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Created July 22, 2011 18:02
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Locate audio snippets in a longer stream
def format_time(secs):
return "%d:%02d" % (secs / 60, secs % 60)
def invert(arr):
Make a dictionary that with the array elements as keys and
their positions positions as values.
>>> invert([3, 1, 3, 6])
{1: [1], 3: [0, 2], 6: [3]}
map = {}
for i, a in enumerate(arr):
map.setdefault(a, []).append(i)
return map
popcnt_table_8bit = [
def popcnt(x):
Count the number of set bits in the given 32-bit integer.
return (popcnt_table_8bit[(x >> 0) & 0xFF] +
popcnt_table_8bit[(x >> 8) & 0xFF] +
popcnt_table_8bit[(x >> 16) & 0xFF] +
popcnt_table_8bit[(x >> 24) & 0xFF])
def ber(offset):
Compare the short snippet against the full track at given offset.
errors = 0
count = 0
for a, b in zip(full[offset:], short):
errors += popcnt(a ^ b)
count += 1
return max(0.0, 1.0 - 2.0 * errors / (32.0 * count))
# load fingerprints
full = eval(open('joy_full.txt').read())[0]
short = eval(open('joy_short.txt').read())[0]
# don't use all 32 bits for the initial matching phase
full_20bit = [x & (1<<20 - 1) for x in full]
short_20bit = [x & (1<<20 - 1) for x in short]
# check which items are contained in both fingerprints
common = set(full_20bit) & set(short_20bit)
# create small inverted indexes
i_full_20bit = invert(full_20bit)
i_short_20bit = invert(short_20bit)
# check at which offsets do the common items occur
offsets = {}
for a in common:
for i in i_full_20bit[a]:
for j in i_short_20bit[a]:
o = i - j
offsets[o] = offsets.get(o, 0) + 1
# evaluate the fingerprints at the best matching offsets and sort the results by score
matches = []
for count, offset in sorted([(v, k) for k, v in offsets.items()], reverse=True)[:20]:
matches.append((ber(offset), offset))
# print out the results
for i, (score, offset) in enumerate(matches):
if score < 0.5:
secs = int(offset * 0.1238) # each fingerprint item represents 0.1238 seconds
print "%d. position %s with score %f" % (i + 1, format_time(secs), score)
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Could you please provide any example what the files 'joy_full.txt' and 'joy_short.txt' look alike? And how to produce them?


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You should put parenthesis around (1<<20) otherwise 1<<20-1 == 1<<19, not ((1<<20) - 1)...

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