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Created November 2, 2011 22:21
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A Sudoku solver in Scala
package sudoku
case class Location(row: Int, col: Int) {
def areValuesMutuallyExclusive(other: Location, size: Int) =
isInSameRow(other) ||
isInSameColumn(other) ||
isInSameSmallSquare(other, size)
private def isInSameRow(other: Location): Boolean = row == other.row
private def isInSameColumn(other: Location): Boolean = col == other.col
private def isInSameSmallSquare(other: Location, size: Int) = {
val smallSquareSize = Math.sqrt(size).intValue
row / smallSquareSize == other.row / smallSquareSize &&
col / smallSquareSize == other.col / smallSquareSize
object Puzzle extends App {
type Solution = Map[Location, Int]
type Puzzle = Map[Location, Option[Int]]
val problem = List(
n(2) :: ____ :: ____ :: n(1) :: ____ :: n(6) :: ____ :: ____ :: n(5) :: Nil,
____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(2) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(7) :: ____ :: Nil,
____ :: n(5) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(1) :: n(2) :: n(4) :: Nil,
____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(6) :: ____ :: ____ :: Nil,
____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(3) :: n(8) :: n(9) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: Nil,
____ :: ____ :: n(4) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: Nil,
n(7) :: n(2) :: n(6) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(3) :: ____ :: Nil,
____ :: n(8) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: n(3) :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: Nil,
n(1) :: ____ :: ____ :: n(6) :: ____ :: n(4) :: ____ :: ____ :: n(8) :: Nil)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
val solution = solve(problem)
val end = System.currentTimeMillis
println(solution.size + " solution(s) found in " + (end - start) + " milliseconds")
private def render(solution: Solution) {
for ((_, row) <- solution.groupBy(_._1.row).toList.sortBy(_._1)) {
for (col <- row.toList.sortBy(_._1.col))
print(col._2 + " ")
private def ____ = None
private def n(v: Int) = Some(v)
private def solve(puzzle: List[List[Option[Int]]]): Set[Solution] = {
val valueByLocation = Map() ++ locations(puzzle.size).map(location => location -> puzzle(location.row)(location.col))
solveIndexed(valueByLocation, puzzle.size)
private def solveIndexed(puzzle: Puzzle, size: Int, solutions: Set[Solution] = Set()): Set[Solution] = {
val emptyCells = puzzle.filter(!_._2.isDefined)
if (emptyCells.isEmpty)
solutions + => lv._1 -> lv._2.get)
else {
val numbersAvailableByEmptyCell = => (emptyCell._1, numbersAvailable(size, puzzle, emptyCell._1)))
val (emptyCell, availableNumbers) = numbersAvailableByEmptyCell.toList.sortBy(_._2.size).head
if (availableNumbers.isEmpty)
availableNumbers.flatMap(number => solveIndexed(puzzle + (emptyCell -> Some(number)), size, solutions))
private def numbersAvailable(size: Int, puzzle: Puzzle, emptyCellLocation: Location) = {
val allNumbers = (1 to size).foldLeft(Set[Int]()) { (acc, v) => acc + v }
val fullCells = puzzle.filter(_._2.isDefined).map(t => t._1 -> t._2.get)
val numbersExcluded = fullCells.filter(full => full._1.areValuesMutuallyExclusive(emptyCellLocation, size)).map(_._2).toSet
private def locations(size: Int) = {
val indexes = (0 until size)
for (row <- indexes; col <- indexes) yield Location(row, col)
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