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Last active February 18, 2021 22:13
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module Lambdulus exposing (..)
import Set exposing (Set)
type Expression
= Variable String
| Abstraction String Expression
| Application Expression Expression
show : Expression -> String
show tree =
case tree of
Variable name -> name
Abstraction arg body -> "(λ " ++ arg ++ " . " ++ show body ++ ")"
Application left right -> "(" ++ show left ++ " " ++ show right ++ ")"
normalize : Expression -> Expression
normalize tree =
if not (normalForm tree)
normalize (normalStep tree)
normalForm : Expression -> Bool
normalForm tree =
case tree of
Variable _ -> True
Abstraction _ body -> normalForm body
Application (Abstraction _ _) _ -> False
Application left right -> normalForm left && normalForm right
normalStep : Expression -> Expression
normalStep tree =
case tree of
Abstraction arg body -> Abstraction arg (normalStep body)
Application (Abstraction arg body) right -> beta arg right (alpha arg (free right) body)
Application left right ->
if normalForm left
then Application left (normalStep right)
else Application (normalStep left) right
_ -> tree
free : Expression -> Set String
free = free2 Set.empty Set.empty
free2 : Set String -> Set String -> Expression -> Set String
free2 bound freeVars tree =
case tree of
Variable name ->
if Set.member name bound
Set.insert name freeVars
Abstraction arg body -> free2 (Set.insert arg bound) freeVars body
Application left right ->
leftFree = free2 bound freeVars left
rightFree = free2 bound freeVars right
Set.union leftFree rightFree
alpha : String -> Set String -> Expression -> Expression
alpha arg freeArg tree =
alphaCurr = alpha arg freeArg
case tree of
Abstraction argument body ->
if argument == arg -- shadowing
then tree
else if Set.member arg (free body) && Set.member argument freeArg then
-- free original Argument in Body && current Argument in conflict with free Vars from Right Value
newName = "_" ++ argument ++ "_"
replacement = Variable ("_" ++ argument ++ "_")
Abstraction newName (alphaCurr (beta argument replacement body))
else tree
Application left right -> Application (alphaCurr left) (alphaCurr right)
_ -> tree
beta : String -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
beta arg value target =
betaCurr = beta arg value
case target of
Variable name ->
if arg == name
Abstraction argName body ->
if arg == argName
Abstraction argName (betaCurr body)
Application left right -> Application (betaCurr left) (betaCurr right)
x = Variable "x"
y = Variable "y"
z = Variable "z"
s = Variable "s"
-- (x (x y))
app = Application x (Application x y)
-- (\ x . x (x y))
l = Abstraction "x" app
-- (\ y . (\ x . x (x y)))
l2 = Abstraction "y" l
app2 = Application x y
-- (\ y . (\ x . x (x y))) (x y) ::: conflict with free x in argument
eXp = Application l2 app2
-- (\ z . (\ y . (\ x . x (x z)))) (x y)
-- (x (y z))
app23 = Application x (Application y z)
-- (\ x . x (y z))
l23 = Abstraction "x" app23
-- (\ y . (\ x . x (y z)))
l223 = Abstraction "y" l23
app223 = Application x y
eXp23 = Abstraction "z" l223
eXP23 = Application eXp23 app223
-- (\ x . f (x x))
fxx = Abstraction "x" (Application (Variable "f") (Application (Variable "x") (Variable "x")))
-- (\ f . (\ x . f (x x)) (\ x . f (x x)) )
yComb = Abstraction "f" (Application fxx fxx)
-- true : (λ t f . t)
ttrue = Abstraction "t" (Abstraction "f" (Variable "t"))
-- false
ffalse = Abstraction "t" (Abstraction "f" (Variable "f"))
-- zero : (λ n . n (λ x . (λ t f . f)) (λ t f . t))
zero = Abstraction "n" (Application (Application (Variable "n") (Abstraction "x" ffalse) ) ttrue)
-- one
one = Abstraction "s" (Abstraction "z" (Application (Variable "s") (Variable "z") ))
-- PRED : (λ x s z . x (λ f g . g (f s)) (λ g . z) (λ u . u))
pred = (Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "s" (Abstraction "z" (Application (Application (Application (Variable "x") (Abstraction "f" (Abstraction "g" (Application (Variable "g") (Application (Variable "f") (Variable "s") ) ) ) ) ) (Abstraction "g" (Variable "z") ) ) (Abstraction "u" (Variable "u") ) ))))
-- minus : (λ m n . (n PRED) m)
minus = Abstraction "m" (Abstraction "n" (Application (Application (Variable "n") pred) (Variable "m")))
-- times : (λ x y z . x (y z))
times = Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Abstraction "s" (Application (x) (Application (y) (s) ) ) ))
nminus1 = Application (Application minus (Variable "n") ) one
multipl = Application (Application times (Variable "n") ) (Application (Variable "f") nminus1)
-- factorial : (\ f n . zero n 1 (* n (f (- n 1))) )
fact = Abstraction "f" (Abstraction "n" (Application (Application (Application zero (Variable "n")) one ) (multipl) ))
-- 3
three = Abstraction "s" (Abstraction "z" (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Variable "z") ) )))
-- 6
six = Abstraction "s" (Abstraction "z" (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Application (Variable "s") (Variable "z") ) ) ) ))))
-- Y fact 3
factOfThree = Application (Application (yComb) (fact)) (three)
factOfSix = Application (Application yComb fact) six
threeMinusOne = Application (Application minus three ) (one)
-- plus : (λ x y s z . x s (y s z))
pPart = Application (Variable "x") (Variable "s")
ppPart = Application (Application (Variable "y") (Variable "s")) (Variable "z")
plus = Abstraction "x" (Abstraction "y" (Abstraction "s" (Abstraction "z" (Application pPart ppPart) )))
onePlusOne = Application (Application plus one) (one)
-- test of something very weird - it works because of the order in multiplication (* n .... ) - once the n is zero then the neverending recursion ends and 0 is returned
fooo = Abstraction "f" (Abstraction "n" (multipl))
fooTest = Application (Application (yComb) (fooo)) (three)
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