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Created March 28, 2014 07:48
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#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <random>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
* defines required typedefs and primitive type related things
* which should be put under datatype and parameter code in Shogun
typedef unsigned int index_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef float float32_t;
typedef double float64_t;
// these already exist in Shougn - see DataType.h
enum PTYPE
INT32 = 0,
* Dot product computers - all backend implementation are to be put here
* can be put under shogun/mathematics/linalg/global/ or so...
template <class T> class SGVector;
// dot product computers - base
template <class T, class Vector>
class VectorDotProduct
VectorDotProduct<T, Vector>() {}
virtual T compute(Vector vector1, Vector vector2) const = 0;
virtual ~VectorDotProduct<T, Vector>() {}
// eigen3 implementation
template <class T>
class Eigen3DotProduct : public VectorDotProduct<T, SGVector<T> >
Eigen3DotProduct<T>() {}
virtual T compute(SGVector<T> vector1, SGVector<T> vector2) const
cout << "Eigen3DotProduct::compute() called" << endl;
if (vector1.vlen != vector2.vlen)
cerr << "dimension mismatch" << endl;
Map<Matrix<T, Dynamic, 1> > vec1(vector1.vector.get(), vector1.vlen);
Map<Matrix<T, Dynamic, 1> > vec2(vector2.vector.get(), vector2.vlen);
virtual ~Eigen3DotProduct<T>() {}
// naive implementation
template <class T>
class NaiveDotProduct : public VectorDotProduct<T, SGVector<T> >
NaiveDotProduct<T>() {}
virtual T compute(SGVector<T> vector1, SGVector<T> vector2) const
cout << "NaiveDotProduct::compute() called" << endl;
if (vector1.vlen != vector2.vlen)
cerr << "dimension mismatch" << endl;
T result = static_cast<T>(0);
for (index_t i = 0; i < vector1.vlen; ++i)
result += vector1[i] * vector2[i];
return result;
virtual ~NaiveDotProduct<T>() {}
* global linear algebra backend setters
enum ELinAlgBackend {Eigen3, Naive };
class LinearAlgebra
LinearAlgebra() {}
// can also pass arguments for the datatypes for which we want to
// initialize things - doesn't have to be for all datatypes
void set_backend(ELinAlgBackend linalg_backend)
dot_computers = new void*[3]();
switch (linalg_backend)
case Eigen3:
dot_computers[INT32] = new Eigen3DotProduct<int32_t>();
dot_computers[FLOAT32] = new Eigen3DotProduct<float32_t>();
dot_computers[FLOAT64] = new Eigen3DotProduct<float64_t>();
case Naive:
dot_computers[INT32] = new NaiveDotProduct<int32_t>();
dot_computers[FLOAT32] = new NaiveDotProduct<float32_t>();
dot_computers[FLOAT64] = new NaiveDotProduct<float64_t>();
template <class T, class Vector>
VectorDotProduct<T, Vector>* get_dot_computer()
delete[] dot_computers;
void **dot_computers;
#define GET_DOT_COMPUTER(T, Vector, PTYPE) \
template<> \
VectorDotProduct<T, Vector>* LinearAlgebra::get_dot_computer<T, Vector>() \
{ \
return reinterpret_cast<VectorDotProduct<T, Vector>*>(dot_computers[PTYPE]); \
GET_DOT_COMPUTER(int32_t, SGVector<int32_t>, INT32)
GET_DOT_COMPUTER(float32_t, SGVector<float32_t>, FLOAT32)
GET_DOT_COMPUTER(float64_t, SGVector<float64_t>, FLOAT64)
/** global linear algebra pointer - has to be inside init or so */
LinearAlgebra* sg_linalg;
/** the following should be modified inside Shogun to initialize */
void init_shogun()
if (!sg_linalg)
sg_linalg = new LinearAlgebra();
void exit_shogun()
delete sg_linalg;
* mathematics/linalg modules
// modified linear operator implementation
template <class Operand, class RetType>
class LinearOperator
virtual RetType apply(Operand operand) = 0;
// now vector dot operator - everything fits within apply then
template <class T, class Vector>
class VectorDotOperator : public LinearOperator<Vector, T>
VectorDotOperator(Vector vec) : vector(vec) {}
virtual T apply(Vector other)
return sg_linalg->get_dot_computer<T, Vector>()->compute(vector, other);
Vector vector;
/** shogun/lib/SGVector.h */
// could have used shogun's SGVector here instead - does nothing special now
template <class T>
class SGVector
SGVector<T>(index_t len) : vlen(len)
vector = shared_ptr<T>(new T[vlen](), [](T* ptr) { delete[] ptr; });
inline const T operator[](index_t idx) const { return vector.get()[idx]; }
inline T operator[](index_t idx) { return vector.get()[idx]; }
void set_const(T val)
for_each(&vector.get()[0], &vector.get()[vlen], [&val](T& elem) { elem = val; });
void display_vector(const char* name = "")
cout << name << ":";
for_each(&vector.get()[0], &vector.get()[vlen], [](T& elem) { cout << elem << " "; });
cout << endl;
virtual ~SGVector<T>() {}
index_t vlen;
shared_ptr<T> vector;
// have another implementation GPUVector or so...
/** now the main function */
int main()
const index_t size = 10, iter = 10;
SGVector<float64_t> v1(size), v2(size);
default_random_engine generator;
normal_distribution<float64_t> distrib(0.0, 1.0);
VectorDotOperator<float64_t, SGVector<float64_t> > dotoperator(v1);
for (index_t i = 0; i < iter; ++i)
for_each(&v1.vector.get()[0], &v1.vector.get()[size],
[&distrib, &generator](float64_t& elem) { elem = distrib(generator); });
for_each(&v2.vector.get()[0], &v2.vector.get()[size],
[&distrib, &generator](float64_t& elem) { elem = distrib(generator); });
cout << "v1.v2 : " << dotoperator.apply(v2) << endl;
return 0;
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