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Forked from Nora-Ballard/Set-WindowState.ps1
Last active June 13, 2024 09:51
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Hide, Show, Minimize, Maximize, etc window from Powershell.
function Set-WindowState {
Set the state of a window.
Set the state of a window using the `ShowWindowAsync` function from `user32.dll`.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The process object(s) to set the state of. Can be piped from `Get-Process`.
The state to set the window to. Default is 'SHOW'.
.PARAMETER SuppressErrors
Suppress errors when the main window handle is '0'.
.PARAMETER SetForegroundWindow
Set the window to the foreground
.PARAMETER ThresholdHours
The number of hours to keep the window handle in memory. Default is 24.
Get-Process notepad | Set-WindowState -State HIDE -SuppressErrors
Get-Process notepad | Set-WindowState -State SHOW -SuppressErrors
Original idea from
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Object[]] $InputObject,
[Parameter(Position = 1)]
[string] $State = 'SHOW',
[switch] $SuppressErrors = $false,
[switch] $SetForegroundWindow = $false,
[int] $ThresholdHours = 24
Begin {
$WindowStates = @{
'HIDE' = 0
'SHOW' = 5
'SHOWNA' = 8
$Win32ShowWindowAsync = Add-Type -MemberDefinition @'
public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
'@ -Name "Win32ShowWindowAsync" -Namespace Win32Functions -PassThru
$handlesFilePath = "$env:APPDATA\WindowHandles.json"
$global:MainWindowHandles = @{}
if (Test-Path $handlesFilePath) {
$json = Get-Content $handlesFilePath -Raw
$data = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
$currentTime = Get-Date
foreach ($key in $data.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
$handleData = $data.$key
if ($handleData -and $handleData.Timestamp) {
try {
$timestamp = [datetime] $handleData.Timestamp
if ($currentTime - $timestamp -lt (New-TimeSpan -Hours $ThresholdHours)) {
$global:MainWindowHandles[[int] $key] = $handleData
} catch {
Write-Verbose "Skipping invalid timestamp for handle $key"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Skipping entry for handle $key due to missing data"
Process {
foreach ($process in $InputObject) {
$handle = $process.MainWindowHandle
if ($handle -eq 0 -and $global:MainWindowHandles.ContainsKey($process.Id)) {
$handle = [int] $global:MainWindowHandles[$process.Id].Handle
if ($handle -eq 0) {
if (-not $SuppressErrors) {
Write-Error "Main Window handle is '0'"
} else {
Write-Verbose ("Skipping '{0}' with id '{1}', because Main Window handle is '0'" -f $process.ProcessName, $process.Id)
Write-Verbose ("Processing '{0}' with id '{1}' and handle '{2}'" -f $process.ProcessName, $process.Id, $handle)
$global:MainWindowHandles[$process.Id] = @{
Handle = $handle.ToString()
Timestamp = (Get-Date).ToString("o")
$Win32ShowWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync($handle, $WindowStates[$State]) | Out-Null
if ($SetForegroundWindow) {
$Win32ShowWindowAsync::SetForegroundWindow($handle) | Out-Null
Write-Verbose ("» Set Window State '{1}' on '{0}'" -f $handle, $State)
End {
$data = [ordered] @{}
foreach ($key in $global:MainWindowHandles.Keys) {
if ($global:MainWindowHandles[$key].Handle -ne 0) {
$data["$key"] = $global:MainWindowHandles[$key]
$json = $data | ConvertTo-Json
Set-Content -Path $handlesFilePath -Value $json
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lalibi commented Dec 21, 2019

Or like this:

Get-Process notepad | Set-WindowState -State Hide
Get-Process notepad | Set-WindowState -State Show

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Keep getting error "Main Window handle is '0' " when trying to run this on spotify, works Fine on notepad though. Maybe something to do with how spotify seems to be made up of 3 processes in task manager.
Image attached to show what I mean.

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It's good, but although it sets the correct window state on the correct handle, what is still missing in certain $States is a command to bring the window to the foreground, e.g. $Win32ShowWindowAsync::SetForegroundWindow($handle) | Out-Null

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lalibi commented Dec 27, 2021

@Duoquadragesimal, yes it's because of the multiple processes, it should work though. You get an error for each process that doesn't have a main window. I added a -SuppressErrors flag, so you can call it like this:

Get-Process spotify | Set-WindowState -State Show -SuppressErrors
Get-Process spotify | Set-WindowState -State Hide -SuppressErrors

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lalibi commented Dec 27, 2021

@Nagidal added a flag for that too -SetForegroundWindow

Get-Process someprocess| Set-WindowState -State Show -SetForegroundWindow 

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Hmm. When I do this, the program gets hidden, but it does not show again
Get-Process program | Set-WindowState -State Hide -SuppressErrors
Get-Process program | Set-WindowState -State Show -SuppressErrors

Any idea?

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lalibi commented Jun 14, 2022

Hmm. When I do this, the program gets hidden, but it does not show again Get-Process program | Set-WindowState -State Hide -SuppressErrors then Get-Process program | Set-WindowState -State Show -SuppressErrors

Any idea?

You need to execute those two commands in the same session. Otherwise it won't work, since a "hidden" application doesn't have a MainWindowHandle.

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lalibi commented May 24, 2024

MainWindowHandles are now stored in a .json file, in "$env:APPDATA\WindowHandles.json", and restored them every time the script is run. At this point there is no automatic way to clear this file, only manually.

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lalibi commented May 24, 2024

.json now includes a timestamp for each entry and invalidates them, if a threshold is reached (default is 24 hours).

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Wow, two years later, you still added a feature. That's awesome!

And I just realized I didn't respond, sorry about that lol.

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