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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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package greeter
import scala.collection.mutable
import{ File, PrintStream }
object hello {
def isBipartiteGraph(lines: mutable.ListBuffer[(String, String)], map: mutable.HashMap[String, Boolean]): Boolean = {
var remains = mutable.ListBuffer[(String, String)]() { case (left, right) =>
if (map.isEmpty) {
map += (left -> false)
map += (right -> true)
(map.contains(left), map.contains(right)) match {
case (true, true) => if (map(left) == map(right)) return false
case (true, false) => map += right -> !map(left)
case (false, true) => map += left -> !map(right)
case (false, false) => remains = (left, right) +: remains
if (remains.isEmpty) true
else {
if (remains.equals(lines)) isBipartiteGraph(remains, mutable.HashMap.empty)
else isBipartiteGraph(remains, map)
def process(iter: Iterator[String])(pr: String => Unit) {
for (i <- 1 to yield {
val seq = List.fill({
val Array(a, b) = split ' '
(a, b)
pr(s"Case #$i: ${if (isBipartiteGraph(mutable.ListBuffer(seq.toSeq: _*), mutable.HashMap.empty)) "Yes" else "No"}")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val in = Source.fromFile(new File(""))
val out = new PrintStream(new File("test.out"))
try {
process(in.getLines) { s: String => out.println(s) }
} finally {
out.flush; out.close
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