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Last active April 27, 2017 21:37
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import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gym import wrappers
import gym
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
#save the log (for submission)
logfile = 'tmp/CartPole-v0-experiment-1'
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, logfile, force=True)
H = 30 # number of hidden layer neurons
learning_rate_P = 6e-2
learning_rate_M = 3e-3
gamma = 0.999 # discount factor for reward
model_bs = 5 # Batch size when learning from model
real_bs = 1 # Batch size when learning from real environment
total_episodes = 300
N_episodes = 90 #Number of espisodes that we start to switch from real observations to learned model in training
drawFromModel = False # When set to True, will use model for observations
trainTheModel = True # Whether to train the model
trainThePolicy = True # Whether to train the policy
# model initialization
D = 4 # input dimensionality
# For reproducibility
##Policy Network
observations = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,D] , name="input_x")
W1_P = tf.get_variable("W1_P", shape=[D, H],
layer1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(observations,W1_P))
W2_P = tf.get_variable("W2_P", shape=[H, 1],
score = tf.matmul(layer1,W2_P)
probability = tf.nn.sigmoid(score)
variables = tf.trainable_variables()
input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,1], name="input_y")
advantages = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name="reward_signal")
adam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_P, epsilon=1e-7)
W1_P_Grad = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name="batch_P_grad1")
W2_P_Grad = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name="batch_P_grad2")
batch_P_Grad = [W1_P_Grad,W2_P_Grad]
loglik = input_y*tf.log(probability) + (1 - input_y)*tf.log(1-probability)
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(loglik * advantages)
newGrads = tf.gradients(loss,variables)
updateGrads = adam.apply_gradients(zip(batch_P_Grad,variables))
##Model Network
H_M = 256 # model layer size
input_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 5])
with tf.variable_scope('rnnlm'):
softmax_w = tf.get_variable("softmax_w", [H_M, 50])
softmax_b = tf.get_variable("softmax_b", [50])
previous_state = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,5] , name="previous_state")
W1_M = tf.get_variable("W1_M", shape=[5, H_M],
initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) #Weights
B1_M = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([H_M]),name="B1_M") #Bias
layer1_M = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(previous_state,W1_M) + B1_M )
W2_M = tf.get_variable("W2_M", shape=[H_M, H_M],
B2_M = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([H_M]),name="B2_M")
layer2_M = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(layer1_M,W2_M) + B2_M)
wO = tf.get_variable("wO", shape=[H_M, D],
initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) #weights for observation
wR = tf.get_variable("wR", shape=[H_M, 1],
initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) #weights for reward
wD = tf.get_variable("wD", shape=[H_M, 1],
initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) #weights for done
bO = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([D]),name="bO") #bias for observation
bR = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]),name="bR") #bias for reward
bD = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1]),name="bD") #bias for done
predicted_observation = tf.matmul(layer2_M,wO,name="predicted_observation") + bO
predicted_reward = tf.matmul(layer2_M,wR,name="predicted_reward") + bR
predicted_done = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(layer2_M,wD,name="predicted_done") + bD)
true_observation = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,D],name="true_observation")
true_reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,1],name="true_reward")
true_done = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,1],name="true_done")
predicted_state = tf.concat([predicted_observation,predicted_reward,predicted_done],1)
observation_loss = tf.square(true_observation - predicted_observation)
reward_loss = tf.square(true_reward - predicted_reward)
done_loss = tf.multiply(predicted_done, true_done) + tf.multiply(1-predicted_done, 1-true_done)
done_loss = -tf.log(done_loss)
model_loss = tf.reduce_mean(observation_loss + done_loss + reward_loss)
modelAdam = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate_M,epsilon=1e-7)
updateModel = modelAdam.minimize(model_loss)
##Helper Functions
def resetGradBuffer(gradBuffer):
for ix,grad in enumerate(gradBuffer):
gradBuffer[ix] = grad * 0
return gradBuffer
def discount_rewards(r):
""" take 1D float array of rewards and compute discounted reward """
discounted_r = np.zeros_like(r)
running_add = 0
for t in reversed(range(0, r.size)):
running_add = running_add * gamma + r[t]
discounted_r[t] = running_add
return discounted_r
# This function uses our model to produce a new state when given a previous state and action
def stepModel(sess, xs, action):
toFeed = np.reshape(np.hstack([xs[-1][0],np.array(action)]),[1,5])
myPredict =[predicted_state],feed_dict={previous_state: toFeed})
# reward = myPredict[0][:,4]
reward = np.clip(myPredict[0][:,4],0,10)
observation = myPredict[0][:,0:4]
# observation[:,0] = np.clip(observation[:,0],-2.4,2.4)
# observation[:,2] = np.clip(observation[:,2],-0.4,0.4)
# doneP = np.clip(myPredict[0][:,5],0,1)
doneP = myPredict[0][:,5]
if doneP > 0.1 or len(xs)>= 300:
done = True
done = False
return observation, reward, done
xs,drs,ys,ds = [],[],[],[]
running_reward = None
runnung_sum = 0
reward_sum = 0
episode_number = 1
real_episodes = 1
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
batch_size = real_bs
# Launch the graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
observation = env.reset()
x = observation
gradBuffer =
gradBuffer = resetGradBuffer(gradBuffer)
while episode_number <= total_episodes:
x = np.reshape(observation,[1,D])
tfprob =,feed_dict={observations: x})
action = 1 if np.random.uniform() < tfprob else 0
# record various intermediates (needed later for backprop)
y = 1 if action == 1 else 0
# step the model or real environment and get new measurements
if drawFromModel == False:
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
observation, reward, done = stepModel(sess,xs,action)
reward_sum += reward
drs.append(reward) # record reward (has to be done after we call step() to get reward for previous action)
if done:
if drawFromModel == False:
real_episodes += 1
episode_number += 1
# stack together all inputs, hidden states, action gradients, and rewards for this episode
epx = np.vstack(xs)
epy = np.vstack(ys)
epr = np.vstack(drs)
epd = np.vstack(ds)
xs,drs,ys,ds = [],[],[],[] # reset array memory
if trainTheModel == True:
actions = np.array(epy[:-1])
state_prevs = epx[:-1,:]
state_prevs = np.hstack([state_prevs,actions])
state_nexts = epx[1:,:]
rewards = np.array(epr[1:,:])
dones = np.array(epd[1:,:])
state_nextsAll = np.hstack([state_nexts,rewards,dones])
feed_dict={previous_state: state_prevs, true_observation: state_nexts,true_done:dones,true_reward:rewards}
loss,pState,_ =[model_loss,predicted_state,updateModel],feed_dict)
if trainThePolicy == True:
discounted_epr = discount_rewards(epr).astype('float32')
discounted_epr -= np.mean(discounted_epr)
discounted_epr /= np.std(discounted_epr)
tGrad =,feed_dict={observations: epx, input_y: epy, advantages: discounted_epr})
for ix,grad in enumerate(tGrad):
gradBuffer[ix] += grad
if episode_number%batch_size == 0:
if trainThePolicy == True:,feed_dict={W1_P_Grad: gradBuffer[0],W2_P_Grad:gradBuffer[1]})
gradBuffer = resetGradBuffer(gradBuffer)
running_reward = reward_sum if running_reward is None else running_reward * 0.99 + reward_sum * 0.01
if drawFromModel == False:
print ('Episode %d. Reward %f. action: %f. mean reward %f.' % (real_episodes,reward_sum/real_bs,action, running_reward/real_bs))
if running_reward/batch_size > 200:
print ("Task solved in",episode_number,'episodes!')
reward_sum = 0
# Once the model has been trained on N_episodes, we start alternating between training the policy
# from the model and training the model from the real environment.
if episode_number > N_episodes:
drawFromModel = not drawFromModel
trainTheModel = not drawFromModel
# trainThePolicy = False
if drawFromModel == True:
observation = np.random.uniform(-0.1,0.1,[D]) # Generate reasonable starting point
batch_size = model_bs
observation = env.reset()
batch_size = real_bs
print (real_episodes)
#upload the result
key = 'sk_Hp2c6vsJQCbswbDg5DGYA'
gym.upload(logfile, api_key=key)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 12))
for i in range(6):
plt.subplot(6, 2, 2*i + 1)
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