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Last active November 13, 2021 15:49
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Sum of Squares Challenge for HENNGE (made public after interviews)
// nyan.
// as the main constraint for this challenge appears to be no use
// of for statements, it primarily makes use of recursion.
package main
import (
// reads stdin, processes problems/test cases, then prints results
func main() {
nums := readInts()
results, _ := problemSolver(nums[0], nums[1:])
// recursively prints the results slice in ascending order
func printResults(results []int) {
if len(results) == 0 {
// swapping the following two lines would reverse output order
* This function collects the sum of squares for each test case by recursively
* executing <cases>+1 times (e.g. 3 times if cases == 2), but returns an
* initial empty slice and an index of 0 that we use to keep track of where we
* are in the data slice (that contains our test case data). It increments the
* index after a sum has been collected and the test case has been processed.
func problemSolver(cases int, data []int) ([]int, int) {
if cases == 0 {
// initial state of sums slice and index
return []int{}, 0
sums, index := problemSolver(cases-1, data)
totalInts := data[index]
// moves index to first integer to be squared
index += 1
// subslice that contains the integers used for the sum of squares
problem := data[index : index+totalInts]
sums = append(sums, sumOfSquares(problem))
// moves index to the next case's data
index += totalInts
return sums, index
// recursively collects sum of squares of positive integers
func sumOfSquares(nums []int) int {
if len(nums) == 0 {
// initial state
return 0
sum := sumOfSquares(nums[1:])
if nums[0] > 0 {
sum += nums[0] * nums[0]
return sum
* This function recursively reads integers from standard input until it hits
* an EOF control character, and effectively creates queue (slice) of ints for
* us to use in the problemSolver function.
func readInts() []int {
var num int
// naive input validation since nothing's really specified in requirements
// (and I'm not familiar with golang), so I'll trust all given input are
// numbers. wouldn't be skimping over this in an actual application.
_, err := fmt.Scan(&num)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return []int{}
nums := append([]int{num}, readInts()...)
return nums
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