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Last active November 1, 2015 09:10
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Save laedit/cce3b663c7423367ca22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Clear a remote FTP directory recursively
$server = "ftp://server"
$user = "user"
$pass = "password"
$rootDirectory = "rootDirectory"
function Get-FtpResponse($ftpUrl, $ftpMethod)
# create the FtpWebRequest and configure it
$ftp = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create($ftpUrl)
$ftp.Method = $ftpMethod
$ftp.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($user, $pass)
$ftp.UsePassive = $true
$response = [System.Net.FtpWebResponse]$ftp.GetResponse()
Return $response
function Delete-FtpFile ($fileToDelete)
# Create the direct path to the file you want to delete
$ftpPath = "$Server/$fileToDelete"
$response = Get-FtpResponse $ftpPath ([System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::DeleteFile)
function Delete-FtpFolder ($folderToDelete)
# Create the direct path to the folder you want to delete
$ftpPath = "$Server/$folderToDelete"
$response = Get-FtpResponse $ftpPath ([System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::RemoveDirectory)
Function List-FtpDirectory($Directory) {
# Credentials
$FTPResponse = Get-FtpResponse "$($Server)$($Directory)" ([System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::ListDirectoryDetails)
$ResponseStream = $FTPResponse.GetResponseStream()
# Create a nice Array of the detailed directory listing
$StreamReader = New-Object System.IO.Streamreader $ResponseStream
$DirListing = (($StreamReader.ReadToEnd()) -split [Environment]::NewLine)
# Close the FTP connection so only one is open at a time
# This array will hold the final result
$FileTree = @(,@())
# Loop through the listings
foreach ($CurLine in $DirListing) {
# Split line into space separated array
$LineTok = ($CurLine -split '\ +')
# Get the filename (can even contain spaces)
$CurFile = $LineTok[8..($LineTok.Length-1)]
# Figure out if it's a directory. Super hax.
if ($LineTok[2]) {
$DirBool = $LineTok[2].Contains("DIR")
# Determine what to do next (file or dir?)
if($CurFile) {
If ($DirBool) {
# Recursively traverse sub-directories
$FileTree += List-FtpDirectory "$($Directory)$($CurFile)/"
$FileTree += ,("$($Directory)$($CurFile)", $True)
Else {
# Add the output to the file tree
$FileTree += ,("$($Directory)$($CurFile)", $False)
Return $FileTree
foreach ($file in List-FtpDirectory $rootDirectory)
If($file) {
If ($file[1]) {
Delete-FtpFolder $file[0]
Else {
Delete-FtpFile $file[0]
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