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Created March 4, 2014 09:22
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A pymol script to trance the atoms movements
# coding: utf-8
# Name:
# Description: draw tracking arrows for atoms trajectory (iterate states)
# Author: Alisue <>
# License: MIT license
# Required: colour, natsort, pymol, chempy
# (C) 2014,, Alisue
import re
import math
import colour
import natsort
import itertools
from pymol import cmd
from pymol import cgo
from chempy import cpv
# --- Default values
DEFAULT_RGB = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
class ProgressBar(object):
def __init__(self, maxval, textwidth=50):
self.maxval = maxval
self.textwidth = textwidth
self.cursor = 0
def update(self):
self.cursor += 1
def ratio(self):
return self.cursor / float(self.maxval)
def percent(self):
return round(self.ratio * 100)
def __str__(self):
ratio = self.ratio
percent = "%3d%%" % self.percent
# 3 for '|| '
blackbar = int(round((self.textwidth - len(percent) - 3) * ratio))
whitebar = (self.textwidth - len(percent) - 3) - blackbar
blackbar = "#" * blackbar
whitebar = " " * whitebar
return "|%s%s| %s" % (blackbar, whitebar, percent)
def line(p1, p2, radius, rgb):
Create a line object from two geometrical points
x1, y1, z1 = map(float, p1)
x2, y2, z2 = map(float, p2)
r1, g1, b1 = map(float, rgb)
r2, g2, b2 = map(float, rgb)
radius = float(radius)
# create a line object (cylinder object)
lineobj = [cgo.CYLINDER, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, radius,
r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2]
return lineobj
def cone(p1, p2, radius, rgb):
Create a cone object from two geometrical points
x1, y1, z1 = map(float, p1)
x2, y2, z2 = map(float, p2)
r1, g1, b1 = map(float, rgb)
r2, g2, b2 = map(float, rgb)
radius = float(radius)
# create a cone object
coneobj = [cgo.CONE, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, radius, 0.0,
r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2, 1.0, 0.0]
return coneobj
def arrow(p1, p2, radius, rgb, hlength=None, hradius=None):
Create an arrow object from two geometrical points
if hlength is None:
hlength = float(radius) * 3.0
if hradius is None:
hradius = float(hlength) * 0.6
# calculate the length of the vector
normal = cpv.normalize(cpv.sub(p1, p2))
pM = cpv.add(cpv.scale(normal, hlength), p2)
lineobj = line(p1, pM, radius, rgb)
coneobj = cone(pM, p2, hradius, rgb)
return lineobj + coneobj
def make_primitive(cgo, name=None, prefix='cgo', force=True):
Create primitive
# find unique name if no name is specified
if name is None:
name = cmd.get_unused_name(prefix)
# remove same name object
if force:
# store origianl value of auto_zoom
original_auto_zoom = cmd.get('auto_zoom')
# disable auto_zoom
cmd.set('auto_zoom', 0)
# create CGO
cmd.load_cgo(cgo, name)
# restore auto_zoom value
cmd.set('auto_zoom', original_auto_zoom)
def str2lst(s):
Convert string list expression to list
if isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
return s
p = str2lst.__pattern
m = p.match(s)
if m:
return s
str2lst.__pattern = re.compile("[\[\(](.*)[\]\)]")
def str2bool(s):
Convert strint bool expression to bool
if isinstance(s, bool):
return s
if s in ['true', 'True', '1', 'on', 'ON', 'On', 'TRUE']:
return True
return False
def str2color(s, steps):
if isinstance(s, basestring):
if s == 'rainbow':
c1 = colour.Color('blue')
c2 = colour.Color('red')
elif s == 'PuBu':
c1 = colour.Color('white')
c2 = colour.Color('blue')
raise AttributeError("Unknown colormap name is specified.")
cs = c1.range_to(c2, steps)
return [(,, for c in cs]
elif isinstance(s, (list, tuple)):
if len(s) == 3:
s = tuple(map(float, s))
return itertools.cycle([s])
elif len(s) == 2:
c1 = colour.Color(s[0].strip())
c2 = colour.Color(s[1].strip())
cs = c1.range_to(c2, steps)
return [(,, for c in cs]
elif len(s) == 1:
return str2color(s[0], steps)
raise AttributeError("Unknown color (%s) is specified." % s)
return itertools.cycle(s)
def norm(p1, p2):
Calculate the norm between two points
p = [p2[i]-p1[i] for i in range(len(p2))]
return math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: x**2, p)))
def trace_atoms(selection,
trace_start=1, trace_end=-1,
cutoff_center=None, cutoff_center_selection=None,
Create segmented arrow CGO objects to indicate the atoms' trace
selection (string): A pymol selection to indicate the atoms
linewidth (float): A width of the lines in unit Angstrom. Default is
linecolors (string or list): A colormap name string or color list.
The default value is `rainbow`
name (None or string): An name of the CGO object. If it is not
specified, continuous numbered name will be used instead
split_traces (bool): If it is specified, individual CGO objects will be
created for individual atoms (square blanket indicate the INDEX of
the atom). Default is `False`
trace_start (int): A start index of the state. A negative value indicate
the index counted from the last state. Default is `1`
trace_end (int): An end index of the state. A negative value indicate
the index counted from the last state. Default is `-1`
cutoff_center (list): A central coordinate (three floats list) of
cutting off center. It is required to use with `cutoff_XXX_radius`
and it cannot be used with `cutoff_center_selection`
cutoff_center_selection (string): A pymol selection to indicate the
cutting off center. It is required to use with `cutoff_XXX_radius`
and it cannot be used with `cutoff_center`
cutoff_min_radius (float): A minimum radius of the cutting off sphere
in unit Angstrom. The atoms closer than this radius will be ignored.
cutoff_max_radius (float): A maximum radius of the cutting off sphere
in unit Angstrom. The atoms more distant than this radius will be
cutoff_min_length (flaot): A minimum length of the lines in unit
Angstrom. The lines shorter than this value will be ignored.
cutoff_max_length (flaot): A maximum length of the lines in unit
Angstrom. The lines longer than this value will be ignored.
cutoff_min_segments (int): A minimum number of the segments.
The lines constructed with less segments than this value will be
cutoff_max_segments (int): A maximum number of the segments.
The lines constructed with more segments than this value will be
pushover_userid (str): An user key of pushover service.
This require 'python-pushover' in your system.
verbose (int): A level of output information. 0, 1, and 2 indicate
'No output', 'Normal output', and 'Debug output' respectively
# regulate state indexes
nmax_states = cmd.count_states('(all)')
if trace_start < 0: trace_start = nmax_states - (trace_start + 1)
if trace_end < 0: trace_end = nmax_states - (trace_end + 1)
# process and validate the options
if cutoff_center and cutoff_center_selection:
raise AttributeError(
"`cutoff_center` and `cutoff_center_selection` cannot be used "
if cutoff_center_selection:
def get_cutoff_center(state):
minc, maxc = cmd.get_extent(cutoff_center_selection, state=state)
midc = [minc[i]+(maxc[i]-minc[i])/2 for i in range(len(minc))]
return midc
cutoff_center = get_cutoff_center(0)
if cutoff_center and not (cutoff_min_radius or cutoff_max_radius):
raise AttributeError(
"`cutoff_center` need to be used with `cutoff_min_radius` "
"or `cutoff_max_radius` together")
# store 3D coordinates of states for atoms
segments = {}
previous = {}
enableds = {}
looplength = trace_end + 1 - trace_start
progress = ProgressBar(looplength)
for state in range(looplength):
model = cmd.get_model(selection, state=(trace_start + state))
if verbose > 0:
previous_percent = progress.percent
if previous_percent != progress.percent:
print progress
for atom in model.atom:
if atom.index not in segments:
segments[atom.index] = []
previous[atom.index] = atom.coord
enableds[atom.index] = False
p1 = previous[atom.index]
p2 = atom.coord
# update previous
previous[atom.index] = atom.coord
# cutoff sphere check
if cutoff_center is not None:
# calculate the length from the center to current coord
radius = norm(cutoff_center, p2)
if cutoff_min_radius is not None and radius < cutoff_min_radius:
if cutoff_max_radius is not None and radius > cutoff_max_radius:
# cutoff length check
length = norm(p1, p2)
if cutoff_min_length is not None and length < cutoff_min_length:
if cutoff_max_length is not None and length > cutoff_max_length:
# add coordinates
segments[atom.index].append((p1, p2))
nsegments = len(segments[atom.index])
if (cutoff_min_segments is not None and
nsegments < cutoff_min_segments):
enableds[atom.index] = False
elif (cutoff_max_segments is not None and
nsegments > cutoff_max_segments):
enableds[atom.index] = False
enableds[atom.index] = True
# create CGO object
if verbose > 1:
print "Creating CGO sequences..."
indexes = natsort.natsorted(list(segments.keys()))
indexes = [index for index in indexes if enableds[index]]
linecolors = str2color(linecolors, len(indexes))
lineradius = linewidth/2.0
for index, color in zip(indexes, linecolors):
segment = segments[index]
segments[index] = []
for p1, p2 in segment:
segments[index].extend(arrow(p1, p2, lineradius, color))
# draw CGO object
if verbose > 1:
print "Loading CGO objects..."
if split_traces:
name = name or 'trace'
for index in indexes:
segment = segments[index]
make_primitive(segment, name=name + "[%s]" % index)
# convert dict to list
segments = [segments[index] for index in indexes]
segments = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(segments))
# create CGO object
make_primitive(segments, name, 'trace')
if verbose > 0:
print "%d atoms were traced" % len(indexes)
_indexes = "+".join(map(str, indexes))
print "Use 'select TRACED, index %s'" % _indexes
if pushover_userid is not None:
import pushover
client = pushover.Client(pushover_userid)
client.send_message("Tracing atoms of '%s' has finished. "
"%d atoms were traced" % (selection,
except ImportError:
print "You need to install 'python-pushover' to enable pushover"
return indexes
def _trace_atoms(selection, **kwargs):
Create segmented arrow CGO objects to indicate the atoms' trace
trace_atoms selection, <options>
# trace O atoms of WAT within 10 A from (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
trace_atoms (resn WAT and name O), cc=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), cxr=10
selection: A pymol selection to indicate the atoms
linewidth (w, width): A width of the lines in unit Angstrom.
Default is `0.02`
linecolors (string or list): A colormap name string or color list.
The default value is `rainbow`
name (n): An name of the CGO object. If it is not specified, continuous
numbered name will be used instead
split_traces (split): If it is specified, individual CGO objects will be
created for individual atoms (square blanket indicate the INDEX of
the atom). Default is `False`
trace_start (s, start): A start index of the state. A negative value
indicate the index counted from the last state. Default is `1`
trace_end (e, end): An end index of the state. A negative value indicate
the index counted from the last state. Default is `-1`
cutoff_center (cc, center): A central coordinate (three floats list) of
cutting off center. It is required to use with `cutoff_XXX_radius`
and it cannot be used with `cutoff_center_selection`
cutoff_center_selection (ccs, center_selection): A pymol selection to
indicate the cutting off center. It is required to use with
`cutoff_XXX_radius` and it cannot be used with `cutoff_center`
cutoff_min_radius (cnr, min_radius): A minimum radius of the cutting off
sphere in unit Angstrom. The atoms closer than this radius will be
cutoff_max_radius (cxr, max_radius): A maximum radius of the cutting off
sphere in unit Angstrom. The atoms more distant than this radius
will be ignored.
cutoff_min_length (cnl, min_length): A minimum length of the lines in
unit Angstrom. The lines shorter than this value will be ignored.
cutoff_max_length (cxl, max_length): A maximum length of the lines in
unit Angstrom. The lines longer than this value will be ignored.
cutoff_min_segments (cns, min_segments): A minimum number of the segments.
The lines constructed with less segments than this value will be
cutoff_max_segments (cxs, max_segments): A maximum number of the segments.
The lines constructed with more segments than this value will be
pushover_userid (push, pushover): An user key of pushover service.
This require 'python-pushover' in your system.
verbose (v): A level of output information. 0, 1, and 2 indicate
'No output', 'Normal output', and 'Debug output' respectively
def prefer(names, default=None, _type=str):
for name in names:
if name in kwargs: return _type(kwargs.pop(name))
return default
# get option value from kwargs
linewidth = prefer(('w', 'width', 'linewidth'), 0.02, float)
linecolors = prefer(('c', 'colors', 'linecolors'), 'rainbow', str2lst)
name = prefer(('n', 'name'), None)
split_traces = prefer(('split', 'split_traces'), None, str2bool)
trace_start = prefer(('s', 'start', 'trace_start'), 1, int)
trace_end = prefer(('e', 'end', 'trace_end'), -1, int)
cutoff_center = prefer(('cc', 'center', 'cutoff_center'), None, str2lst)
cutoff_center_selection = prefer(
('ccs', 'center_selection', 'cutoff_center_selection'), None)
cutoff_min_radius = prefer(('cnr', 'min_radius', 'cutoff_min_radius'), None,
cutoff_max_radius = prefer(('cxr', 'max_radius', 'cutoff_max_radius'), None,
cutoff_min_length = prefer(('cnl', 'min_length', 'cutoff_min_length'), None,
cutoff_max_length = prefer(('cxl', 'max_length', 'cutoff_max_length'), None,
cutoff_min_segments = prefer(('cns', 'min_segments', 'cutoff_min_segments'),
None, float)
cutoff_max_segments = prefer(('cxs', 'max_segments', 'cutoff_max_segments'),
None, float)
pushover_userid = prefer(('push', 'pushover', 'pushover_userid'), None)
verbose = prefer(('v', 'verbose'), 1, int)
# if unknown kwargs were specified, raise exception
if len(kwargs) != 0:
raise AttributeError("Unknown options (%s) were specified." % (
", ".join(kwargs.keys())))
return trace_atoms(selection,
trace_start=trace_start, trace_end=trace_end,
# register the command
cmd.extend('trace_atoms', _trace_atoms)
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