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Last active August 20, 2018 08:34
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package codejam
import{File, PrintStream}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Food(expiration: Int, satiety : Int) {
val sum = expiration + satiety
object Survivor {
def findMaxDate(foods : List[Food]) : Int = {
val greedyFoods = foods.sortBy(-_.sum)
def canReach(remain:List[Food], date : Int) : Boolean = {
if(remain.isEmpty || date < 0 || remain.head.sum < date) return false // remain.head.sum means 'can reach'. it always bigger or equal than date.
date == 0 || // find solution
canReach(remain.tail, date - remain.head.satiety) || // eat remain.head
canReach(remain.tail, date) // not eat remain.head
def inner(date : Int) : Int =
if(canReach(greedyFoods, date)) date else inner(date-1)
def process(iter: Iterator[String])(pr: String => Unit) {
for (count <- 1 to yield {
val foods = (for(n <- 1 to yield {
val Array(p, s) =" ").map(_.toInt)
Food(p, s)
pr(s"Case #$count: ${findMaxDate(foods)}")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val in = Source.fromFile(new File(""))
val out = new PrintStream(new File("A-large-practice.out"))
try {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
process(in.getLines) { s: String => out.println(s) }
println(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
} finally {
out.flush; out.close
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