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Last active June 26, 2023 15:38
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How to work with on macOS πŸ‘

PostgreSQL on macOS

Remember: Terminal app is your friend, not enemy.


  1. install the app
  2. click on plus icon in the bottom left corner
  3. create a new server: name, version, other form fields left with default values
  4. click to Initialize
  5. now you have default databases
  6. configure your $PATH for CLI commands sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp or sudo vim ~/.bash_profile and add this line: export PATH="/Applications/$PATH" & save, restart terminal
  7. πŸ‘

Create db

  1. open your terminal app (for example iTerm)
  2. configure your $PATH to use the included command line tools (read the point 3)
  3. write psql and submit
  4. now you should see something like: psql (14.6 (Homebrew), server 15.1) which is basically welcome message
  5. write: create database hello;1
  6. write \l to list all databases, is it here? 2
  7. πŸ‘

Backup db

  1. open your terminal
  2. run pg_dump --dbname=hello --file=hello_backup_2023.sql --schema=public --inserts --username=postgres --host=localhost
  3. check your current folder for this new file
  4. πŸ‘

Import db

You did backup of db via pg_dump and now it's time to restore this dump to your local db.

  1. open your terminal
  2. locate your dump file
  3. write pg_restore -U postgres -Fc -d hello < /Users/landsman/Downloads/aurora_dump.sql
  4. if you see any error with input, try to check the -F parameter 3
  5. πŸ‘

Remove db

be careful there is no confirm dialog!

  1. open your terminal
  2. write psql and submit
  3. write drop database hello; and submit 1
  4. write \l to list all databases, is it gone?
  5. πŸ‘

Manage data

To easily manage your database check out DataGrip. It have the best UX on the market. Nice to have features: CSV export & import, tree visualisation.

To configure paths for CLI commands like pg_dump use CLI tool which, so for example: which pg_dump should give you something like: /Applications/


  1. Note: be sure to always end your SQL statements with ;. ↩ ↩2

  2. All avaliable CLI tools are listed here. ↩

  3. "The input is a PostgreSQL custom-format dump." or "input file does not appear to be a valid archive" ... mostly this error mean that your restore action used invalid format. Check format -F (--format=) argument. Values are: c|d|t|p ... (custom, directory, tar, plain text (default)) ↩

PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

or other distributions based on Debian/Ubuntu.

Remember: Terminal app is your friend, not enemy.

⚠️ this doc is WIP


  1. install docker if you didn't have it already. Follow documentation.
  2. download image docker pull postgres
  3. initial setup sudo -u postgres -i psql
    1. set your password for super user by: ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'root'; Don't forget ; at the end.
    2. check if there is ALTER ROLE as successful response πŸ‘
    3. exit with \q.
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