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Web3 Taiwan Lottery Smart Contract
pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
contract TaiwanLottery {
struct BettingData
address Player;
uint8 A1;
uint8 A2;
uint8 A3;
uint8 A4;
uint8 A5;
uint8 A6;
uint8 B1;
BettingData[] private m_Datas;
// 管理者
address private m_Owner;
uint private m_StartTime;
uint private m_EndTime;
// 狀態
enum State { Started, Ended, Processing }
State private m_State;
event CongratsNotice(address addr, uint amount);
//一注至少0.1 ether
modifier OverMinPrice() { require(msg.value != 0 && msg.value >= 0.1 ether); _; }
modifier Started() { require(m_State == State.Started); _; }
modifier Ended() { require(m_State == State.Ended); _; }
modifier Owner() { require(msg.sender == m_Owner); _; }
modifier Alive() { require(now >= m_StartTime && now < m_EndTime); _; }
modifier Dead() { require(now >= m_EndTime); _; }
constructor() public {
m_Owner = msg.sender;
m_State = State.Ended;
function StartLottery() Ended public returns (bool Ret)
Ret = false;
//驗證 unix-time
uint st = 1544698800;//2018年12月13日星期四 19:00:00 GMT+08:00
uint n = 0;
m_StartTime = st;
st += 4 days;
st += 3 days;
m_EndTime = st;
m_State = State.Started;
Ret = true;
return Ret;
function DoLottery(uint8 A1,uint8 A2,uint8 A3,uint8 A4,uint8 A5,uint8 A6,uint8 B1) payable Started Owner /*Dead*/ public returns(bool Ret) {
//懶得排序了外面自己排好 A:01-38 B:01-08
require(A1 >= 1 && A2 > A1 && A3 > A2 && A4 >A3 && A5>A4 && A6 > A5 && A6 <=38 && B1>=1 && B1<=8);
Ret = false;
for(uint i=0;i<m_Datas.length;i++){
if(A1 == m_Datas[i].A1 && A2 == m_Datas[i].A2 && A3 == m_Datas[i].A3 && A4 == m_Datas[i].A4 && A5 == m_Datas[i].A5 && A6 == m_Datas[i].A6 && B1 == m_Datas[i].B1){
uint amount = address(this).balance;
address user = m_Datas[i].Player;
emit CongratsNotice(user, amount);
m_Datas.length = 0;
m_State = State.Ended;
Ret = true;
return Ret;
function Betting (uint8 A1,uint8 A2,uint8 A3,uint8 A4,uint8 A5,uint8 A6,uint8 B1) payable Started Alive OverMinPrice public returns(bool Ret) {
//懶得排序了外面自己排好 A:01-38 B:01-08
require(A1 >= 1 && A2 > A1 && A3 > A2 && A4 >A3 && A5>A4 && A6 > A5 && A6 <=38 && B1>=1 && B1<=8);
Ret = false;
BettingData memory data=BettingData(msg.sender,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,B1);
return true;
function GetData (uint Index) public view returns(address Player,uint8 A1,uint8 A2,uint8 A3, uint8 A4, uint8 A5, uint8 A6, uint8 B1) {
Player = m_Datas[Index].Player;
A1 = m_Datas[Index].A1;
A2 = m_Datas[Index].A2;
A3 = m_Datas[Index].A3;
A4 = m_Datas[Index].A4;
A5 = m_Datas[Index].A5;
A6 = m_Datas[Index].A6;
B1 = m_Datas[Index].B1;
return (Player,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,B1);
function GetDataSize () public view returns(uint Size) {
Size = m_Datas.length;
return Size;
function GetBalance () public view returns(uint Balance) {
Balance = address(this).balance;
return Balance;
function GetStartTime() public view returns (uint Ret) {
return (m_StartTime);
function GetEndTime() public view returns (uint Ret) {
return (m_EndTime);
function DoCharity() public payable returns (address Address, uint Value) {
Value = address(this).balance;
//Address = 0x14723a09acff6d2a60dcdf7aa4aff308fddc160c;
Address = m_Owner;
return (Address,Value);
function GetState() public view returns (string Ret){
if(m_State==State.Started) {
return "Started";
else if(m_State==State.Ended) {
return "Ended";
else if(m_State==State.Processing) {
return "Processing";
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