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Last active December 19, 2015 11:49
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Max Order Priority Queue
class MaxPQ(object):
def __init__(self):
# TODO initialize with array
self._N = -1
self._arr = []
def _compare(self, a, b):
if a > b: return 1
if a < b: return -1
return 0
def _less(self, a, b):
# array is zero based, but tree is 1 based
# Subtract for real index
a -= 1
b -= 1
return self._compare(self._arr[a], self._arr[b]) < 0
def _exch(self, a, b):
# array is zero based, but tree is 1 based
# Subtract for real index
a -= 1
b -= 1
tmp = self._arr[a]
self._arr[a] = self._arr[b]
self._arr[b] = tmp
def is_empty(self):
return self._N < 0
def put(self, val):
# Add new value to heap
self._N += 1
# Restore heap order
def _swim(self, child):
If parent is smaller, exchange positions with child
Parent exists at child's position / 2
# Tree is 1 based
child += 1
# as long as the child isn't root and smaller than
# it's parent
while child > 1 and self._less(child / 2, child):
parent = child / 2
self._exch(parent, child)
child = parent
# Get max value from heap
def del_max(self):
# Store value for returning
val = self._arr[0]
# Switch first item with last
# `Exch` expects first item + 1 in PQ
# So use 1 instead of 0, N will also be decremented
self._exch(1, self._N + 1)
# get rid of last element which is our max
# from the pq
self._arr[self._N] = None
self._N -= 1
# Restore heap order
return val
def _sink(self, parent):
if parent becomes smaller than one of the children
sink below greater parent until heap order is restored
parent += 1
# Iterate over 2 * position of element in PQ
# until we've reached the length of the PQ
while parent * 2 <= self._N:
# Level children exist at parent * 2 and parent * 2 + 1
child = parent * 2
# Check if children exists and if right child
# is greater than left. If right is larger, inc
# parent to position at right child
if child < self._N and self._less(child, child + 1): child += 1
# Check if child is greater than parent
# If not, we are done
if not self._less(parent, child): break
# Child is greater, exchange positions
self._exch(parent, child)
# parent is now in childs position
parent = child
def __len__(self):
# N is zero with 1 value in the PQ
# and -1 with no values
# so inc my by one :)
return self._N + 1
def __str__(self):
return "<MaxPQ %d elements>" % len(self)
def __repr__(self):
return "<MaxPQ %r>" % self._arr
def sort(pq):
# ensure order
N = len(pq)
# Start at last level to the right in tree where elements have children
k = N / 2
# iterate over all elements in pq to ensure order
while k >= 1:
MaxPQ.sink(pq, k, N)
# Check next element
k -= 1
while N > 1:
# swap smallest with max
MaxPQ.exch(pq, 1, N)
# 'remove' element from iteration
N -= 1
# Bring smallest back down
MaxPQ.sink(pq, 1, N)
def sink(pq, parent, N):
if parent becomes smaller than one of the children
sink below greater parent until heap order is restored
# Iterate over 2 * position of element in PQ
# until we've reached the length of the PQ
while parent * 2 <= N:
# Level children exist at parent * 2
child = parent * 2
# Check if children exists and if right child
# is greater than left. If right is larger, inc
# parent to position at right child
if child < N and MaxPQ.less(pq, child, child + 1): child += 1
# Check if child is greater than parent
# If not, we are done
if not MaxPQ.less(pq, parent, child): break
# Child is greater, exchange positions
MaxPQ.exch(pq, child, parent)
# parent is now in childs position
parent = child
def less(pq, a, b):
return pq._less(a, b)
def exch(pq, a, b):
pq._exch(a, b)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from random import shuffle
N = 3
pq = MaxPQ()
arr = "abcnsnsdlkjl"
for x in arr: pq.put(x)
print "%r" % pq
#while not pq.is_empty():
# print pq.del_max()
print "Sorted %r" % pq
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