk’s Cereal
122 Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan’s Hulkaroos
123 Ice Cream Jones Ice Cream Cones Cereal
124 Jackie the Animal Trainer Circus Fun cereal
125 Jean LaFoote Cap’n Crunch’s Cinnamon Crunch
126 Jolly Ollie Orange Orange flavored cereals
127 Kaboom the Clown Kaboom cereal
128 Karate Kid Karate Kid Cereal
129 Kernal Cob Korn Kobbler Cereal
130 King Ding Dong Hostess’s Ding Dong cereal
131 King Leonardo King Leonardo’s Lion Hearts
132 King Vitaman King Vitaman Cereal
133 King Zor King Zor’s Dynabites
134 Kitty, Rascal & Sweetie Morning Funnies cereal
135 Kooky Spook Kooky Spook Cereal
136 Kooky the Koala Kombos cereal
137 Kreepy the Clown Kreepy Krawlies Cereal
138 Krispie Kids (Pop’s successors) Rice Krispies promotions
139 Krunch (The Sea Dog) Pirate’s Gold cereal
140 Lil’ Sprout Green Giant’s cereals
141 Linus the Lionhearted Crispy Critters
142 Little Boy Blue Corny Snaps
143 Little Green Sprout Green Giant Cereal
144 Lovable Truly Alpha-Bits
145 Lucky the Leprechaun Lucky Charms
146 Magic Rabbit Magic Flakes
147 Magnus the Magnate Corny-Snaps
148 Major Jet Jets cereal
149 Marshmallow Tree Magic Puffs
150 Max the Daredevil Corn Pops promotions
151 Max the Dog Cookie Crisp (before Chip the Wolf)
152 Mickey Mouse Various Mickey-themed cereals
153 Mighty Mouse Mighty Mouse Cereal
154 Mikey Life cereal
155 Mister Rogers Mister Rogers’ Cereal
156 Monty the Monster Marshmallow Krispies
157 Moon Man Moonstones Cereal
158 Moonstones Aliens Moonstones cereal
159 Mother Nature Nature Valley Granola
160 Mr. Mini-Wheats Mini-Wheats
161 Mr. Muscle Wheaties
162 Mr. T Mr. T Cereal
163 Mr. Wonderfull’s Surprize Man Mr. Wonderfull’s Surprize
164 Newtron Newtrition Cereal
165 Ogg Ogg’s cereal
166 OJ Joe OJ’s cereal
167 Oliver Owl Hoots cereal
168 Otto the Orange, Lily the Lemon, Cherry Charlie, and Grapity Grape OJ’s Cereal
169 Pac-Man Pac-Man cereal
170 Pac-Man and Ghosts Pac-Man Cereal
171 Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Ice Cream Pebbles
172 Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Variations of Pebbles cereals
173 Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm as Teens Pebbles Cereal limited editions
174 Pebbles Dino Cocoa Pebbles
175 Pete the Cheerios Kid Cheerios
176 Peter Cottontail Peter Cottontail Cereal
177 Pink Frosted Honeys’ Bear Pink Frosted Honey Bits
178 Pink Panther Pink Panther Flakes
179 Polaris Pete Frosted Krispies
180 Popeye Popeye-themed cereals
181 Poppin’ Fresh (the Pillsbury Doughboy) Pillsbury’s Oatmeal Cereal and others
182 Poppin’ Fresh’s Dog Popper’s Cereal
183 Poppy Poppets Cereal
184 Pop-Tart Minis’ Pack Pop-Tart Minis Cereal
185 Pop-Tarts Sprinklings Pop-Tarts Cereal
186 Pow! The Power Kid Power O’s
187 Powdered Donutz Boy Powdered Donutz cereal
188 Powdered Toast Man Powdered Toast Crunch
189 Power Ranger Characters Power Rangers Cereal
190 Professor Atom Atomic Crunch Cereal
191 Professor Googel Google Puffs Cereal
192 Puff and Corny Puffa Puffa Rice
193 Puffa Puffa Rice Train Conductor Puffa Puffa Rice
194 Puffa the Steam Engine Puffa Puffa Rice promotions
195 Puffkins Puffa Puffa Rice
196 Punchy Hawaiian Punch cereal
197 Quake Quake cereal (Quisp’s counterpart)
198 Quake’s adversary Quisp Quisp Cereal
199 Quisp Alien Quisp
200 Rainbow Brite Rainbow Brite Cereal
201 Ralston Purina Checkerboard Kids Multiple Ralston cereals
202 Rancho Rancho Cereal
203 Rice Krispies’ Pow! Represented “Power” in older campaigns
204 Ricey the Crow Rice Krinkles
205 Rinkadink Crazy Cow cereal
206 Rocky and Bullwinkle Rocky and Bullwinkle cereal
207 Rocky the Flying Squirrel Rocky’s Flying Bits
208 Rosey and Buddy Oat Flakes
209 Rugrats Reptar Crunch Cereal
210 Rusty Wheat Chex
211 Shredded Ralston Cowboy Shredded Ralston
212 Shrek, Donkey, and Puss in Boots Various Shrek themed cereals
213 Silly Whabbit Trix (in some promotional materials)
214 Sir Grapefellow Sir Grapefellow cereal
215 Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von Redberry Sir Grapefellow and Baron Von
216 Smaxey the Seal Smaxey cereals
217 Smokey the Bear Smokey the Bear Cereal
218 Snap, Crackle, and Pop Rice Krispies
219 So-Hi Rice Krinkles
220 Sonny the Cuckoo Bird Cocoa Puffs
221 The Crispy Dragons Crispy Critters
222 The Crispy Wheats ‘n Raisins Chef Crispy Wheats ‘n Raisins
223 The Cröonchy Stars Viking Cröonchy Stars
224 The Freakies Freakies Cereal
225 The Friendly Ghost Casper Cereal
226 The Fruit Weevil Post Fruity Pebbles
227 The G.I. Joe Team G.I. Joe Action Stars Cereal
228 The Gremlins Gremlins cereal
229 The Honey Monster Sugar Puffs (UK)
230 The Honey Nut Cheerios Bee Different from BuzzBee, from earlier campaigns
231 The Jets’ Family The Jetsons cereal
232 The Little Sprout Green Giant Puffs
233 The Magic Hat Wizard of Oats
234 The Nerds Nerds cereal
235 The Nerds Duo Nerds cereal
236 The Nerds Mascots Nerds Cereal (in addition to the mentioned Nerds duo)
237 The Orange Moose Munch’ems
238 The Poppin’ Fresh Doughboy Doughboy Cereal
239 The Raisin Bran Sun Raisin Bran
240 The Sea Captain Sea Adventures Cereal
241 The Singing Bakers Baker’s Complete
242 The Smurf Smurf-Berry Crunch & Smurf Magic Berries
243 The Space Alien Marshmallow Krispies promotions
244 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT Cereal
245 The Trix Rabbit’s Adversaries Various Trix promotions
246 Tiger Power Tiger Tiger Power Cereal
247 Timon and Pumbaa Timon & Pumbaa’s Jungle Cereal
248 Tiny Kong Donkey Kong Cereal promotions
249 Tom and Jerry Tom & Jerry cereal
250 Tony the Tiger Frosted Flakes
251 Toucan Sam Froot Loops
252 Toucan Sam’s Nephews Froot Loops promotions
253 Trix Rabbit Trix
254 Tusk the Elephant Fruit Island
255 Tusk the Elephant’s Friends Fruit Islands Cereal
256 Waffelos Bill Waffelos Cereal
257 Waffle O’s Bill & Waffle O’s Gang Waffle-O’s
258 Waffle the Cow Waffelos cereal
259 Waldo the Wizard Lucky Charms (short-lived before Lucky)
260 Wally Bear Wally Bear Cereal
261 Wally Whale Wally Whale’s Cereal
262 Weetabix Bunch Weetabix cereal
263 Wendell Cinnamon Toast Crunch
264 Wendell the Baker Cinnamon Toast Crunch (before the trio became more prominent)
265 Wendy Witch Fruit Wheats
266 Willie the Wolf Wheat Honeys & Rice Honeys
267 Yogi Bear Yogi Bear’s Cereal
mascots <- read_html("")
mascot_list <- mascots |> html_elements("p") |>
html_elements("strong") |>
html_text2() |>
stringr::str_replace("^[0-9]+\\.\\s", "")
m_l <- length(mascot_list)
mascot_list <- mascot_list[1:(m_l-3)] |>
stringr::str_split(" – ", n=2)
mascots <- unlist(purrr::map(mascot_list, ~.x[[1]]))
mascot_cereal <- unlist(purrr::map(mascot_list, ~.x[[2]]))
m_c <- data.frame(mascot=mascots, name=mascot_cereal)
write.csv(m_c, here::here("data/mascots.csv"))
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