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Created September 5, 2022 09:59
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module Household.Libraries.Password
//#load "/Users/landsman/projects/private/cookbook/.paket/load/"
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Security.Cryptography
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation
let saltSize = 16
let numBytesRequested = 32
let iterationCount = 10000
||| MethodImplOptions.NoOptimization)>]
let bytesAreEqual (a: byte[]) (b: byte[]) =
if a = null && b = null then
elif a = null || b = null || a.Length <> b.Length then
let mutable areEqual = true
for i = 0 to a.Length - 1 do
areEqual <- areEqual && (a.[i] = b.[i])
let writeNetworkByteOrder (buffer: byte[]) (offset: int) (value: uint32) =
buffer.[(offset + 0)] <- (value >>> 24) |> byte
buffer.[(offset + 1)] <- (value >>> 16) |> byte
buffer.[(offset + 2)] <- (value >>> 8) |> byte
buffer.[(offset + 3)] <- (value >>> 0) |> byte
let readNetworkByteOrder (buffer: byte[]) offset =
(buffer.[offset + 0] |> uint32 <<< 24)
||| (buffer.[offset + 1] |> uint32 <<< 16)
||| (buffer.[offset + 2] |> uint32 <<< 8)
||| (buffer.[offset + 3] |> uint32)
let createHash password =
let rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create()
let salt = Array.zeroCreate<Byte> saltSize
let subKey = KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(password, salt, KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256, iterationCount, numBytesRequested)
let outputBytes = Array.zeroCreate<Byte> (13 + salt.Length + subKey.Length)
outputBytes.[0] <- 0x01 |> byte
writeNetworkByteOrder outputBytes 1 (KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256 |> uint32)
writeNetworkByteOrder outputBytes 5 (iterationCount |> uint32)
writeNetworkByteOrder outputBytes 9 (saltSize |> uint32)
Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, outputBytes, 13, salt.Length)
Buffer.BlockCopy(subKey, 0, outputBytes, 13 + salt.Length, subKey.Length)
outputBytes |> Convert.ToBase64String
let verifyHashedPassword hash password =
let hashedPassword = hash |> Convert.FromBase64String
let prf: KeyDerivationPrf =
readNetworkByteOrder hashedPassword 1
|> int
|> enum
let iterCount = readNetworkByteOrder hashedPassword 5 |> int
let saltLength = readNetworkByteOrder hashedPassword 9 |> int
let currentSalt = Array.zeroCreate<Byte> saltLength
Buffer.BlockCopy(hashedPassword, 13, currentSalt, 0, currentSalt.Length)
let subKeyLength = hashedPassword.Length - 13 - currentSalt.Length
let expectedSubKey = Array.zeroCreate<Byte> subKeyLength
Buffer.BlockCopy(hashedPassword, 13 + currentSalt.Length, expectedSubKey, 0, expectedSubKey.Length)
let actualSubKey = KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(password, currentSalt, prf, iterCount, subKeyLength)
bytesAreEqual actualSubKey expectedSubKey
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