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Last active June 21, 2022 13:27
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List of the best burgers in Berlin
Name Rating Comment
Zsa Zsa Burger 8.5 the best so far
Windburger 7 Charlottenburg
Tommi's Burger 7 need a retest
Hard Rock Cafe 7 prepare your wallet (sometimes it's a bit dry)
Burgermeister 6.8 very honest buger but can be better... they are close to be the best
Corroboree Sony Center 6.8 extra cheeeeeeeeeeese!!!
Club Burger 6.8 Torstraße... cheap place but the burger was very nice
Revolver Burger 6.7 need a retest
Five Guys 6.7 a hipster pricey version of Burger King
Hasir Burger 6.5 has some potencial... have to try again
Bergmann Burger 6.5 bring your own oxygen mask
Hauptstadt (Berlin Mall) 6.5 need a retest
Burgeramt 6.5 need a retest
Muse Berlin 6.5 ok-ish
Peter Pane 6 nice pommes and a good vegan mayo (yes I said VEGAN)
Loui's Burgers 6
Wild West Burger 6
The Bird 5.5 awful (ok I went there 5 years ago... have to try it again)
Jim Block 5.5 a hipster McDonalds
District Môt 4 don't go there for burger... PLEASE!!!
Grindhouse to be tested
Marienburger to be tested
Rembrandt to be tested
Shiso to be tested
BBI to be tested
Kreuzburger to be tested
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