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Last active October 2, 2023 23:15
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Build AWS Security Groups with Terraform and CSV
# Decode the CSV file into a list of maps
locals {
sg_rules = csvdecode(file("./sg_rules.csv"))
sg_names = toset([for rule in local.sg_rules :])
# Create a security group for each unique name
resource "aws_security_group" "sample_sg" {
for_each = { for name in local.sg_names : name => name }
name = each.value
# Create security group rules based on the CSV file
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "cidr_block_rules" {
for_each = { for rule in local.sg_rules : => rule if rule.cidr_block != "" }
type = each.value.type
from_port = each.value.from_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.from_port) : 0
to_port = each.value.to_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.to_port) : 65535
protocol = each.value.protocol_type
cidr_blocks = [each.value.cidr_block]
security_group_id = aws_security_group.sample_sg[].id
description = each.value.description
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "self_rules" {
for_each = { for rule in local.sg_rules : => rule if rule.self != "" }
type = each.value.type
from_port = each.value.from_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.from_port) : 0
to_port = each.value.to_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.to_port) : 65535
protocol = each.value.protocol_type
self = each.value.self == "true" ? true : false
security_group_id = aws_security_group.sample_sg[].id
description = each.value.description
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "src_sg_rules" {
for_each = { for rule in local.sg_rules : => rule if rule.src_sg_id != "" }
type = each.value.type
from_port = each.value.from_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.from_port) : 0
to_port = each.value.to_port != "" ? tonumber(each.value.to_port) : 65535
protocol = each.value.protocol_type
source_security_group_id = each.value.src_sg_id != "" ? aws_security_group.sample_sg[each.value.src_sg_id].id : ""
security_group_id = aws_security_group.sample_sg[].id
description = each.value.description
id name description from_port to_port protocol_type cidr_block self src_sg_id type
1 web Allow HTTP 80 80 TCP ingress
2 web Allow HTTPS 443 443 TCP ingress
3 web Allow all egress 0 65535 -1 egress
4 db Allow MySQL/MariaDB 3306 3306 TCP ingress
5 db Allow PostgreSQL 5432 5432 TCP ingress
6 db Allow all egress 0 65535 -1 egress
7 web Allow self 80 80 TCP true ingress
8 db Allow web 3306 3306 TCP web ingress
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "5.16.1"
provider "aws" {
# Configuration options
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