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Created August 28, 2019 15:41
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* Create an ExecutionContext for blocking operations that grows with demand
* @param threadNamePrefix the prefix to put at the beginning of the name of threads for this pool
* @param unhandledExceptionLogger a function to log unhandled exceptions
* @param minPoolSize the minimum number of threads to allocate for this pool
* @param maxPoolSize the maximum allowed number of threads to allocate for this pool (requests beyond
* this maximum will block the thread of the requester)
* @param keepAliveTime the amount of time to keep an unused thread alive before destorying it
* @return an ExecutionContext for blocking operations
def mkBlockingExecutionContext(
threadNamePrefix: String,
unhandledExceptionLogger: Throwable => Unit,
minPoolSize: Int = 0,
maxPoolSize: Int = 46034, // 75% of 61379 (max ubuntu threads) `cat /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max`
keepAliveTime: Duration = 60.seconds
) : ExecutionContext = {
val threadFactory =
new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
val threadPoolExecutor =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(
/* corePoolSize */ minPoolSize,
/* maximumPoolSize */ maxPoolSize,
/* keepAliveTime */ keepAliveTime.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
/* workQueue */ new SynchronousQueue[Runnable](),
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