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Last active June 3, 2017 01:27
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Multi-Processes Crawler (in python 2.x version)
# coding=utf-8
# Goal: parse house information for each district from websites
# for each district, get 「土地區段位置或建物區門牌」,「建物型態」,「建物現況格局」,「坪數」,「屋齡」,「總價元」,「資料來源」into csv file
# Procedure:
# 1. get the number of page for each district by parsing first html content
# 2. for each district put all html page together, use htmlparser to parse content and save data into file
import sys
import math
import urllib
import time
import multiprocessing
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
cityName = ['TaipeiXinyi', 'TaipeiDaan', 'TaipeiWanhua', "HsinchuCity", "TaichungCity", "KaohsiungCity", "YilanCountry"]
cityToURL = {"TaipeiXinyi" : "\
"TaipeiDaan" : "\
"TaipeiWanhua" : "\
"HsinchuCity" : "\
"TaichungCity" : "",
"KaohsiungCity" : "\
"YilanCountry" : "\
def gethtmlcontent(cityName):
# get page number
url = cityToURL[cityName] + '1'
content = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
startIndex = content.find('共')
endIndex = content.find('筆')
pageNumber = int(math.ceil( float(content[startIndex + 4 : endIndex]) / 10 ))
# get HtmlContent by concatenate all html page
htmlContent = ''
for number in xrange(1, pageNumber+1):
url = cityToURL[cityName] + (str)(number)
htmlContent += urllib.urlopen(url).read()
sys.stdout.write("%s Progress: %d%% \r" % (cityName, number * 100 / pageNumber) )
return htmlContent
def getvalue(attribute, line):
startIndex = line.find(attribute) + 9;
endIndex = line.find(',', startIndex)
value = line[startIndex : endIndex].strip()
return value
class parser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
HTMLParser.__init__(self) = []
self.tmpdata = ''
self.inData = False
self.getData = False
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.getData == True and len(data.strip()) > 0:
self.tmpdata = self.tmpdata + ',' + data.strip()
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'div' and attrs == [('class', 'yui3-u-3-5')]:
self.inData = True
if tag == 'div' and attrs == [('class', 'yui3-g provider')]:
self.inData = False )
self.tmpdata = ''
if (tag == 'li' or tag == 'em') and (self.inData == True):
self.getData = True
else: self.getData = False
def parsehtmlandsavedata(htmlContent):
# declare HtmlParser
hp = parser()
# parsing data and save into file
for line in
line = line.replace('總價:,', '總價:')
addr = getvalue('地址', line)
buildtype = getvalue('類別', line)
status = getvalue('格局', line)
area = getvalue('坪數', line)[:-4]
age = getvalue('屋齡', line)[:-4]
if(len(age) <= 0): age = '0'
cost = getvalue('總價', line)[:-4]+ '0000'
obj = addr + ',' + buildtype + ',' + status + ',' + area + ',' + age + ',' + cost + ',房仲網\n'
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_time = time.time()
print 'Start to Get HtmlContent ... '
# parallelly get html content
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(5)
htmlContents =, cityName)
print 'Get HtmlContent is done!!'
# sequentially parsing and save data into file
print 'Start to parse HtmlContent and save data into file ...'
with open("ParseWebsite.csv", 'a') as file:
for htmlContent in htmlContents:
print 'Everything is done!!'
print 'Execution time: ' + str(time.time() - start_time)
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