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Last active March 20, 2022 04:09
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def wrap_back(text: [str, int, float, Any], color: str = Back.GREEN) -> str:

    :param text: stuff that can be transformed to string
    :param color: really a AnsiCodes/AnsiBack
    :return: your wrapped string
    return f'{color}{text}{Style.RESET_ALL}'
log = Log('TEST', do_update_title=False)
print(f'Python beats me {wrap_back("black", Back.BLACK)} and {wrap_back("blue", Back.BLUE)}. '
      f'JS causes {wrap_back(Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + "INSANITY", color=Back.LIGHTRED_EX)}.')"Hello {wrap_back('Mate', color=Back.BLACK)} !!! {Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + 'Oof, we back!' + Style.RESET_ALL}")


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