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Last active October 8, 2021 14:55
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Makrdown template of protoc-gen-doc for better looks in GitHub Pages
<details open markdown="block">
<summary>Table of contents</summary>
<a href="#services">Services</a>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Services}}
<li><a href="#{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} (<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</a></li>
{{- end}}{{end}}
<a href="#messages">Messages</a>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Messages}}
<li><a href="#{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} (<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</a></li>
{{- end}}{{end}}
<a href="#enums">Enums</a>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Enums}}
<li><a href="#{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} (<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</a></li>
{{- end}}{{end}}
<li><a href="#scalar-value-types">Scalar Value Types</a></li>
<h1 id="service" name="service">Service</h1>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Services}}
<h2 id="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}" name="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} <small>(<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</small></h2>
| Method name | Request type | Response type | Description |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------- | ----------- |
{{range .Methods -}}
| `{{.Name}}`{{/* noline */ -}}
| {{if .RequestStreaming}}**stream** {{end}}[`{{.RequestLongType}}`](#{{.RequestFullType | lower | replace "." ""}}){{/* noline */ -}}
| {{if .ResponseStreaming}}**stream** {{end}}[`{{.ResponseLongType}}`](#{{.ResponseFullType | lower | replace "." ""}}){{/* noline */ -}}
| {{if .Description}}{{.Description | replace "\n" "<br>"}}{{end}}{{/* noline */ -}}
{{end}}{{/* range .Methods */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Services */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Files */}}
<h1 id="messages" name="messages">Messages</h1>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Messages}}
<h2 id="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}" name="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} <small>(<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</small></h2>
{{ if .HasFields}}
| Field | Type | Description |
| ------| ---- | ----------- |
{{range .Fields -}}
| {{if .IsOneof -}}<small>{{if eq .OneofDecl (printf "_%s" .Name)}}<strong>optional</strong>{{else}}<strong>oneof</strong> <code>{{.OneofDecl}}</code>{{end}}</small><br>{{end}}`{{.Name}}` {{/* noline */ -}}
| [`{{if .IsMap}}map{{else}}{{.Label}}{{end}}{{.LongType}}`](#{{.FullType | lower | replace "." ""}}) {{/* noline */ -}}
| {{if (index .Options "deprecated" | default false)}}**deprecated**<br>{{end}}{{if .Description}}{{.Description | replace "\n" "<br>"}}{{end}} {{/* noline */ -}}
{{end}}{{/* range .Fields */}}
{{- end}}{{/* if .HasFields */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Messages */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Files */}}
<h1 id="enums" name="enums">Enums</h1>
{{- range .Files}}{{range .Enums}}
<h2 id="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}" name="{{.FullName | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.LongName}} <small>(<code>{{.FullName}}</code>)</small></h2>
| Name | Number | Description |
| ---- | ------ | ----------- |
{{range .Values -}}
| `{{.Name}}` | `{{.Number}}` | {{if .Description}}{{.Description | replace "\n" "<br>"}}{{end}} |
{{end}}{{/* range .Value */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Enums */}}
{{- end}}{{/* range .Files */}}
<h1 id="scalar-value-types" name="scalar-value-types">Scalar Value Types</h1>
| .proto Type | Notes |
| ----------- | ----- |
{{range .Scalars -}}
| <code id="{{.ProtoType | lower | replace "." ""}}" name="{{.ProtoType | lower | replace "." ""}}">{{.ProtoType }}</code> | {{.Notes | replace "\n" "<br>"}} |
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CleanShot 2021-10-07 at 19 43 50


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