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Created May 3, 2016 20:35
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package object {
implicit class VarTraversablePML[M[AA] <: Traversable[AA],A](val self: Var[M[A]]) extends AnyVal {
def ++=(more: M[A]) : Unit = {
self.toOption match {
case Some(ma) =>
self := ma.++[A,M[A]](more)
case None =>
self := more
implicit class VarSetPML[A](val self: Var[Set[A]]) extends AnyVal {
def contains(a: A) : Boolean = {
self.toOption match {
case Some(ma) => ma.contains(a)
case None => false
def +=(more: A) : Unit = {
self.toOption match {
case Some(ma) =>
self := ma + more
case None =>
self := Set(more)
implicit class VarSeqPML[M[AA] <: Seq[AA],A](val self: Var[M[A]]) extends AnyVal {
def +=(more: A)(implicit cbf:CanBuildFrom[Nothing,A,M[A]]) : Unit = {
self.toOption match {
case Some(ma) =>
self := ma.:+[A,M[A]](more)
case None =>
val builder = cbf()
builder += more
self := builder.result()
import scala.languageFeature.higherKinds
trait Var[A] {
def isSet : Boolean
def :=(a: A) : Unit
def unset() : Unit
def toOption: Option[A]
def assumeSetAndGet : A
object Var {
class Set[A](
var value: Option[A] = None
) extends Var[A] {
override def isSet = value.isDefined
override def :=(a: A): Unit =
value = Some(a)
override def unset(): Unit =
value = None
override def toOption: Option[A] = value
override def assumeSetAndGet: A = value.get
def Unset[A] = new Set[A]
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