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Last active November 3, 2020 22:00
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JDK on ram disk with Ubuntu 14.04
  1. Create RAM disk
  2. Create JAVA squashfs
  3. Mount Java to RAM disk
  4. Set Java to default

make RAMDISK using tmpfs:

$shell > sudo mkdir /media/ramdisk
$shell > sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /media/ramdisk

Mount on Start up edit file /etc/fstab add to last line

tmpfs /media/ramdisk tmpfs defaults,mode=1777 0 0

And reboot System Compressed read-only file system for Linux.

SquashFS compresses files, inodes and directories, and supports block sizes up to 1 MB for greater compression. SquashFS is also free software (licensed under the GPL) for accessing SquashFS filesystems. SquashFS is intended for general read-only file system use and in constrained block device/memory systems (e.g. embedded systems) where low overhead is needed. The standard version of SquashFS uses gzip compression, although there is also a project that brings LZMA compression to SquashFS. Install squasfsh tools

sudo apt-get install squashfs-tools 

Create .sqsh file to be mounted later as RAM disk image.

mksquashfs /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle /home/username/jdk8.sqsh
sudo mount /home/username/jdk8.sqsh /media/ramdisk -t squashfs -o loop 
sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/media/ramdisk/bin/java" 1 

Check install java complete

sudo update-alternatives --config java # java in ram disk

Make it permanant on startup. Edit /etc/fstab add following line :

/home/username/jdk8.sqsh /media/ramdisk squashfs ro,defaults,loop 0 0


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