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Created May 13, 2012 19:22
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Demo of a RavenDB index used to find entities with the existence of children objects where at least one child is active.
namespace ChildConditionDemo
public class ChildWithCondition
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
namespace ChildConditionDemo
public class Entity
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public Collection<string> Children { get; set; }
public Entity()
Children = new Collection<string>() { };
namespace ChildConditionDemo
public class EntityWithActiveChildCondition : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Entity>
public EntityWithActiveChildCondition()
Map = entries => from entry in entries
select new { entry.Id, entry.Content };
TransformResults = (database, entries) => from entry in entries
from childId in entry.Children // flatten
let loadedChild = database.Load<ChildWithCondition>(childId)
where entry.Children.Any(f => f == loadedChild.Id && loadedChild.Active)
group entry by new { entry.Id, entry.Content } into g
select new { g.Key.Id, g.Key.Content };
Index(x => x.Id, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
Index(x => x.Content, FieldIndexing.Analyzed);
namespace ChildConditionDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { RunInMemory = true }.Initialize())
documentStore.Conventions.DefaultQueryingConsistency = ConsistencyOptions.QueryYourWrites;
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var children = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(f => new ChildWithCondition() { Id = "Child/" + f.ToString(), Active = f > 15 }); // Any child with id > 15 is true, false otherwise
Console.WriteLine("Storing children...");
foreach (var child in children)
Console.WriteLine("Storing entities...");
session.Store(new Entity { Content = "entity with no active children", Children = new Collection<string>(children.Take(5).Select(f => f.Id).ToList()) }); // None active.
session.Store(new Entity { Content = "entity with some active and inactive children", Children = new Collection<string>(children.Skip(5).Take(20).Select(f => f.Id).ToList()) }); // Some active
session.Store(new Entity { Content = "entity with all active children", Children = new Collection<string>(children.Skip(20).Take(10).Select(f => f.Id).ToList()) }); // All active
Console.WriteLine("Executing index...");
new EntityWithActiveChildCondition().Execute(documentStore);
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var activeEntities = session.Query<Entity, EntityWithActiveChildCondition>().ToList();
foreach (var activeEntity in activeEntities)
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