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Created March 9, 2009 23:30
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class filesystems {
file { "/etc/exports.d":
ensure => directory,
purge => true,
notify => Exec[rebuild-exports]
exec { rebuild-exports:
command => "/bin/cat /etc/exports.d/* > /etc/exports",
refreshonly => true
define export($path,$options,$servers) {
file { "/etc/exports.d/$name":
# This template is left as an exercise to the reader
content => template("exports/export.erb"),
ensure => file,
notify => Exec[rebuild-exports]
class mystuff {
filesystems::export { "homes":
path => "/srv/homes",
options => [rw,sync,no_subtree_check],
servers => [hostname1, hostname2]
class otherstuff inherits mystuff {
Filesystems::Export["homes"] { servers +> hostname3 }
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