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Created August 31, 2013 21:14
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  • Save lancewalton/6400667 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save lancewalton/6400667 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Two solutions to the problem of finding all placements of some collection of chess pieces on a chess board of specified size such that no piece is under threat from any other. The problem was recently posed to me by a friend. The 'optimised' solution is significantly faster that the 'unoptimised' one. For example, on my laptop, the n-queens prob…
package chess
// Everything from this line down to the cut is common to the 'unoptimised' and 'optimised' solutions
case class Location(row: Int, column: Int)
trait Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean
case object Rook extends Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean = from.row == to.row || from.column == to.column
case object Knight extends Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean = Math.abs(from.row - to.row) + Math.abs(from.column - to.column) == 3
case object Bishop extends Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean = Math.abs(from.row - to.row) == Math.abs(from.column - to.column)
case object Queen extends Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean = from.row == to.row || from.column == to.column || Math.abs(from.row - to.row) == Math.abs(from.column - to.column)
case object King extends Piece {
def canAttackLocation(from: Location, to: Location): Boolean = Math.abs(from.row - to.row) <= 1 && Math.abs(from.column - to.column) <= 1
trait Board {
def size(): Location
def availableLocations(): List[Location]
def place(piece: Piece, location: Location): Option[Board]
def hasPieceAttackedBy(piece: Piece, location: Location): Boolean
def pieceAt(location: Location): Option[Piece]
// ✄----------------------------
// Everything from here down to the next cut is for the 'unoptimised' solution
object UnoptimisedChess {
case class MapBoard(size: Location, pieces: Map[Location, Piece] = Map()) extends Board {
val availableLocations =
(for {
row ← 0 until size.row
column ← 0 until size.column
location = Location(row, column)
if !pieces.keySet(location)
if !pieces.exists(p ⇒ p._2.canAttackLocation(p._1, location))
} yield Location(row, column)).toList
def place(piece: Piece, location: Location): Option[Board] =
if (availableLocations.contains(location) && !hasPieceAttackedBy(piece, location))
Some(MapBoard(size, pieces + (location -> piece)))
else None
def hasPieceAttackedBy(piece: Piece, location: Location): Boolean = pieces.exists(p ⇒ piece.canAttackLocation(location, p._1))
def pieceAt(location: Location): Option[Piece] = pieces.get(location)
def solve(size: Location, pieces: List[Piece]) = doIt(MapBoard(size), pieces).toSet
private def doIt(initial: Board, pieces: List[Piece]): List[Board] = pieces match {
case Nil ⇒ List(initial)
case piece :: remainingPieces ⇒ initial.availableLocations.flatMap { location ⇒, location).toList.flatMap { doIt(_, remainingPieces) }
// ✄----------------------------
// Everything from here down to the next cut is for the 'optimised' solution
case class PieceCount(piece: Piece, count: Int)
object OptimisedChess {
case class EmptyBoard(size: Location) extends Board {
val availableLocations =
(for {
row ← 0 until size.row
column ← 0 until size.column
} yield Location(row, column)).toList
def place(piece: Piece, location: Location) = Some(NonEmptyBoard(this, piece, location))
def hasPieceAttackedBy(piece: Piece, location: Location) = false
def pieceAt(location: Location) = None
case class NonEmptyBoard(parent: Board, piece: Piece, location: Location) extends Board {
val size = parent.size
val availableLocations = parent.availableLocations.filterNot(l ⇒ l == location || piece.canAttackLocation(location, l))
def place(piece: Piece, location: Location) =
if (availableLocations.contains(location) && !hasPieceAttackedBy(piece, location))
Some(NonEmptyBoard(this, piece, location))
else None
def hasPieceAttackedBy(attackingPiece: Piece, attackingLocation: Location) =
attackingPiece.canAttackLocation(attackingLocation, location) ||
parent.hasPieceAttackedBy(attackingPiece, attackingLocation)
def pieceAt(location: Location) = if (location == this.location) Some(piece) else parent.pieceAt(location)
private def placePieces(piece: PieceCount, board: Board) = {
def placePiecesInAvailableLocations(remainingCount: Int, board: Board, availableLocations: List[Location]): List[Board] =
if (remainingCount == 0)
availableLocations match {
case location :: rest ⇒, location).map(b ⇒ placePiecesInAvailableLocations(remainingCount - 1, b, rest)).getOrElse(Nil) ::: placePiecesInAvailableLocations(remainingCount, board, rest)
case Nil ⇒ Nil
placePiecesInAvailableLocations(piece.count, board, board.availableLocations)
def solve(size: Location, pieces: List[PieceCount]): List[Board] = {
def recurse(initial: Board, pieces: List[PieceCount]): List[Board] = pieces match {
case Nil ⇒ List(initial)
case piece :: rest ⇒ placePieces(piece, initial).flatMap(b ⇒ recurse(b, rest))
recurse(EmptyBoard(size), pieces)
// ✄----------------------------
// All of this is to get the valid boards and render them, using both optimised and unoptimised solutions
object ChessRunner extends App {
def render(board: Board) = {
for (row ← 0 until board.size.row) {
for (column ← 0 until board.size.column)
yield print(renderPiece(board.pieceAt(Location(row, column))))
private def renderPiece(piece: Option[Piece]) = {
_ match {
case Rook ⇒ '\u2656'
case Knight ⇒ '\u2658'
case Bishop ⇒ '\u2657'
case Queen ⇒ '\u2655'
case King ⇒ '\u2654'
} getOrElse '\u00B7'
private def renderSolutions(heading: String, solutions: Iterable[Board], startTime: Long, endTime: Long) {
println(s"${heading}: There are ${solutions.size} solutions. Time taken: ${endTime - startTime} ms")
for (solution ← solutions) {
val size = Location(4, 3) // the size of the board
val pieces = List(Knight, Knight, Rook, King, Bishop) // the set of pieces to attempt to place
// Get valid boards using the 'unoptimised' solution
val unoptimisedStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val unoptimisedSolutions = UnoptimisedChess.solve(size, pieces)
val unoptimisedEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis
renderSolutions("Unoptimised", unoptimisedSolutions, unoptimisedStartTime, unoptimisedEndTime)
// Get valid boards using the 'optimised' solution
val pieceCounts = pieces.groupBy(p ⇒ p).map(p ⇒ PieceCount(p._2.head, p._2.size)).toList
val optimisedStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val optimisedSolutions = OptimisedChess.solve(size, pieceCounts)
val optimisedEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis
renderSolutions("Optimised", optimisedSolutions, optimisedStartTime, optimisedEndTime)
/* The above will print:
Unoptimised: There are 4 solutions. Time taken: 84 ms
Optimised: There are 4 solutions. Time taken: 8 ms
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