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Created September 28, 2011 09:09
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CoffeeScript Snnipets
Detect browser name, version and OS
class Detector
constructor: ->
@browser = @searchString(Detector.dataBrowser) or "An unknown browser"
@version = @searchVersion(navigator.userAgent) or @searchVersion(navigator.appVersion) or "An unknown browser"
@OS = @searchString(Detector.dataOS) or "An unknown OS"
searchString: (data) ->
for row in data
@versionSearchString = row.versionSearch or row.identify
if row.string?
if row.string.indexOf(row.subString) isnt -1
return row.identify
else if row.prop
return row.identify
searchVersion: (dataString) ->
index = dataString.indexOf @versionSearchString
if index is -1 then return
return parseFloat dataString.substring(index+@versionSearchString.length+1)
@dataBrowser: [
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'Chrome', identify: 'Chrome'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'OmniWeb', versionSearch: 'OmniWeb/', identify: 'OmniWeb'}
{string: navigator.vendor, subString: 'Apple', identify: 'Safari', versionSearch: 'Version'}
{prop: window.opera, identify: 'Opera', versionSearch: 'Version'}
{string: navigator.vendor, subString: 'iCab', identify: 'iCab'}
{string: navigator.vendor, subString: 'KDE', identify: 'Konqueror'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'Firefox', identify: 'Firefox'}
{string: navigator.vendor, subString: 'Camino', identify: 'Camino'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'Netscape', identify: 'Netscape'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'MSIE', identify: 'Explorer', versionSearch: 'MSIE'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'Gecko', identify: 'Mozilla', versionSearch: 'rv'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'Mozilla', identify: 'Netscape', versionSearch: 'Mozilla'}
@dataOS: [
{string: navigator.platform, subString: 'Win', identify: 'Windows'}
{string: navigator.platform, subString: 'Mac', identify: 'Mac'}
{string: navigator.userAgent, subString: 'iPhone', identify: 'iPhone/iPad'}
{string: navigator.platform, subString: 'Linux', identify: 'Linux'}
exports?.Detector = Detector
CoffeeScript partial class utils. it is useful when you create a large class
and want split the class to several files.
Author: Alisue (
License: MIT License
Copyright 2011, Alisue allright reserved
class Person
constructor: (@name) -> @
say: -> "My name is #{@name}"
Person = partial Person,
chess: -> 'Yes I like'
Person = partial Person,
apple: -> 'No i don't like it'
partial = (cls, prototypes) ->
for name, callback of prototypes
cls.prototype[name] = callback
return cls
exports?.partial = partial
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