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Created May 11, 2022 14:09
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import sys
from datetime import datetime
from os import system
from typing import Any
from colorama import Back, Style, Fore
def update_title(terminal_title, force: bool = False):
if not force:
bot_name = 'hCapBP'
t ='%H:%M:%S')
if sys.platform == 'linux':
print(f'\33]0;[{bot_name}] [{t}]| {terminal_title}\a', end='', flush=True)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW(f'[{bot_name}] [{t}]| {terminal_title}')
def clear():
if sys.platform == 'linux':
if sys.platform == 'win32':
def color_wrap(text: [str, int, float, Any], fore_color: str = Fore.WHITE, back_color: str = Back.LIGHTBLACK_EX) -> str:
:param fore_color: really a AnsiCodes/AnsiBack
:param back_color: really a AnsiCodes/AnsiBack
:param text: stuff that can be transformed to string
:return: your wrapped string
return f'{Style.RESET_ALL}{Style.BRIGHT}{back_color}{fore_color}{text}{Style.BRIGHT}{Style.RESET_ALL}'
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