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Created October 10, 2022 20:02
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ISWIM Call by Name

Call-by-Name ISWIM

Implement call-by-name evaluation for ISWIM using Redex.


The syntax of expressions is the same as basic ISWIM.

Evaluation of function application uses β instead of βᵥ. Evaluation of primitive operations is the same as basic ISWIM.

You must define

  • the nonterminal En for call-by-name evaluation contexts
  • the notion of reduction beta
  • the standard reduction relation :-->n

You are not required to adapt any of the abstract machines.


(((λ unused (λ x (* (+ 1 x) (+ 2 x))))
  ((λ x (x x)) (λ x (x x))))
 (+ 3 4))
:-->>n 72
#lang racket
(require redex)
;; ----------------------------------------
(define-language ISWIM
[(M N) B X (λ X M) (M N) (Op1 M) (Op2 M N)
(if0 M N_1 N_2) (let ([X N]) M)]
[B integer]
[(X Y Z) variable-not-otherwise-mentioned]
[Op Op1 Op2]
[Op1 add1 sub1 iszero]
[Op2 + *]
[(V W) B X (λ X M)]
[C hole (λ X C) (C N) (M C) (Op1 C) (Op2 C N) (Op2 M C)
(if0 C N_1 N_2) (if0 M C N) (if0 M N C)]
[Answer B function]
;; Standard reduction:
[E hole (E N) (V E) (Op1 E) (Op2 E N) (Op2 V E) (if0 E N_1 N_2)]
[EN hole (EN N) (B EN) (X EN) (Op1 EN) (Op2 EN N) (Op2 V EN) (if0 EN N_1 N_2)]
;; we won't go into lambda's argument
;; ----------------------------------------
;; Free variables and substitution
(define-judgment-form ISWIM
#:mode (free-in I I)
#:contract (free-in X M)
[---------------------------------------- "free-in-var"
(free-in X X)]
[(free-in X M)
(side-condition ,(not (equal? (term X) (term Y))))
---------------------------------------- "free-in-λ"
(free-in X (λ Y M))]
[(free-in X M_1)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-app1"
(free-in X (M_1 M_2))]
[(free-in X M_2)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-app2"
(free-in X (M_1 M_2))]
[(free-in X M)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-op1"
(free-in X (Op1 M))]
[(free-in X M_1)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-op2-1"
(free-in X (Op2 M_1 M_2))]
[(free-in X M_2)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-op2-2"
(free-in X (Op2 M_1 M_2))]
[(free-in X M)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-if0-condition"
(free-in X (if0 M N_1 N_2))]
[(free-in X N_1)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-if0-then"
(free-in X (if0 M N_1 N_2))]
[(free-in X N_2)
---------------------------------------- "free-in-if0-else"
(free-in X (if0 M N_1 N_2))]
(module+ test
(test-judgment-holds (free-in x (λ y (y x))))
(test-equal (judgment-holds (free-in x (λ x x))) #f))
(define-metafunction ISWIM
subst : X N M -> M ;; M[X <- N]
[(subst X N B) B]
[(subst X N X) N]
[(subst X N Y) Y] ;; X ≠ Y, otherwise previous case matches
[(subst X N (λ X M))
(λ X M)]
;; ** Do we still need the following case? **
[(subst X N (λ Y M)) ;; X ≠ Y, otherwise previous case matches
(λ Z (subst X N (subst Y Z M)))
(judgment-holds (free-in Y N))
(where Z ,(variable-not-in (term (X N)) (term Y)))]
[(subst X N (λ Y M)) ;; X ≠ Y, Y ∉ FV(N), otherwise previous case matches
(λ Y (subst X N M))]
[(subst X N (M_1 M_2))
((subst X N M_1) (subst X N M_2))]
[(subst X N (Op1 M))
(Op1 (subst X N M))]
[(subst X N (Op2 M_1 M_2))
(Op2 (subst X N M_1) (subst X N M_2))]
;; Exercise 1: if0
[(subst X N (if0 M N_1 N_2))
(if0 (subst X N M) (subst X N N_1) (subst X N N_2))]
(module+ test
(test-equal (term (subst x y x))
(term y))
(test-equal (term (subst x (λ y y) (λ z (x z))))
(term (λ z ((λ y y) z))))
(test-equal (term (subst x 5 (add1 (+ x (* 2 y)))))
(term (add1 (+ 5 (* 2 y)))))
;; The following test depends on how variable-not-in picks the fresh
;; variable name (z1 in this example):
(test-equal (term (subst x (y z) (λ z (x z))))
(term (λ z1 ((y z) z1)))))
;; ----------------------------------------
;; Reduction
(define beta
(--> ((λ X M) N)
(subst X N M))))
(define beta-v
(--> ((λ X M) V)
(subst X V M))))
(define delta
(--> (add1 B) ,(add1 (term B)))
(--> (sub1 B) ,(sub1 (term B)))
(--> (iszero 0) (λ x (λ y x)))
(--> (iszero B) (λ x (λ y y)) (side-condition (not (zero? (term B)))))
(--> (+ B_1 B_2) ,(+ (term B_1) (term B_2)))
(--> (* B_1 B_2) ,(* (term B_1) (term B_2)))))
(define delta-if
(--> (if0 0 N_1 N_2) N_1) ;; Exercise 1
(--> (if0 B N_1 N_2) N_2 (side-condition (not (zero? (term B))))))) ;; Exercise 1
(define v-reduce (union-reduction-relations beta-v delta delta-if))
(define :-->v (context-closure v-reduce ISWIM E))
(define reduce (union-reduction-relations beta delta delta-if))
(define :-->n (context-closure reduce ISWIM EN))
(module+ test
(test--> :-->v (term (* (+ 1 2) (+ 2 3)))
(term (* 3 (+ 2 3))))
(test--> :-->v (term ((λ x (+ 2 x)) (+ 3 4)))
(term ((λ x (+ 2 x)) 7)))
(test--> :-->v (term ((λ x (+ 2 x)) 7))
(term (+ 2 7)))
(test--> :-->v (term (if0 0 23 7))
(term 23)))
;; ----------------------------------------
(define-metafunction ISWIM
desugar : M -> M ;; (add1 n) -> (+ n 1) ...
[(desugar B) B]
[(desugar X) X]
[(desugar (λ X M)) (λ X (desugar M))]
[(desugar ($wau X M)) ($wau X (desugar M))]
[(desugar (M N)) ((desugar M) (desugar N))]
[(desugar (add1 M)) (+ (desugar M) 1)]
[(desugar (sub1 M)) (+ (desugar M) -1)]
[(desugar (Op1 M)) (Op1 (desugar M))]
[(desugar (Op2 M N)) (Op2 (desugar M) (desugar N))]
[(desugar (if0 M N_1 N_2)) (if0 (desugar M) (desugar N_1) (desugar N_2))]
[(desugar (let ([X N]) M)) ((λ X (desugar M)) (desugar N))]
[(desugar (iszero M)) (if0 (desugar M) (λ t (λ f t)) (λ t (λ f f)))]
;; ----------------------------------------
(define y-comb (term
(λ f (
(λ x (f (x x)))
(λ x (f (x x)))))))
(define fact (term
(λ f (λ n (if0 n 1 (* n (f (sub1 n)))))))))
(define fact-term (term
(desugar (,y-comb ,fact))))
(define fact-0 (term (,fact-term 0)))
(define fact-1 (term (,fact-term 1)))
(define fact-2 (term (,fact-term 2)))
(define fact-5 (term (,fact-term 5)))
(module+ test
(test-equal (car (apply-reduction-relation* :-->n fact-0))
(term 1))
(test-equal (car (apply-reduction-relation* :-->n fact-1))
(term 1))
(test-equal (car (apply-reduction-relation* :-->n fact-2))
(term 2))
(test-equal (car (apply-reduction-relation* :-->n fact-5))
(term 120)))
;; ------------------------------------------
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