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Created December 9, 2022 07:56
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Generalized grid with dsenum
from itertools import product, combinations
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from tqdm import tqdm
from dsenum.permutation_group import DerivativeMultiLatticeHash
from dsenum.superlattice import generate_all_superlattices, reduce_HNF_list_by_parent_lattice_symmetry
from dsenum.utils import get_symmetry_operations
class IrreducibleKPoints:
def __init__(self, reciprocal_basis: np.ndarray, kpoint_stars: np.ndarray, rotations: np.ndarray):
reciprocal_basis: (dim, dim)
reciprocal_basis[i, :] is the i-th reciprocal basis vector
kpoint_stars: (# of stars, dim)
rotations: (# of rotation, dim, dim)
# TODO: Minkovski reduction
self.reciprocal_basis = reciprocal_basis
self.B = self.reciprocal_basis.T
assert self.reciprocal_basis.shape[1] == self.dim
self.kpoint_stars = kpoint_stars
assert self.kpoint_stars.shape[1] == self.dim
self.rotations = rotations
assert rotations.shape[1] == self.dim
assert rotations.shape[2] == self.dim
def dim(self):
return self.reciprocal_basis.shape[0]
def num_stars(self):
return self.kpoint_stars.shape[0]
def max_distance(self):
jimages = [np.array(offset) for offset in product([-1, 0, 1], repeat=self.dim)]
ret = None
# within a star
for kp in self.kpoint_stars:
for offset in jimages:
for rotation in self.rotations:
reciprocal_coords = kp -, rotation.T) + offset
dtmp = np.linalg.norm(, self.B))
if np.isclose(dtmp, 0):
# identity operation case
if (ret is None) or (dtmp > ret):
ret = dtmp
# between two stars
for k1, k2 in combinations(self.kpoint_stars, 2):
for offset in jimages:
for rotation in self.rotations:
reciprocal_coords = k1 -, rotation.T) + offset
dtmp = np.linalg.norm(, self.B))
if (ret is None) or (dtmp > ret):
ret = dtmp
return ret
class GeneralizedGrid:
def __init__(self, reciprocal_basis: np.ndarray, rotations: np.ndarray, transformation: np.ndarray):
self.reciprocal_basis = reciprocal_basis
assert self.reciprocal_basis.shape[1] == self.dim
self.transformation = transformation
assert self.transformation.shape[0] == self.dim
assert self.transformation.shape[1] == self.dim
self.rotations = rotations
assert self.rotations.shape[1] == self.dim
assert self.rotations.shape[2] == self.dim
def dim(self):
return self.reciprocal_basis.shape[0]
def generate(self) -> IrreducibleKPoints:
dmhash = DerivativeMultiLatticeHash(self.transformation, np.zeros((1, self.dim)))
# lattice points in supercell
factors = dmhash.get_all_factors() # (index, dim)
kpoints = [,, dmhash.left)) for factor in factors]
kpoints = np.array([np.remainder(kp, 1) for kp in kpoints])
stars = fold_kpoints_to_stars(kpoints, self.rotations)
ikp = IrreducibleKPoints(self.reciprocal_basis, stars, self.rotations)
return ikp
def with_structure(cls, structure: Structure, transformation: np.ndarray):
rotations, _ = get_symmetry_operations(structure)
reciprocal_basis = structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice.matrix
return cls(reciprocal_basis, rotations, transformation)
def fold_kpoints_to_stars(kpoints: np.ndarray, rotations: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
kpoints: (index, dim)
rotations: (# of rotations, dim, dim)
stars: (# of stars, dim)
index = kpoints.shape[0]
num_stars = 0
stars = []
visited = [-1 for _ in range(index)]
for i, kp in enumerate(kpoints):
if visited[i] != -1:
for R in rotations:
rotated = np.remainder(, R.T), 1)
# TODO: inefficient search
for j in range(index):
if visited[j] != -1:
if np.allclose(rotated, kpoints[j]):
visited[j] = num_stars
num_stars += 1
assert(np.all([(sm != -1) for sm in visited]))
return np.array(stars)
def generate_distinct_sublattices_3d(index: int, rotations: np.ndarray):
all_transformations = generate_all_superlattices(index)
reduced = reduce_HNF_list_by_parent_lattice_symmetry(all_transformations, rotations)
return reduced
if __name__ == '__main__':
from collections import Counter
matrix = np.array([[0, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0]])
species = ['Al']
frac_coords = [[0., 0., 0.]]
structure = Structure(matrix, species, frac_coords)
rotations, _ = get_symmetry_operations(structure)
index = 4
hnfs = generate_distinct_sublattices_3d(index, rotations)
counter = Counter()
for hnf in tqdm(hnfs):
gr = GeneralizedGrid.with_structure(structure, hnf)
ikp = gr.generate()
counter[ikp.max_distance()] += 1
for key, cnt in counter.items():
print(f"{key:.4f}: {cnt}")
print("min:", min(counter.keys()))
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