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  • Save landonf/ae56368de6037fc8856a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save landonf/ae56368de6037fc8856a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A much nicer single-header XCTest-compatible testing DSL, all in a single header.
#import "XSmallTests.h"
xsm_given("an integer value") {
int v;
xsm_when("the value is 42") {
v = 42;
xsm_then("the value is the answer to the life, the universe, and everything") {
XCTAssertEqual(42, v);
* Copyright (c) 2014 Landon Fuller <>
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
* obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
* files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
* restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
* copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
* conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <inttypes.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <mach-o/getsect.h>
#import <dlfcn.h>
* The pseudo root section tag; references the last previously declared section; any section referencing this
* parent is either 1) a root XSM_SECTION_TYPE_TEST_CASE, or 2) a XSM_SECTION_TYPE_NESTED that should be connected
* with a previously declared XSM_SECTION_TYPE_TEST_CASE.
* This tag is reserved via the XSM_TEST_PARENT_RESERVED_ definition below.
/* The pseudo root section tag; references the last previously declared section. Since __COUNTER__ is gauranteed to start
* at 0 and increment monotonically, we declare this field first to ensure that no other __COUNTER__-derived tag value
* will be 0. */
static const int XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG __attribute__((used)) = XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG;
/* Ensures that XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG's '0' value is reserved by allocating it (or a greater value). If __COUNTER__ is already greater than 0,
* our gaurantees still hold. */
static const int XSM_TEST_PARENT_RESERVED_ __attribute__((unused)) = __COUNTER__;
* Define a new test case with the given description. All tests must first be defined via xsm_given().
* Example:
xsm_given("an integer value") {
// Assertions or additional sections
* @param desc The clause's description.
#define xsm_given(description) int_xsm_given_(description, __COUNTER__) // indirection required to ensure __COUNTER__ is expanded
#define int_xsm_given_(description, tag) int_xsm_given__(description, tag)
#define int_xsm_given__(__xsm_description, __xsm_tag) \
/* Declare our test case's method IMP */ \
static void xsm_int_test_func_ ## __xsm_tag (id self, SEL _cmd, NSMutableSet *XSM_INT_TEST_TAGS); \
/* Record the section */ \
xsm_write_section_record(XSM_SECTION_TYPE_TEST_CASE, XSM_CLAUSE_TYPE_GIVEN, __xsm_description, XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG, __xsm_tag, &xsm_int_test_func_ ## __xsm_tag); \
/* Define a constructor to perform test case class registration */ \
__attribute__((constructor)) static void xsm_int_parse_test_records_ ## __xst_case_name (void) { \
xsm_int_parse_test_records(); \
} \
/* Define the test case method IMP (sans body, which the user must provide. We provide 'self' and _cmd to support
* Objective-C-based invocation from our custom XCTestCase */ \
static void xsm_int_test_func_ ## __xsm_tag (id self, SEL _cmd, NSMutableSet *XSM_INT_TEST_TAGS)
* Define a new test `when' clause with the given description. All tests must first be defined via xsm_given().
* Example:
xsm_given("an integer value") {
int v;
xsm_where("the value is 42") {
v = 42;
// Additional sections or tests here
* @param desc The clause's description.
#define xsm_when(description) int_xsm_generic_sect(description, XSM_CLAUSE_TYPE_WHEN, XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG, __COUNTER__)
* Define a new `then' clause with the given description. All tests must first be defined via xsm_given().
* Example:
xsm_given("an integer value") {
int v;
xsm_when("the value is 42") {
v = 42;
xsm_then("the value is the answer to the life, the universe, and everything") {
xsm_then("this test should fail") {
XCTFail("ints are smelly");
* @param desc The clause's description.
#define xsm_then(description) int_xsm_generic_sect(description, XSM_CLAUSE_TYPE_THEN, XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG, __COUNTER__)
/* Generic nested section declaration */
#define int_xsm_generic_sect(description, clause_type, parent_tag, tag) int_xsm_generic_sect_(description, clause_type, parent_tag, tag) // indirection required to ensure __COUNTER__ is expanded
#define int_xsm_generic_sect_(__xsm_description, __xsm_clause_type, __xsm_parent_tag, __xsm_tag) \
/* Record the section */ \
xsm_write_section_record(XSM_SECTION_TYPE_NESTED, __xsm_clause_type, __xsm_description, __xsm_parent_tag, __xsm_tag, NULL /* always NULL for our sub-sections */); \
/* Create a new XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG for this scope and check the scope against XSM_INT_TEST_TAGS */ \
for (const int XSM_TEST_PARENT_TAG __attribute__((unused)) = __xsm_tag; xsm_int_sect_tag_check(XSM_INT_TEST_TAGS, __xsm_tag);)
* @internal
* Record a test case section with the given section type, clause type, description, and file-scoped order.
* @param __xsm_type The section type (xsm_section_type_t) to declare.
* @param __xsm_clause The clause type (xsm_clause_type_t) to declare.
* @param __xsm_description The section's description, as a constant string.
* @param __xsm_parent_tag The section's parent's order tag, or 0 if this is a top-level or second-level section (in which case, parentage has to be
* reconstructed from the order tags)
* @param __xsm_tag The section's translation-unit-scoped order tag.
* @param __xsm_sect_func The section's implementation function (xsm_int_test_section_function_t).
#define xsm_write_section_record(__xsm_type, __xsm_clause, __xsm_description, __xsm_parent_tag, __xsm_tag, __xsm_sect_func) \
/* Try to provide a decent error message if a non-constant description is provided */ \
__attribute__((unused)) char xsm_description_messages_must_be_constant_strings_ ## __xsm_tag[__builtin_constant_p(__xsm_description) ? 0 : -1]; \
XSM_INT_MAKE_SECT_RECORD(__xsm_type, __xsm_clause, __xsm_description, __xsm_parent_tag, __xsm_tag, __xsm_sect_func)
/* Write a section record to __DATA,xsm_tests */
#define XSM_INT_MAKE_SECT_RECORD(__xsm_type, __xsm_clause, __xsm_description, __xsm_parent_tag, __xsm_tag, __xsm_sect_func) \
struct int_xsm_sect_record_record_ ## __xsm_tag ## _t { \
xsm_int_section_record record; \
char description[sizeof(__xsm_description)]; \
} __attribute__((packed)); \
static struct int_xsm_sect_record_record_ ## __xsm_tag ## _t int_xsm_sect_record_record_ ## __xsm_tag __attribute__((section(XSM_SEG_NAME "," XSM_SECT_NAME))) __attribute__((used)) = { \
.record = { \
.size = sizeof(struct int_xsm_sect_record_record_ ## __xsm_tag ## _t), \
.version = 0, \
.type = (uint8_t) __xsm_type, \
.clause = (uint8_t) __xsm_clause, \
.tu = &xsm_int_local_translation_unit, \
.parent_tag = __xsm_parent_tag, \
.tag = __xsm_tag, \
.description = (char *) 0 /* description directly follows */, \
.section_class = nil, \
.section_imp = __xsm_sect_func \
}, \
.description = __xsm_description \
* @internal
* The segment to which XSM's section records are written
#define XSM_SEG_NAME "__DATA"
* @internal
* The section (within XSM_SEG_NAME) to which XSM's section records are written
#define XSM_SECT_NAME "xsm_tests_v2"
* @internal
* The section (within XSM_SEG_NAME) to which XSM's translation unit records are written.
#define XSM_TU_SECT_NAME "xsm_txu"
/* Internal ARC compatibility macros */
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
# define XSM_INT_RETAIN(obj)
# define XSM_INT_RELEASE(__xsmall_obj) __xsmall_obj = nil;
# define XSM_INT_MRC_ONLY(expr)
# define XSM_INT_RETAIN(__xsmall_obj) [__xsmall_obj retain];
# define XSM_INT_RELEASE(__xsmall_obj) ([__xsmall_obj release] && __xsmall_obj = nil);
# define XSM_INT_MRC_ONLY(expr) expr
* XSM Clause Types
typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, xsm_clause_type_t) {
/** A top-level test case. In the BDD unit test style, this would be equivalent to a 'Given' declaration. */
/** An inner 'when' test clause. */
/** An inner 'then' test clause. */
* XSM Hierarchical Section Types
typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, xsm_section_type_t) {
/** A top-level test case. */
/** An inner (nested) section. */
* @internal
* XSM translation unit record.
typedef struct xsm_int_translation_unit {
* Record version. The current version is 0; if an incompatible change is made to this data format, this value should be incremented.
uint8_t version;
} xsm_int_translation_unit;
* @iternal
* A test section implementation.
* @param self An XCTestCase instance.
* @param _cmd The selector allocated for this test function.
* @param tags The section tags enabled for this test run.
typedef void (xsm_int_test_section_function_t)(id self, SEL _cmd, NSMutableSet *tags);
* @internal
* XSM test record. Test records are written to the __DATA,xsm_tests section when declared via the
* XSM test macros.
typedef struct xsm_int_section_record {
/** Size of this record (including the size field). */
uint16_t size;
uint8_t _padding;
* Record version. The current version is 0; if an incompatible change is made to this data format, this value
* should be incremented. To avoid incompatibilities, -always- add additional fields to the -end- of this
* structure.
uint8_t version;
/** The type of this section (xsm_section_type_t). */
uint8_t type;
/** The clause to use when presenting this test section (xsm_clause_type_t). */
uint8_t clause;
/** The section's description. When serialized, this will be the offset from the end of this structure element. */
char *description;
/** A symbol-based reference to the containing translation unit */
xsm_int_translation_unit *tu;
/** The section parent's order tag. For top-level and second-level sections, this will be 0 due to implementation
* constraints; the actual parent reference must be reconstructed by ordering all the parsed sections within
* a translation unit, and inserting orphaned sections into the previously parsed XSM_SECTION_TYPE_TEST_CASE test
* case. */
uint32_t parent_tag;
/** The section's order tag. This can be used to reconstruct the in-source ordering of sections within
* a single file */
uint32_t tag;
/** The runtime-created test case class for this test section. This is initialized at runtime */
Class section_class;
/** The method IMP for this test section, or NULL if the parent's test function should be used. */
xsm_int_test_section_function_t *section_imp;
} xsm_int_section_record;
* @internal
* A common translation unit record, used by all test sections defined within
* the current translation unit
static xsm_int_translation_unit xsm_int_local_translation_unit __attribute__((section(XSM_SEG_NAME "," XSM_TU_SECT_NAME))) = {
.version = 0
/* Function foward-declarations */
static inline BOOL xsm_int_sect_tag_check (NSMutableSet *tags, int expected);
static inline id xsm_int_meth_impl_cls_defaultTestSuite (id self, SEL _cmd);
static inline xsm_int_test_section_function_t *xsm_int_meth_impl_testEntry (id self, SEL _cmd);
static inline void xsm_int_meth_impl_xsmTestSection (id self, SEL _cmd);
static inline id xsm_int_meth_impl_name (id self, SEL _cmd);
static inline SEL xsm_int_register_test_selector (Class cls, const char *description, void (*imp)(id self, SEL _cmd));
static inline Class xsm_int_register_test_case_class (const char *description);
/* Provide method selectors for our dynamically registered XCTestCase subclass */
@protocol XSmallTestCase
- (void) xsmTestSection;
* Implements runtime parsing and registration of XSM test cases.
static inline void xsm_int_parse_test_records (void) {
/* Find the __DATA,xsm_tests section; this contains our registered test cases and sections. */
struct {
uint8_t *data;
const uint8_t *end;
unsigned long size;
} xsm_sect;
/* Fetch the mach header */
Dl_info dli;
if (dladdr((const void *) &xsm_int_parse_test_records, &dli) == 0) {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Could not find our own image!"];
/* Fetch the section data */
#ifdef __LP64__ = getsectiondata((const struct mach_header_64 *) dli.dli_fbase, XSM_SEG_NAME, XSM_SECT_NAME, &xsm_sect.size);
#else = getsectiondata((const struct mach_header_32 *) dli.dli_fbase, XSM_SEG_NAME, XSM_SECT_NAME, &xsm_sect.size);
/* This should never happen; our constructor is only called if at least a test case has been registered */
if ( == NULL) {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Could not find __DATA,xsm_tests in %s", dli.dli_fname];
xsm_sect.end = + xsm_sect.size;
/* Extract all registered tests */
@autoreleasepool {
uint8_t *ptr =;
uint16_t record_size;
/* Parse all records for this translation unit */
NSMutableArray *tagOrder = [NSMutableArray array]; /* tags */
NSMutableDictionary *records = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; /* tag -> NSValue -> xsm_int_section_record ptr; */
for (record_size = *(uint16_t *) ptr; ptr != xsm_sect.end; ptr += (record_size = *(uint16_t *) ptr)) {
assert(ptr < xsm_sect.end);
/* Skip invalid versions */
uint8_t version = *(ptr + sizeof(uint16_t));
if (version != 0) {
NSLog(@"Skipping invlid XSM test record version (%hhu)", version);
/* Read the full record */
xsm_int_section_record *rec = (xsm_int_section_record *) ptr;
/* If the node isn't within our translation unit, punt */
if (rec->tu != &xsm_int_local_translation_unit)
/* Skip records that have already been registered */
if (rec->section_class != nil)
/* Adjust relative data pointers */
rec->description = (char *) ((uint8_t *) rec) + sizeof(*rec);
/* Save the record */
[tagOrder addObject: @(rec->tag)];
records[@(rec->tag)] = [NSValue valueWithPointer: rec];
NSLog(@"Found record %p (size=%hu, version=%hhu) with type=%hhu, clause=%hhu, order=%u, desc=%s, parent=%u, imp=%p",
rec, rec->size, rec->version, rec->type, rec->clause, rec->tag, rec->description, rec->parent_tag, rec->section_imp);
/* Re-order the section's according to their tag order; this corresponds to the order they were declared
* in this translation unit. */
[tagOrder sortWithOptions: 0 usingComparator: ^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
return [(NSNumber *)obj1 compare: obj2];
/* Fix up any parent references to the pseudo-test case tag (0). These are references to the most recently
* defined test case. */
xsm_int_section_record *currentRoot = NULL;
for (NSNumber *tag in tagOrder) {
xsm_int_section_record *rec = (xsm_int_section_record *) [(NSValue *) records[tag] pointerValue];
/* Record new roots -- we leave their parent_tag set to XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG */
if (rec->type == XSM_SECTION_TYPE_TEST_CASE) {
assert(rec->parent_tag == XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG);
currentRoot = rec;
/* Skip non-orphan references */
if (rec->parent_tag != XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG) {
/* There must already be a test case defined; the API makes anything else impossible */
if (currentRoot == NULL)
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"No parent test case was defined for section '%s'", rec->description];
/* Fix up the ophan's parent tag reference. */
rec->parent_tag = currentRoot->tag;
/* Generate test cases for all tags */
NSMutableDictionary *testCases = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; /* tag -> XCTestCase */
NSMutableSet *allParentTags = [NSMutableSet set]; /* tag -- includes all test cases that have defined children */
NSMutableArray *tagStack = [NSMutableArray array];
xsm_int_section_record *rootRecord = NULL;
for (NSNumber *tag in tagOrder) {
xsm_int_section_record *rec = (xsm_int_section_record *) [(NSValue *) records[tag] pointerValue];
/* Adjust our parse state for the section type. */
switch ((xsm_section_type_t) rec->type) {
/* This is a new root node; drop our previous tag stack, and set the new root node value */
[tagStack removeAllObjects];
rootRecord = rec;
/* This is a child node; pop the stack until we hit this child's parent's tag. */
while ([tagStack count] > 0 && ![[tagStack lastObject] isEqual: @(rec->parent_tag)]) {
[tagStack removeLastObject];
assert([tagStack count] != 0);
/* At this point, there *must* be a root record in well-formed data */
assert(rootRecord != NULL);
/* Register this section on the tag stack. */
[tagStack addObject: @(rec->tag)];
/* Register this sections' XCTestCase class, if necessary. */
if (rec->section_class == nil) {
/* Nested sections get the root record's test case class -- which may also have to be registered on-demand. */
if (rootRecord->section_class == nil) {
rootRecord->section_class = xsm_int_register_test_case_class(rootRecord->description);
rec->section_class = rootRecord->section_class;
/* Register this sections' test IMP, if necessary. */
if (rec->section_imp == NULL) {
assert(rootRecord->section_imp != NULL);
rec->section_imp = rootRecord->section_imp;
/* Format the section's description */
NSString *description;
switch ((xsm_clause_type_t) rec->clause) {
description = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Given %s", rec->description];
description = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"when %s", rec->description];
description = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"then %s", rec->description];
/* Create a test case instance for this section */
SEL testSel = xsm_int_register_test_selector(rec->section_class, rec->description, &xsm_int_meth_impl_xsmTestSection);
XCTestCase *tc = [rec->section_class testCaseWithSelector: testSel];
objc_setAssociatedObject(tc, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_name, description, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
objc_setAssociatedObject(tc, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_xsmTestSection, [NSSet setWithArray: tagStack], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
objc_setAssociatedObject(tc, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_testEntry, [NSValue valueWithPointer: (const void *) rec->section_imp], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
testCases[@(rec->tag)] = tc;
/* Mark our parent as having a child */
if (rec->parent_tag != XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG) {
[allParentTags addObject: @(rec->parent_tag)];
/* Export the parsed entries out to a test suite/test case instance tree. */
/* Convert all non-leaf nodes to test suites */
for (NSNumber *tag in tagOrder) {
if ([allParentTags containsObject: tag]) {
/* This is a non-leaf node; convert to a suite */
XCTestCase *tc = testCases[tag];
XCTestSuite *replacement = [XCTestSuite testSuiteWithName:];
testCases[tag] = replacement;
/* Iterate over the test cases and combine them into test suite(s) */
xsm_int_section_record *rootRecord = NULL;
NSMutableArray *testCaseTags = [NSMutableArray array];
XCTestSuite *rootSuite = nil;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < tagOrder.count; i++) {
NSNumber *tag = tagOrder[i];
xsm_int_section_record *rec = (xsm_int_section_record *) [(NSValue *) records[tag] pointerValue];
/* Root node, reset our state */
if (rec->parent_tag == XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG) {
XCTest *test = testCases[@(rec->tag)];
rootRecord = rec;
rootSuite = [XCTestSuite testSuiteWithName:];
[testCaseTags removeAllObjects];
/* If the root node has children, its children should be directly attached to the containing test suite */
if ([allParentTags containsObject: @(rec->tag)])
testCases[@(rec->tag)] = rootSuite;
} else {
assert(rootRecord != NULL);
assert(rootSuite != nil);
/* Include this tag in the output for the current root test case */
[testCaseTags addObject: tag];
/* If this is not the final entry in this test case, nothing left to do */
if (i + 1 < tagOrder.count) {
NSNumber *nextTag = tagOrder[i + 1];
xsm_int_section_record *next = (xsm_int_section_record *) [(NSValue *) records[nextTag] pointerValue];
if (next->parent_tag != XSM_INT_ORPHAN_TAG)
/* We've iterated over the entire test case; nwo we can attach all children to their parent test suite. */
for (NSNumber *tag in testCaseTags) {
xsm_int_section_record *rec = (xsm_int_section_record *) [(NSValue *) records[tag] pointerValue];
/* If this is the root node, we exclude it; it will either be included directly below if it's leaf node,
* or if it's not a leaf node, it simply provides an extraneous level of nesting below the root */
if (rec->tag == rootRecord->tag)
XCTest *child = testCases[@(rec->tag)];
XCTestSuite *parent = testCases[@(rec->parent_tag)];
[parent addTest: child];
/* Attach the new test suite to the test case's class. */
XCTest *defaultTestSuite;
if (![allParentTags containsObject: @(rootRecord->tag)]) {
/* If the root node has no children, it should be used directly as the top-level suite */
defaultTestSuite = testCases[@(rootRecord->tag)];
} else {
defaultTestSuite = rootSuite;
objc_setAssociatedObject(rootRecord->section_class, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_cls_defaultTestSuite, defaultTestSuite, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
NSLog(@"Registered test cases: %@", testCases);
/* Clean up state */
rootRecord = NULL;
rootSuite = nil;
/* Check whether our tag is enabled, and whether we've already been run. */
static inline BOOL xsm_int_sect_tag_check (NSMutableSet *tags, int expected) {
NSNumber *expectedObj = [NSNumber numberWithInt: expected];
if (tags.count == 0 || ![tags containsObject: expectedObj])
return NO;
[tags removeObject: expectedObj];
return YES;
/* Custom XCTestCase method implementations. These implementations simply return whatever values have been
* associated with the receiving object, using the actual method function address as a key */
static inline id xsm_int_meth_impl_name (id self, SEL _cmd) {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_name);
static inline id xsm_int_meth_impl_cls_defaultTestSuite (id self, SEL _cmd) {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_cls_defaultTestSuite);
static inline xsm_int_test_section_function_t *xsm_int_meth_impl_testEntry (id self, SEL _cmd) {
return (xsm_int_test_section_function_t *) [(NSValue *) objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_testEntry) pointerValue];
static inline void xsm_int_meth_impl_xsmTestSection (id self, SEL _cmd) {
NSSet *tags = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, (const void *) &xsm_int_meth_impl_xsmTestSection);
xsm_int_test_section_function_t *target = xsm_int_meth_impl_testEntry(self, _cmd);
target(self, _cmd, [tags mutableCopy]);
/* Given a test case description and a target class, derive a unique selector selector from the camel cased description, and register it with the target class and imp. */
static inline SEL xsm_int_register_test_selector (Class cls, const char *description, void (*imp)(id self, SEL _cmd)) {
/* Split the description into individual components */
NSArray *components = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String: description] componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
/* Camel case the string, removing invalid characters */
NSMutableArray *cleanedComponents = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [components count]];
NSCharacterSet *allowedChars = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [components count]; i++) {
NSString *component = components[i];
NSString *newComponent = [[component componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [allowedChars invertedSet]] componentsJoinedByString: @""];
if (i == 0) {
newComponent = [newComponent lowercaseString];
} else {
newComponent = [newComponent capitalizedString];
[cleanedComponents addObject: newComponent];
/* Strip any leading numbers */
NSString *selectorName = [cleanedComponents componentsJoinedByString: @""];
NSRange range = [selectorName rangeOfCharacterFromSet: [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]];
if (range.location == 0)
selectorName = [selectorName substringFromIndex: range.length];
/* If the selector is already in use, loop until we have a unique name */
while (class_getInstanceMethod(cls, NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)) != NULL) {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < NSUIntegerMax; i++) {
if (i == NSUIntegerMax) {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Couldn't find a unique selector name for %s. You must have an impressive number of tests.", description];
selectorName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%" PRIu64, selectorName, (uint64_t) i];
if (class_getInstanceMethod(cls, NSSelectorFromString(selectorName)) == NULL)
/* Register and return the SEL */
SEL newSel = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName);
{ // -xsmTestSection
NSString *typeEnc = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%s%s%s", @encode(void), @encode(id), @encode(SEL)];
class_addMethod(cls, newSel, (IMP) imp, [typeEnc UTF8String]);
return newSel;
/* Register a new class, automatically selecting a valid and unique class name based on the given description. */
static inline Class xsm_int_register_test_case_class (const char *description) {
NSCharacterSet *allowedChars = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString: @"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"];
/* Camel case the string, removing invalid characters */
NSArray *words = [[NSString stringWithUTF8String: description] componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
NSMutableString *className = [NSMutableString string];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [words count]; i++) {
NSString *word = words[i];
/* Strip unsupported characters */
word = [[word componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: [allowedChars invertedSet]] componentsJoinedByString: @""];
/* Apply casing */
word = [word capitalizedString];
[className appendString: word];
/* Strip any leading numbers */
if (className != nil) {
NSRange range = [className rangeOfCharacterFromSet: [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]];
if (range.location == 0)
[className deleteCharactersInRange: range];;
/* If the class names are already in use, loop until we've got a unique name */
if (NSClassFromString(className) != nil) {
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < NSUIntegerMax; i++) {
if (i == NSUIntegerMax) {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Couldn't find a unique test name for %@. You must have an impressive number of tests.", className];
NSMutableString *proposedName = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@%" PRIu64, className, (uint64_t) i];
if (NSClassFromString(proposedName) == nil) {
className = proposedName;
/* Allocate the new class */
Class cls = objc_allocateClassPair([XCTestCase class], [className UTF8String], 0);
if (cls == nil) {
[NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"Could not allocate test class: %@", className];
/* Add XCTestCase methods */
{ // +defaultTestSuite
Method m = class_getInstanceMethod([[XCTestCase class] class], @selector(defaultTestSuite));
class_addMethod(object_getClass(cls), @selector(defaultTestSuite), (IMP) xsm_int_meth_impl_cls_defaultTestSuite, method_getTypeEncoding(m));
/* Add XCTest methods */
{ // -name
Method m = class_getInstanceMethod([[XCTestCase class] class], @selector(name));
class_addMethod(cls, @selector(name), (IMP) xsm_int_meth_impl_name, method_getTypeEncoding(m));
/* Register the new class */
return cls;
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