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Created December 18, 2014 06:04
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Install cgroup-bin in Debian Wheezy with a patch
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Install cgroup-bin in Debian Wheezy
# The following required files in a cgroup-bin package of debian wheezy are
# missing. That's why this script get these files from a package of debian
# squeeze while original init.d scripts of cgroup were not regulated to use
# in debian system.
# - /etc/cgconfig.conf
# - /etc/cgrules.conf
# - /default/cgconfig
# - /default/cgred
# - /init.d/cgconfig
# - /init.d/cgred
# Manual config ---------------------------------------------------------------
ARCH="amd64" #
PORG=1 # 0 if you don't have porg
# Pre config ------------------------------------------------------------------
DEB=$(mktemp /tmp/cgroup-bin.XXXXXXXX.deb)
DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/cgroup-bin.XXXXXXXX)
# Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Install cgroup-bin package of debian wheezy..."
aptitude -y install cgroup-bin
echo "Download a cgroup-bin package of Debian Squeeze..."
wget -q $URL -O $DEB
dpkg-deb -x $DEB $DIR
# mount points are changed in debian wheezy from /mnt/cgroups to /sys/fs/cgroup
sed -i -e "45,49d" $DIR/etc/cgconfig.conf
echo "Install missing required files from a cgroup-bin package of Squeeze..."
if [[ $PORG -eq 1 ]]; then
porg -l -p "cgroup-bin-patch" "cp -rf $DIR/etc/* /etc"
cp -rf $DIR/etc/* /etc
rm -rf $DEB
rm -rf $DIR
# activate init scripts
update-rc.d cgconfig defaults
/etc/init.d/cgconfig start
update-rc.d cgred defaults
/etc/init.d/cgred start
echo "************************************************************************"
echo "Note:"
echo " If you have not mounted 'cgroup', add the following line in "
echo " '/etc/fstab'"
echo " cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0"
echo "Note:"
echo " Debian disables the 'memory' subsystem by default in the kernel."
echo " To activate it, add 'cgroup_enable=memory' to "
echo " 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' in '/etc/default/grub' file and reboot."
echo "Note:"
echo " If the 'cpuset' subsystem is activated, you have to set 'cpuset.cpus'"
echo " and 'cpuset.mems' correctly. Otherwise 'cgexec' or 'cgclassify' will"
echo " complain 'cgroup change of group failed' and you may get confused."
echo " To see more useful information, execute the command with"
echo " 'CGROUP_LOGLEVEL=5 gcexec <options>'."
echo "************************************************************************"
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sudo ./

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