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Created June 2, 2021 14:11
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Wezterm startup log
➜ WEZTERM_LOG=trace wezterm start echo ok
2021-06-02T14:08:24.556Z TRACE config > consider config: /home/lakin/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua
2021-06-02T14:08:24.556Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.556Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: completed
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling::epoll > add: epoll_fd=4, fd=6, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: false, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling::epoll > add: epoll_fd=4, fd=5, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: true, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling::epoll > new: epoll_fd=4, event_fd=5, timer_fd=Some(6)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE async_io::driver > main_loop: waiting on I/O
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE async_io::reactor > process_timers: 0 ready wakers
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling > Poller::wait(_, None)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling::epoll > wait: epoll_fd=4, timeout=None
2021-06-02T14:08:24.559Z TRACE polling::epoll > modify: epoll_fd=4, fd=6, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: true, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.576Z DEBUG config > Reloaded configuration! generation=1
2021-06-02T14:08:24.576Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.576Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.576Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.606Z TRACE config > Note: WEZTERM_CONFIG_FILE is set in the environment
2021-06-02T14:08:24.606Z TRACE config > consider config: /home/lakin/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua
2021-06-02T14:08:24.607Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.607Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: completed
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling::epoll > add: epoll_fd=4, fd=6, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: false, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling::epoll > add: epoll_fd=4, fd=5, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: true, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling::epoll > new: epoll_fd=4, event_fd=5, timer_fd=Some(6)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE async_io::driver > main_loop: waiting on I/O
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE async_io::reactor > process_timers: 0 ready wakers
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling > Poller::wait(_, None)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling::epoll > wait: epoll_fd=4, timeout=None
2021-06-02T14:08:24.608Z TRACE polling::epoll > modify: epoll_fd=4, fd=6, ev=Event { key: 18446744073709551615, readable: true, writable: false }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.625Z DEBUG config > Reloaded configuration! generation=1
2021-06-02T14:08:24.625Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.625Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.625Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.629Z TRACE wezterm_gui > Using configuration: ConfigHandle {
config: Config {
font_size: 11.0,
line_height: 1.0,
allow_square_glyphs_to_overflow_width: WhenFollowedBySpace,
window_decorations: TITLE | RESIZE,
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family: "PowerlineExtraSymbols",
weight: Regular,
stretch: Normal,
italic: false,
is_fallback: true,
is_synthetic: false,
FontAttributes {
family: "Noto Color Emoji",
weight: Regular,
stretch: Normal,
italic: false,
is_fallback: true,
is_synthetic: false,
foreground: None,
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underline: None,
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blink: None,
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family: "Fira Code",
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stretch: Normal,
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is_fallback: true,
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use_ime: false,
use_dead_keys: true,
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automatically_reload_config: true,
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use_cap_height_to_scale_fallback_fonts: false,
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cmd: Some(
StartCommand {
no_auto_connect: false,
cwd: None,
class: None,
prog: [
2021-06-02T14:08:24.635Z INFO wezterm_mux_server_impl::local > setting up /run/user/1000/wezterm/gui-sock-2119218
2021-06-02T14:08:24.643Z TRACE window::os::x11::connection > picked depth 32 visual id:0x8e, class:4, bits_per_rgb_value:8, colormap entries:256, masks: r=0xff0000,g=0xff00,b=0xff
2021-06-02T14:08:24.660Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.660Z TRACE mio::poll > registering with poller
2021-06-02T14:08:24.665Z TRACE mux::domain > spawned: Child { stdin: None, stdout: None, stderr: None }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > Available fonts from font_dirs:
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > Available built-in fonts:
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Thin", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Thin", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="ExtraLight", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="ExtraLight", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Light", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Light", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Regular", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Regular", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Medium", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Medium", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Bold", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="Bold", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="ExtraBold", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("JetBrains Mono", weight="ExtraBold", stretch="Normal", italic=true)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("Last Resort High-Efficiency", weight="Regular", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("Noto Color Emoji", weight="Regular", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.666Z DEBUG wezterm_font::db > available font: wezterm.font("Powerline Extra Symbols", weight="Regular", stretch="Normal", italic=false)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.672Z TRACE mux > read_pty EOF: pane_id 0
2021-06-02T14:08:24.679Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.679Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: completed
2021-06-02T14:08:24.679Z TRACE async_std::task::builder > block_on
2021-06-02T14:08:24.679Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.679Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.680Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.680Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.682Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.682Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.682Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.685Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.685Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.685Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.693Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.693Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.695Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.695Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.695Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.692Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on()
2021-06-02T14:08:24.699Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.698Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.702Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.707Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.712Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: sleep until notification
2021-06-02T14:08:24.719Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 53.068473ms to compute and is [Pattern(Fira Code,Fira Code Light:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Light.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a0-17e 192 1fc-1ff 218-21b 237 2b9-2ba 2bc 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 300-308 30a-30c 30f 313-314 326-327 335-336 342 345 370-377 37a-37f 384-38a 38c 38e-3a1 3a3-3e1 3f0-479 48a-52f 1405 140a 1e80-1e85 1e9e 1ef2-1ef3 1f00-1f15 1f18-1f1d 1f20-1f45 1f48-1f4d 1f50-1f57 1f59 1f5b 1f5d 1f5f-1f7d 1f80-1fb4 1fb6-1fc4 1fc6-1fd3 1fd6-1fdb 1fdd-1fef 1ff2-1ff4 1ff6-1ffe 2007-2008 200b 2012-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 204a 2070 2074-208e 20ac 20af 20b9-20ba 20bd 2113 2116 2122 212e 2153-215f 218a-218b 2190-2199 21a9 21de-21df 21e4-21ea 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 2227-2229 222b 2234-2235 2248 2260-2262 2264-2265 22a2-22af 2300 2302-2306 2310 2318 2320-2321 2324-2328 232b 2387-2388 238b 239b-23ad 23ce-23cf 2400-2426 2500-25a3 25aa-25af 25b2 25b6 25ba 25bc 25c0 25c4 25c6-25c7 25c9-25cb 25ce-25d3 25d5-25d7 25d9-25e5 25e7-25eb 25ef-25f7 2610-2612 2620 2639-263c 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 266a-266b 2713 27a1 27e8-27e9 27f0-27ff 2b05-2b07 e000-e003 e0a0-e0a2 e0b0-e0b3 feff 1f310), Pattern(Fira Code,Fira Code Retina:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Retina.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a0-17e 192 1fc-1ff 218-21b 237 2b9-2ba 2bc 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 300-308 30a-30c 30f 313-314 326-327 335-336 342 345 370-377 37a-37f 384-38a 38c 38e-3a1 3a3-3e1 3f0-479 48a-52f 1405 140a 1e80-1e85 1e9e 1ef2-1ef3 1f00-1f15 1f18-1f1d 1f20-1f45 1f48-1f4d 1f50-1f57 1f59 1f5b 1f5d 1f5f-1f7d 1f80-1fb4 1fb6-1fc4 1fc6-1fd3 1fd6-1fdb 1fdd-1fef 1ff2-1ff4 1ff6-1ffe 2007-2008 200b 2012-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 204a 2070 2074-208e 20ac 20af 20b9-20ba 20bd 2113 2116 2122 212e 2153-215f 218a-218b 2190-2199 21a9 21de-21df 21e4-21ea 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 2227-2229 222b 2234-2235 2248 2260-2262 2264-2265 22a2-22af 2300 2302-2306 2310 2318 2320-2321 2324-2328 232b 2387-2388 238b 239b-23ad 23ce-23cf 2400-2426 2500-25a3 25aa-25af 25b2 25b6 25ba 25bc 25c0 25c4 25c6-25c7 25c9-25cb 25ce-25d3 25d5-25d7 25d9-25e5 25e7-25eb 25ef-25f7 2610-2612 2620 2639-263c 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 266a-266b 2713 27a1 27e8-27e9 27f0-27ff 2b05-2b07 e000-e003 e0a0-e0a2 e0b0-e0b3 feff 1f310), Pattern(Fira Code,Fira Code Medium:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Medium.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a0-17e 192 1fc-1ff 218-21b 237 2b9-2ba 2bc 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 300-308 30a-30c 30f 313-314 326-327 335-336 342 345 370-377 37a-37f 384-38a 38c 38e-3a1 3a3-3e1 3f0-479 48a-52f 1405 140a 1e80-1e85 1e9e 1ef2-1ef3 1f00-1f15 1f18-1f1d 1f20-1f45 1f48-1f4d 1f50-1f57 1f59 1f5b 1f5d 1f5f-1f7d 1f80-1fb4 1fb6-1fc4 1fc6-1fd3 1fd6-1fdb 1fdd-1fef 1ff2-1ff4 1ff6-1ffe 2007-2008 200b 2012-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 204a 2070 2074-208e 20ac 20af 20b9-20ba 20bd 2113 2116 2122 212e 2153-215f 218a-218b 2190-2199 21a9 21de-21df 21e4-21ea 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 2227-2229 222b 2234-2235 2248 2260-2262 2264-2265 22a2-22af 2300 2302-2306 2310 2318 2320-2321 2324-2328 232b 2387-2388 238b 239b-23ad 23ce-23cf 2400-2426 2500-25a3 25aa-25af 25b2 25b6 25ba 25bc 25c0 25c4 25c6-25c7 25c9-25cb 25ce-25d3 25d5-25d7 25d9-25e5 25e7-25eb 25ef-25f7 2610-2612 2620 2639-263c 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 266a-266b 2713 27a1 27e8-27e9 27f0-27ff 2b05-2b07 e000-e003 e0a0-e0a2 e0b0-e0b3 feff 1f310), Pattern(Fira Code:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Bold.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a0-17e 192 1fc-1ff 218-21b 237 2b9-2ba 2bc 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 300-308 30a-30c 30f 313-314 326-327 335-336 342 345 370-377 37a-37f 384-38a 38c 38e-3a1 3a3-3e1 3f0-479 48a-52f 1405 140a 1e80-1e85 1e9e 1ef2-1ef3 1f00-1f15 1f18-1f1d 1f20-1f45 1f48-1f4d 1f50-1f57 1f59 1f5b 1f5d 1f5f-1f7d 1f80-1fb4 1fb6-1fc4 1fc6-1fd3 1fd6-1fdb 1fdd-1fef 1ff2-1ff4 1ff6-1ffe 2007-2008 200b 2012-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 204a 2070 2074-208e 20ac 20af 20b9-20ba 20bd 2113 2116 2122 212e 2153-215f 218a-218b 2190-2199 21a9 21de-21df 21e4-21ea 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 2227-2229 222b 2234-2235 2248 2260-2262 2264-2265 22a2-22af 2300 2302-2306 2310 2318 2320-2321 2324-2328 232b 2387-2388 238b 239b-23ad 23ce-23cf 2400-2426 2500-25a3 25aa-25af 25b2 25b6 25ba 25bc 25c0 25c4 25c6-25c7 25c9-25cb 25ce-25d3 25d5-25d7 25d9-25e5 25e7-25eb 25ef-25f7 2610-2612 2620 2639-263c 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 266a-266b 2713 27a1 27e8-27e9 27f0-27ff 2b05-2b07 e000-e003 e0a0-e0a2 e0b0-e0b3 feff 1f310), Pattern(Fira Code:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Regular.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a0-17e 192 1fc-1ff 218-21b 237 2b9-2ba 2bc 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 300-308 30a-30c 30f 313-314 326-327 335-336 342 345 370-377 37a-37f 384-38a 38c 38e-3a1 3a3-3e1 3f0-479 48a-52f 1405 140a 1e80-1e85 1e9e 1ef2-1ef3 1f00-1f15 1f18-1f1d 1f20-1f45 1f48-1f4d 1f50-1f57 1f59 1f5b 1f5d 1f5f-1f7d 1f80-1fb4 1fb6-1fc4 1fc6-1fd3 1fd6-1fdb 1fdd-1fef 1ff2-1ff4 1ff6-1ffe 2007-2008 200b 2012-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 204a 2070 2074-208e 20ac 20af 20b9-20ba 20bd 2113 2116 2122 212e 2153-215f 218a-218b 2190-2199 21a9 21de-21df 21e4-21ea 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 2227-2229 222b 2234-2235 2248 2260-2262 2264-2265 22a2-22af 2300 2302-2306 2310 2318 2320-2321 2324-2328 232b 2387-2388 238b 239b-23ad 23ce-23cf 2400-2426 2500-25a3 25aa-25af 25b2 25b6 25ba 25bc 25c0 25c4 25c6-25c7 25c9-25cb 25ce-25d3 25d5-25d7 25d9-25e5 25e7-25eb 25ef-25f7 2610-2612 2620 2639-263c 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 266a-266b 2713 27a1 27e8-27e9 27f0-27ff 2b05-2b07 e000-e003 e0a0-e0a2 e0b0-e0b3 feff 1f310)]
2021-06-02T14:08:24.725Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "Fira Code Light", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Light"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Light") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.725Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "Fira Code Retina", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Retina"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Retina") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.726Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "Fira Code Medium", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Medium"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Medium") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.726Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "Fira Code Bold", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Bold"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Bold") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.726Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "Fira Code Regular", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Regular") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.727Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 1.109483ms to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.727Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > selected best font-config match Names { full_name: "Fira Code Retina", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Retina"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Retina") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.728Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 836.085µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.729Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 774.162µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.730Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 976.859µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.731Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 726.653µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.731Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 617.757µs to compute and is [Pattern(JetBrains Mono:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Bold-Italic.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono,JetBrains Mono ExtraBold:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-ExtraBold-Italic.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono,JetBrains Mono ExtraBold:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-ExtraBold.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono,JetBrains Mono Medium:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Medium.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Bold.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Italic.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02), Pattern(JetBrains Mono,JetBrains Mono Medium:spacing=90:file=/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Medium-Italic.ttf:index=0:charset=20-7e a1-ac ae-17f 192 218-21b 237 2c6-2c7 2c9 2d8-2dd 3bc 3c0 401-40c 40e-44f 451-45c 45e-45f 490-491 1e80-1e85 2013-2014 2018-201a 201c-201e 2020-2022 2026 2030 2039-203a 2044 2070 2074 2080-2084 20ac 2113 2116 2122 2126 212e 2202 2206 220f 2211-2212 2215 2219-221a 221e 222b 2248 2260 2264-2265 25ca 26c4 fb01-fb02)]
2021-06-02T14:08:24.734Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Regular", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Regular") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.734Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Bold Italic", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Bold Italic"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-BoldItalic") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.734Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Extra Bold Italic", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Extra Bold Italic"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-ExtraBoldItalic") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.734Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Extra Bold", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Extra Bold"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-ExtraBold") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.734Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Medium", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Medium"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Medium") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.735Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Bold", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Bold"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Bold") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.735Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Italic", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Italic"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Italic") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.735Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > found font-config match for Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Medium Italic", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Medium Italic"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-MediumItalic") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.735Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 677.503µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.735Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > selected best font-config match Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Regular", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Regular") }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.736Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 830.018µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.737Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 695.815µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.738Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by family took 554.763µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.738Z TRACE wezterm_font::locator::font_config > listing by postscriptname took 580.42µs to compute and is []
2021-06-02T14:08:24.738Z TRACE wezterm_font::shaper::harfbuzz > compute metrics across these handles for size=11, dpi=96,
theoretical pixel height 14.666666666666666: [ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "Fira Code Retina", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Retina"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Retina") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: OnDisk { path: "/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Retina.ttf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: FontConfig }, cap_height: Some(0.7066666666666667) }, ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "JetBrains Mono Regular", family: "JetBrains Mono", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("JetBrainsMono-Regular") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: OnDisk { path: "/home/lakin/.fonts/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: FontConfig }, cap_height: Some(0.72) }, ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "Powerline Extra Symbols Regular", family: "Powerline Extra Symbols", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("PowerlineExtraSymbols") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: BuiltIn { name: "../../assets/fonts/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: BuiltIn }, cap_height: Some(0.7138671875) }, ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "Noto Color Emoji Regular", family: "Noto Color Emoji", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("NotoColorEmoji") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: BuiltIn { name: "../../assets/fonts/NotoColorEmoji.ttf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: BuiltIn }, cap_height: None }, ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "Last Resort High-Efficiency Regular", family: "Last Resort High-Efficiency", sub_family: Some("Regular"), postscript_name: Some("LastResortHE-Regular") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: BuiltIn { name: "../../assets/fonts/LastResortHE-Regular.ttf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: BuiltIn }, cap_height: Some(0.75) }]
2021-06-02T14:08:24.738Z TRACE wezterm_font::shaper::harfbuzz > shaper wants 0 ParsedFont { names: Names { full_name: "Fira Code Retina", family: "Fira Code", sub_family: Some("Retina"), postscript_name: Some("FiraCode-Retina") }, weight: Regular, stretch: Normal, italic: false, handle: FontDataHandle { source: OnDisk { path: "/home/lakin/.fonts/FiraCode-Retina.ttf" }, index: 0, variation: 0, origin: FontConfig }, cap_height: Some(0.7066666666666667) }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.739Z DEBUG wezterm_font::ftwrap > set_char_size computing 11 dpi=96 (pixel height=14.666666666666666)
2021-06-02T14:08:24.742Z TRACE wezterm_font::shaper::harfbuzz > idx 0 cell_height is 18.057632446289063, which is 3.3909657796223964 away from theoretical
height (factor 0.2312022122469816). Seems good enough
2021-06-02T14:08:24.742Z TRACE wezterm_font::shaper::harfbuzz > metrics_for_idx=0, size=11, dpi=96 -> FontMetrics { cell_width: 9.0, cell_height: 18.057632446289063, descender: -5.0, underline_thickness: 0.37620067596435547, underline_position: -0.7524013519287109, cap_height_ratio: Some(0.7066666666666667), is_scaled: true }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.742Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > using render_metrics RenderMetrics {
descender: -5.0,
descender_row: 14,
descender_plus_two: 16,
underline_height: 1,
strike_row: 7,
cell_size: 9x19,
2021-06-02T14:08:24.742Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > TermWindow::new_window called with mux_window_id 0 PtySize { rows: 24, cols: 80, pixel_width: 720, pixel_height: 456 } Dimensions { pixel_width: 780, pixel_height: 516, dpi: 96 }
2021-06-02T14:08:24.753Z TRACE window::egl > load_egl: Library@0x55b49651a030
2021-06-02T14:08:27.792Z TRACE window::egl > initialized EGL version 1.5
2021-06-02T14:08:27.792Z TRACE window::egl > Available Configuration(s):
2021-06-02T14:08:27.792Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679e200, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fca0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fd70, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fe40, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679ff10, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679ffe0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a00b0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0180, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0250, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0320, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a03f0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a04c0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0590, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0660, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0730, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0800, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a08d0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0ab0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0b80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0c50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2170, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.793Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2240, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2310, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a23e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a24b0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2580, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2650, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2720, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a27f0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a28c0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2990, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2a60, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2b30, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a09a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2e10, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2ee0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2fb0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3080, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.794Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3150, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3220, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a32f0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a33c0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3490, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3560, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3630, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3700, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a37d0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.796Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a38a0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.797Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3970, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.797Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3a40, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.797Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3b10, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.797Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3be0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.797Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3cb0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3d80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3e50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3f20, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3ff0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a40c0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4190, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4260, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4330, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4400, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a44d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a45a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4670, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4b50, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4c20, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4cf0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(0), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.798Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4dc0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4e90, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4f60, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5030, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(10), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5100, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a51d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a52a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5370, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5440, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5510, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.799Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a55e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a56b0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > Matching Configuration(s):
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2310, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a44d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a23e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a45a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2b30, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5100, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2fb0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5440, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a09a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a51d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3080, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5510, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2e10, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a52a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3150, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a55e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2ee0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5370, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.802Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3220, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.804Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a56b0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.804Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fd70, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.804Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3490, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.804Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fe40, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3560, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0590, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3cb0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a08d0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3ff0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0660, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3d80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0ab0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a40c0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0730, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3e50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0b80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4190, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0800, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3f20, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.805Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0c50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4260, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > Filtered down to these configuration(s):
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fd70, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3490, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fe40, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3560, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.813Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0590, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3cb0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a08d0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3ff0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0660, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3d80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0ab0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a40c0, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0730, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3e50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0b80, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4190, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0800, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3f20, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a0c50, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a4260, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2310, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a44d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a23e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a45a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2b30, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5100, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2fb0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5440, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.814Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a09a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.815Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a51d0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.815Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3080, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5510, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2e10, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a52a0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3150, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a55e0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a2ee0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a5370, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.816Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a3220, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.817Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b4967a56b0, alpha_size: Some(0), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(21), surface_type: Some("PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.819Z TRACE window::egl > Successfully created a surface using this configuration
2021-06-02T14:08:27.819Z TRACE window::egl > ConfigInfo { config: 0x55b49679fd70, alpha_size: Some(8), red_size: Some(8), green_size: Some(8), blue_size: Some(8), depth_size: Some(18), conformant: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), renderable_type: Some("OPENGL OPENGL_ES2 OPENGL_ES3 "), native_visual_id: Some(20), surface_type: Some("PBUFFER PIXMAP WINDOW ") }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.833Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 330
2021-06-02T14:08:27.842Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 300 es
2021-06-02T14:08:27.843Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 330
2021-06-02T14:08:27.844Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 300 es
2021-06-02T14:08:27.864Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 330
2021-06-02T14:08:27.864Z TRACE wezterm_gui::renderstate > compiling a prog with version 300 es
2021-06-02T14:08:27.866Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::renderstate > compute_vertices 80x24 780x516 padding=30 30
2021-06-02T14:08:27.869Z INFO wezterm_gui::termwindow > OpenGL initialized! Mesa Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630 (CFL GT2) OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 21.1.1 is_context_loss_possible=false wezterm version: 20210502-154244-3f7122cb
2021-06-02T14:08:27.869Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::renderstate > compute_vertices 80x24 780x516 padding=30 30
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z DEBUG mux::localpane > child terminated, new state is Dead
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z TRACE mux::window > Window::prune_dead_tabs: tab_id 0 is dead
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z DEBUG mux > prune_dead_windows: window is now empty
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z TRACE mux > tab 0 is dead
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z DEBUG mux > remove_tab_internal tab 0
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z TRACE mux > window 0 is dead
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z DEBUG mux > remove_window_internal 0
2021-06-02T14:08:27.874Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::termwindow::render > paint_impl before call_draw elapsed=23.321µs
2021-06-02T14:08:27.875Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::termwindow::render > paint_impl elapsed=600.643µs
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=67 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=366 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=354 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=444 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('o')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('k')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.876Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Control(CarriageReturn)
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=0 y=0 cell=Cell { text: "o", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=1 y=0 cell=Cell { text: "k", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Control(LineFeed)
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Control(LineFeed)
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('[')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('P')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('r')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('o')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('c')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('e')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('s')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('s')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print(' ')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('c')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('o')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('m')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('p')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('l')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('e')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('t')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('e')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print('d')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z DEBUG wezterm_term::terminalstate > perform Print(']')
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=0 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "[", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=1 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "P", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=2 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "r", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=3 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "o", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=4 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "c", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=5 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "e", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=6 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "s", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=7 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "s", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=8 y=2 cell=Cell { text: " ", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=9 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "c", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=10 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "o", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=11 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "m", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=12 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "p", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=13 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "l", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=14 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "e", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=15 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "t", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=16 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "e", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=17 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "d", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE wezterm_term::terminalstate > print x=18 y=2 cell=Cell { text: "]", attrs: CellAttributes { attributes: 0, intensity: Normal, underline: None, blink: None, italic: false, reverse: false, strikethrough: false, invisible: false, wrapped: false, overline: false, semantic_type: Output, foreground: Default, background: Default, fat: None } }
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE async_io::driver > block_on: completed
2021-06-02T14:08:27.877Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=39 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.879Z DEBUG mux > removing pane 0
2021-06-02T14:08:27.879Z DEBUG mux > killing pane 0
2021-06-02T14:08:27.879Z DEBUG mux::localpane > killing process in pane 0, state is Dead
2021-06-02T14:08:27.880Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=39 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.880Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=363 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.883Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > resize event, current cells: RowsAndCols { rows: 24, cols: 80 }, new dims: Dimensions { pixel_width: 916, pixel_height: 989, dpi: 96 } is_full_screen:false
2021-06-02T14:08:27.883Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::renderstate > compute_vertices 95x48 916x989 padding=30 30
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=407 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > resize event, current cells: RowsAndCols { rows: 48, cols: 95 }, new dims: Dimensions { pixel_width: 916, pixel_height: 989, dpi: 96 } is_full_screen:false
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > Calling focus_change(true)
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > Setting focus to true
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=368 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.892Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > PropertyNotifyEvent atom=362 xsel=652
2021-06-02T14:08:27.903Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::termwindow::render > paint_impl before call_draw elapsed=3.267407ms
2021-06-02T14:08:27.903Z DEBUG wezterm_gui::termwindow::render > paint_impl elapsed=3.421207ms
2021-06-02T14:08:27.929Z TRACE window::os::x11::window > Calling focus_change(false)
2021-06-02T14:08:27.929Z TRACE wezterm_gui::termwindow > Setting focus to false
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