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Last active November 6, 2023 11:39
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VSCode Remtee SSH with GCP Instance

Install VSCode - Install Remote-SSH plugin inside VSCode from the extensions page


  1. If you have the GCP SDK installed on your local machine

    1. Run the following

      gcloud compute config-ssh
      Record the hostname it provides as an the SSH example.
      E.g. $ ssh

    2. In VSCode open Remote-SSH: Open Configuration File from the command palete

      Edit your ssh config and add the ubuntu user to the end of the section for you jumpbox


          IdentityFile /home/matt/.ssh/google_compute_engine
          User ubuntu
  2. If you connected via the GCP cloud shell

    1. Make a connection to your jumpbox then end the connection

      If it asks you to use a region say no.

      gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@jumpbox
      No zone specified. Using zone [us-central1-a] for instance: [jumpbox].
      ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ logout
      Connection to closed

      Record the IP address. will be used as an example

    2. Run the following on the cloud shell machine

      cat ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
      Get the contents in your clipboard

    3. On your local machine create the same file in your ssh directory

      vim ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
      Paste in the contents of your clipboard

    4. Set the permissions on the file to be 600 chmod 600 ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine

    5. Test the key works by sshing into your machine, using the IP address from step 1. ssh -i ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine ubuntu@

    6. Open Remote-SSH: Open Configuration File from the command palete Set the contents to be the following, using the IP address from step 1.

      Host jumpbox
          IdentityFile ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
          User ubuntu
          Port 22
  3. Open Remote-SSH: Connect To Host in the command palette

Select the machine which matchs your ssh config file.


  1. Ensure OpenSSH is installed

  2. To generate an SSH key pair open powershell and run.

    mkdir $HOME/.ssh # OK if it already exists and generates an error
    ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f $HOME\.ssh\jumpbox-pal -q -N """"
    cat $HOME\.ssh\
  3. Connect to the jump box gcloud compute ssh ubuntu@jumpbox

  4. Add the contents of your clipboard to the end of your authorized_keys file

    vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

  5. End connection to the jump box and record IP address. will be used as an example

    ubuntu@jumpbox:~$ logout
    Connection to closed
  6. Test the connection by trying to SSH into the jump box.

    C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe -i $HOME\.ssh\jumpbox-pal ubuntu@

  7. In VSCode open Remote-SSH: Open Configuration File from the command palete

    Add the following to the end, updating the IP address recorded in the previous step.

    Host jump_box
        IdentityFile ~/.ssh/jumpbox-pal
        User ubuntu
        Port 22
  8. (Windows only) Open Remote-SSH: Settings from the command palette

    For the setting Remote.SSH: Path set:

  9. Open Remote-SSH: Connect To Host from the command palette

    Select jump_box from the list
    Select OS type to be Linux

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Exactly what I needed!

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