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Last active July 7, 2018 06:49
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Throwable and Exceptions tree
if (!function_exists('interface_exists')) {
die('PHP version too old');
$throwables = listThrowableClasses();
$throwablesPerParent = splitInParents($throwables);
if (count($throwablesPerParent) !== 0) {
function listThrowableClasses()
$result = [];
if (interface_exists('Throwable')) {
foreach(get_declared_classes() as $cn) {
$implements = class_implements($cn);
if (isset($implements['Throwable'])) {
$result[] = $cn;
else {
foreach(get_declared_classes() as $cn) {
if ($cn === 'Exception' || is_subclass_of($cn, 'Exception')) {
$result[] = $cn;
return $result;
function splitInParents($classes)
$result = [];
foreach($classes as $cn) {
$parent = (string)get_parent_class($cn);
if (isset($result[$parent])) {
$result[$parent][] = $cn;
else {
$result[$parent] = [$cn];
return $result;
function printTree(&$tree)
if (!isset($tree[''])) {
die('No root classes!!!');
printLeaves($tree, '', 0);
function printLeaves(&$tree, $parent, $level)
if (isset($tree[$parent])) {
$leaves = $tree[$parent];
$leaves = array_values($leaves);
$count = count($leaves);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) {
$leaf = $leaves[$i];
echo str_repeat(' ', $level) , $leaf, "\n";
printLeaves($tree, $leaf, $level + 1);
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Here's the output:

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