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Created May 14, 2015 19:33
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Example for GHC bug 10293

To observe the error:

    $ ghc -c -O Alpha.hs
    $ ghc -c -O -v Calc.hs
    # note Calc.hs hangs on "Called arity analysis"

To make the compilation take longer, add more branches to the Expr datatype.

-- |
-- Module : Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Alpha
-- Copyright : (c) 2014, Aleksey Kliger
-- License : BSD3 (See LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Aleksey Kliger
-- Stability : experimental
-- Use the 'Alpha' typeclass to mark types that may contain 'Name's.
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures
, FlexibleContexts
, DeriveGeneric
, TypeOperators #-}
module Alpha (
-- * Name-aware opertions
-- * Names
, Name
, AnyName
-- * Binding
, Bind
-- * Embedding terms in patterns
, Embed(..)
-- * Binder variables
, DisjointSet(..)
, inconsistentDisjointSet
, singletonDisjointSet
, isConsistentDisjointSet
-- * Implementation details
, NthPatFind
, NamePatFind
, AlphaCtx
, initialCtx
, patternCtx
, termCtx
, isTermCtx
, incrLevelCtx
, decrLevelCtx
, isZeroLevelCtx
-- * Internal
, gaeq
, gisPat
, gisTerm
, gnthPatFind
, gnamePatFind
, gswaps
, gfreshen
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import Data.List (intersect)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))
import Data.Ratio (Ratio)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable, gcast, typeOf)
import GHC.Generics
-- | The @Fresh@ type class governs monads which can generate new
-- globally unique 'Name's based on a given 'Name'.
class Monad m => Fresh m where
-- | Generate a new globally unique name based on the given one.
fresh :: Name a -> m (Name a)
-- | Types that are instances of @Alpha@ may participate in name representation.
-- Minimal instance is entirely empty, provided that your type is an instance of
-- 'Generic'.
class (Show a) => Alpha a where
-- | See 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.aeq'.
aeq' :: AlphaCtx -> a -> a -> Bool
default aeq' :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => AlphaCtx -> a -> a -> Bool
aeq' c = (gaeq c) `on` from
-- | @isPat x@ dynamically checks whether @x@ can be used as a valid pattern.
isPat :: a -> DisjointSet AnyName
default isPat :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => a -> DisjointSet AnyName
isPat = gisPat . from
-- | @isPat x@ dynamically checks whether @x@ can be used as a valid term.
isTerm :: a -> Bool
default isTerm :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => a -> Bool
isTerm = gisTerm . from
-- | @isEmbed@ is needed internally for the implementation of
-- 'isPat'. @isEmbed@ is true for terms wrapped in 'Embed' and zero
-- or more occurrences of 'Shift'. The default implementation
-- simply returns @False@.
isEmbed :: a -> Bool
isEmbed _ = False
-- | If @a@ is a pattern, finds the @n@th name in the pattern
-- (starting from zero), returning the number of names encountered
-- if not found.
nthPatFind :: a -> NthPatFind
default nthPatFind :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => a -> NthPatFind
nthPatFind = gnthPatFind . from
-- | If @a@ is a pattern, find the index of the given name in the pattern.
namePatFind :: a -> NamePatFind
default namePatFind :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => a -> NamePatFind
namePatFind = gnamePatFind . from
-- | See 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.swaps'. Apply
-- the given permutation of variable names to the given pattern.
swaps' :: AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> a -> a
default swaps' :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a)) => AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> a -> a
swaps' ctx perm = to . gswaps ctx perm . from
-- | See 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.freshen'. Rename the free variables
-- in the given term to be distinct from all other names seen in the monad @m@.
freshen' :: Fresh m => AlphaCtx -> a -> m (a, Perm AnyName)
default freshen' :: (Generic a, GAlpha (Rep a), Fresh m) => AlphaCtx -> a -> m (a, Perm AnyName)
freshen' ctx = liftM (first to) . gfreshen ctx . from
-- | The result of @'nthPatFind' a i@ is @Left k@ where @k@ is the
-- number of names in pattern @a@ with @k < i@ or @Right x@ where @x@
-- is the @i@th name in @a@
type NthPatFind = Integer -> Either Integer AnyName
-- | The result of @'namePatFind' a x@ is either @Left i@ if @a@ is a pattern that
-- contains @i@ free names none of which are @x@, or @Right j@ if @x@ is the @j@th name
-- in @a@
type NamePatFind = AnyName -> Either Integer Integer -- Left - names skipped over
-- Right - index of the name we found
-- | The "Generic" representation version of 'Alpha'
class GAlpha f where
gaeq :: AlphaCtx -> f a -> f a -> Bool
gisPat :: f a -> DisjointSet AnyName
gisTerm :: f a -> Bool
gnthPatFind :: f a -> NthPatFind
gnamePatFind :: f a -> NamePatFind
gswaps :: AlphaCtx -> Perm AnyName -> f a -> f a
gfreshen :: Fresh m => AlphaCtx -> f a -> m (f a, Perm AnyName)
instance (Alpha c) => GAlpha (K1 i c) where
gaeq ctx (K1 c1) (K1 c2) = aeq' ctx c1 c2
gisPat = isPat . unK1
gisTerm = isTerm . unK1
gnthPatFind = nthPatFind . unK1
gnamePatFind = namePatFind . unK1
gswaps ctx perm = K1 . swaps' ctx perm . unK1
gfreshen ctx = liftM (first K1) . freshen' ctx . unK1
instance GAlpha f => GAlpha (M1 i c f) where
gaeq ctx (M1 f1) (M1 f2) = gaeq ctx f1 f2
gisPat = gisPat . unM1
gisTerm = gisTerm . unM1
gnthPatFind = gnthPatFind . unM1
gnamePatFind = gnamePatFind . unM1
gswaps ctx perm = M1 . gswaps ctx perm . unM1
gfreshen ctx = liftM (first M1) . gfreshen ctx . unM1
instance GAlpha U1 where
gaeq _ctx _ _ = True
gisPat _ = mempty
gisTerm _ = True
gnthPatFind _ = Left
gnamePatFind _ _ = Left 0
gswaps _ctx _perm _ = U1
gfreshen _ctx _ = return (U1, mempty)
instance GAlpha V1 where
gaeq _ctx _ _ = False
gisPat _ = mempty
gisTerm _ = False
gnthPatFind _ = Left
gnamePatFind _ _ = Left 0
gswaps _ctx _perm _ = undefined
gfreshen _ctx _ = return (undefined, mempty)
instance (GAlpha f, GAlpha g) => GAlpha (f :*: g) where
gaeq ctx (f1 :*: g1) (f2 :*: g2) =
gaeq ctx f1 f2 && gaeq ctx g1 g2
gisPat (f :*: g) = gisPat f <> gisPat g
gisTerm (f :*: g) = gisTerm f && gisTerm g
gnthPatFind (f :*: g) i = case gnthPatFind f i of
Left i' -> gnthPatFind g i'
Right ans -> Right ans
gnamePatFind (f :*: g) n = case gnamePatFind f n of
Left j -> case gnamePatFind g n of
Left i -> Left $! j + i
Right k -> Right $! j + k
Right k -> Right k
gswaps ctx perm (f :*: g) =
gswaps ctx perm f :*: gswaps ctx perm g
gfreshen ctx (f :*: g) = do
(g', perm2) <- gfreshen ctx g
(f', perm1) <- gfreshen ctx (gswaps ctx perm2 f)
return (f' :*: g', perm1 <> perm2)
instance (GAlpha f, GAlpha g) => GAlpha (f :+: g) where
gaeq ctx (L1 f1) (L1 f2) = gaeq ctx f1 f2
gaeq ctx (R1 g1) (R1 g2) = gaeq ctx g1 g2
gaeq _ctx _ _ = False
gisPat (L1 f) = gisPat f
gisPat (R1 g) = gisPat g
gisTerm (L1 f) = gisTerm f
gisTerm (R1 g) = gisTerm g
gnthPatFind (L1 f) i = gnthPatFind f i
gnthPatFind (R1 g) i = gnthPatFind g i
gnamePatFind (L1 f) n = gnamePatFind f n
gnamePatFind (R1 g) n = gnamePatFind g n
gswaps ctx perm (L1 f) = L1 (gswaps ctx perm f)
gswaps ctx perm (R1 f) = R1 (gswaps ctx perm f)
gfreshen ctx (L1 f) = liftM (first L1) (gfreshen ctx f)
gfreshen ctx (R1 f) = liftM (first R1) (gfreshen ctx f)
-- ============================================================
-- Alpha instances for the usual types
instance Alpha Int where
aeq' _ctx i j = i == j
isPat _ = mempty
isTerm _ = True
nthPatFind _ = Left
namePatFind _ _ = Left 0
swaps' _ctx _p i = i
freshen' _ctx i = return (i, mempty)
instance Alpha Char where
aeq' _ctx i j = i == j
isPat _ = mempty
isTerm _ = True
nthPatFind _ = Left
namePatFind _ _ = Left 0
swaps' _ctx _p i = i
freshen' _ctx i = return (i, mempty)
instance Alpha Integer where
aeq' _ctx i j = i == j
isPat _ = mempty
isTerm _ = True
nthPatFind _ = Left
namePatFind _ _ = Left 0
swaps' _ctx _p i = i
freshen' _ctx i = return (i, mempty)
instance Alpha Bool
instance Alpha a => Alpha (Maybe a)
instance Alpha a => Alpha [a]
instance Alpha ()
instance (Alpha a,Alpha b) => Alpha (Either a b)
instance (Alpha a,Alpha b) => Alpha (a,b)
instance (Alpha a,Alpha b,Alpha c) => Alpha (a,b,c)
instance (Alpha a, Alpha b,Alpha c, Alpha d) => Alpha (a,b,c,d)
instance (Alpha a, Alpha b,Alpha c, Alpha d, Alpha e) =>
Alpha (a,b,c,d,e)
-- ============================================================
-- Alpha instances for interesting types
instance Typeable a => Alpha (Name a) where
aeq' ctx n1 n2 =
if isTermCtx ctx
then n1 == n2 -- in terms, better be the same name
else True -- in a pattern, names are always equivlent (since
-- they're both bound, so they can vary).
isPat n = if isFreeName n
then singletonDisjointSet (AnyName n)
else inconsistentDisjointSet
isTerm _ = True
nthPatFind nm i =
if i == 0 then Right (AnyName nm) else Left $! i-1
namePatFind nm1 (AnyName nm2) =
case gcast nm1 of
Just nm1' -> if nm1' == nm2 then Right 0 else Left 1
Nothing -> Left 1
swaps' ctx perm nm =
if isTermCtx ctx
then case applyPerm perm (AnyName nm) of
AnyName nm' ->
case gcast nm' of
Just nm'' -> nm''
Nothing -> error "Internal error swaps' on a Name returned permuted name of wrong sort"
else nm
freshen' ctx nm =
if not (isTermCtx ctx)
then do
nm' <- fresh nm
return (nm', single (AnyName nm) (AnyName nm'))
else error "freshen' on a Name in term position"
instance Alpha AnyName where
aeq' ctx x y =
if x == y
then True
-- in a term unequal variables are unequal, in a pattern it's
-- ok.
not (isTermCtx ctx)
isTerm _ = True
isPat n@(AnyName nm) = if isFreeName nm
then singletonDisjointSet n
else inconsistentDisjointSet
swaps' ctx perm n =
if isTermCtx ctx
then applyPerm perm n
else n
freshen' ctx (AnyName nm) =
if isTermCtx ctx
then error "LocallyNameless.freshen' on AnyName in Term mode"
else do
nm' <- fresh nm
return (AnyName nm', single (AnyName nm) (AnyName nm'))
nthPatFind nm i =
if i == 0 then Right nm else Left $! i - 1
namePatFind nmHave nmWant =
if nmHave == nmWant
then Right 0
else Left 1
data Name a = Fn String !Integer -- free names
| Bn !Integer !Integer -- bound names / binding level + pattern index
deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Generic)
-- | Returns 'True' iff the given @Name a@ is free.
isFreeName :: Name a -> Bool
isFreeName (Fn _ _) = True
isFreeName _ = False
-- | Make a free 'Name a' from a 'String'
string2Name :: String -> Name a
string2Name s = makeName s 0
-- | Synonym for 'string2Name'.
s2n :: String -> Name a
s2n = string2Name
-- | Make a name from a 'String' and an 'Integer' index
makeName :: String -> Integer -> Name a
makeName = Fn
-- | Get the integer part of a 'Name'.
name2Integer :: Name a -> Integer
name2Integer (Fn _ i) = i
name2Integer (Bn _ _) = error "Internal Error: cannot call name2Integer for bound names"
-- | Get the string part of a 'Name'.
name2String :: Name a -> String
name2String (Fn s _) = s
name2String (Bn _ _) = error "Internal Error: cannot call name2String for bound names"
instance Show (Name a) where
show (Fn "" n) = "_" ++ (show n)
show (Fn x 0) = x
show (Fn x n) = x ++ (show n)
show (Bn x y) = show x ++ "@" ++ show y
-- | An @AnyName@ is a name that stands for a term of some (existentially hidden) type.
data AnyName where
AnyName :: Typeable a => Name a -> AnyName
instance Show AnyName where
show (AnyName nm) = show nm
instance Eq AnyName where
(AnyName n1) == (AnyName n2) = case gcast n2 of
Just n2' -> n1 == n2'
Nothing -> False
-- | A term of type @'Bind' p t@ is a term that binds the free
-- variable occurrences of the variables in pattern @p@ in the term
-- @t@. In the overall term, those variables are now bound. See also
-- 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.bind' and
-- 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.unbind' and
-- 'Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless.Operations.lunbind'
data Bind p t = B p t
deriving (Generic)
instance (Show p, Show t) => Show (Bind p t) where
showsPrec prec (B p t) =
showParen (prec > 0) (showString "<"
. showsPrec prec p
. showString "> "
. showsPrec 0 t)
instance (Alpha p, Alpha t) => Alpha (Bind p t) where
aeq' ctx (B p1 t1) (B p2 t2) =
aeq' (patternCtx ctx) p1 p2
&& aeq' (incrLevelCtx ctx) t1 t2
isPat _ = inconsistentDisjointSet
isTerm (B p t) = isConsistentDisjointSet (isPat p) && isTerm t
nthPatFind b = error $ "Binding " ++ show b ++ " used as a pattern"
namePatFind b = error $ "Binding " ++ show b ++ " used as a pattern"
swaps' ctx perm (B p t) =
B (swaps' (patternCtx ctx) perm p)
(swaps' (incrLevelCtx ctx) perm t)
-- | @Embed@ allows for terms to be /embedded/ within patterns. Such
-- embedded terms do not bind names along with the rest of the
-- pattern. For examples, see the tutorial or examples directories.
-- If @t@ is a /term type/, then @Embed t@ is a /pattern type/.
-- @Embed@ is not abstract since it involves no binding, and hence
-- it is safe to manipulate directly. To create and destruct
-- @Embed@ terms, you may use the @Embed@ constructor directly.
-- (You may also use the functions 'embed' and 'unembed', which
-- additionally can construct or destruct any number of enclosing
-- 'Shift's at the same time.)
newtype Embed t = Embed t deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Show a => Show (Embed a) where
showsPrec _ (Embed a) = showString "{" . showsPrec 0 a . showString "}"
instance Alpha t => Alpha (Embed t) where
isPat (Embed t) = if (isTerm t) then mempty else inconsistentDisjointSet
isTerm _ = False
isEmbed (Embed t) = isTerm t
swaps' ctx perm (Embed t) =
if isTermCtx ctx
then Embed t
else Embed (swaps' (termCtx ctx) perm t)
aeq' ctx (Embed x) (Embed y) = aeq' (termCtx ctx) x y
nthPatFind _ = Left
namePatFind _ _ = Left 0
-- | Some 'Alpha' operations need to record information about their
-- progress. Instances should just pass it through unchanged.
-- The context records whether we are currently operating on terms or patterns,
-- and how many binding levels we've descended.
data AlphaCtx = AlphaCtx { ctxMode :: !Mode, ctxLevel :: !Integer }
newtype Perm a = Perm { applyPerm :: a -> a }
instance Eq a => Monoid (Perm a) where
mempty = Perm id
mappend p1 p2 = undefined
single :: a -> a -> Perm a
single x y = undefined
data Mode = Term | Pat
deriving Eq
-- | The starting context for alpha operations: we are expecting to
-- work on terms and we are under no binders.
initialCtx :: AlphaCtx
initialCtx = AlphaCtx { ctxMode = Term, ctxLevel = 0 }
-- | Switches to a context where we expect to operate on patterns.
patternCtx :: AlphaCtx -> AlphaCtx
patternCtx ctx = ctx { ctxMode = Pat }
-- | Switches to a context where we expect to operate on terms.
termCtx :: AlphaCtx -> AlphaCtx
termCtx ctx = ctx { ctxMode = Term }
-- | Returns 'True' iff we are in a context where we expect to see terms.
isTermCtx :: AlphaCtx -> Bool
isTermCtx (AlphaCtx {ctxMode = Term}) = True
isTermCtx _ = False
-- | Increment the number of binders that we are operating under.
incrLevelCtx :: AlphaCtx -> AlphaCtx
incrLevelCtx ctx = ctx { ctxLevel = 1 + ctxLevel ctx }
-- | Decrement the number of binders that we are operating under.
decrLevelCtx :: AlphaCtx -> AlphaCtx
decrLevelCtx ctx = ctx { ctxLevel = ctxLevel ctx - 1 }
-- | Are we operating under no binders?
isZeroLevelCtx :: AlphaCtx -> Bool
isZeroLevelCtx ctx = ctxLevel ctx == 0
-- | A @DisjointSet a@ is a 'Just' a list of distinct @a@s. In addition to a monoidal
-- structure, a disjoint set also has an annihilator 'inconsistentDisjointSet'.
-- @
-- inconsistentDisjointSet \<> s == inconsistentDisjointSet
-- s \<> inconsistentDisjoinSet == inconsistentDisjointSet
-- @
newtype DisjointSet a = DisjointSet (Maybe [a])
instance Eq a => Monoid (DisjointSet a) where
mempty = DisjointSet (Just [])
mappend s1 s2 =
case (s1, s2) of
(DisjointSet (Just xs), DisjointSet (Just ys)) | disjointLists xs ys -> DisjointSet (Just (xs <> ys))
_ -> inconsistentDisjointSet
instance Foldable DisjointSet where
foldMap summarize (DisjointSet ms) = foldMap (foldMap summarize) ms
-- | Returns a @DisjointSet a@ that is the annihilator element for the 'Monoid' instance of 'DisjointSet'.
inconsistentDisjointSet :: DisjointSet a
inconsistentDisjointSet = DisjointSet Nothing
-- | @singletonDisjointSet x@ a @DisjointSet a@ that contains the single element @x@
singletonDisjointSet :: a -> DisjointSet a
singletonDisjointSet x = DisjointSet (Just [x])
disjointLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
disjointLists xs ys = null (intersect xs ys)
-- | @isConsistentDisjointSet@ returns @True@ iff the given disjoint set is not inconsistent.
isConsistentDisjointSet :: DisjointSet a -> Bool
isConsistentDisjointSet (DisjointSet Nothing) = False
isConsistentDisjointSet _ = True
-- |
-- Module : Calc
-- Copyright : (c) 2014, Aleksey Kliger
-- License : BSD3 (See LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Aleksey Kliger
-- Stability : experimental
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Calc where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Alpha
-- variables will range over expressions
type Var = Name Expr
-- expression is either a variable, a constant int, a summation of two
-- expressions, a list of variables bound to expressions that may
-- occur in the body of an expression (where the expressions in the
-- list of bindings refer to an outer scope), or a sequence of nested bindings
-- where each binding expression can refer to previously bound variables.
data Expr = V Var
| C Int
| Add Expr Expr
| Lam (Bind Var Expr)
| App Expr Expr
| Let (Bind [(Var, Embed Expr)] Expr)
| Case Expr [Match]
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show)
data Match = Match (Bind Var Expr)
deriving (Generic, Typeable, Show)
instance Alpha Expr
instance Alpha Match
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